An open letter for improvment to the developers.

To whom this reaches that can make a change, please read carefully...

This game has a lot of die hard fans, and tons of people interested when watching some of us play. This game could be great, it could be more populated, however... your general choices to follow the 100% Chinese updates, regardless if they make sense for us or not, is killing this game and any chance it has to grow again. I have lots of friends as do many others I am sure, who want to play this game. It looks very pretty, it's got good PVP mechanics, but it lacks in balance. Far too hard to ever be viable for a new player.


First I would love to address the 3v3/6v6 closure. We havn't had a seasonal reward since season one. Why are we forced to have an item that does us no good, other than spending an additional 50 million coins for every squad. You have left it unfixed since the release of the windwalker class and they cannot progress their ring or cape until this is addressed. We got a new shiny G18 ring, that nobody can craft because we simply cannot enter the event.

Secondly, since we are on the topic of the release of G18 gear. Chrono hunt has been broken on the Dawnglory server since it came out, we have the players to do this event, and have never been able to enter. You just released a G18 cape that an entire server will never be able to access at all, due to this error that has never been addressed whatsoever. This server also has no access to any of the pretty overkill titles that chrono hunt has to offer, setting them further behind than any of the servers they are ment to compete with in cross server events. There is locked fashion for the codex as well and many other things Dawnglory has not had for the 3 or more YEARS the other servers have had to collect these benefits.

Next I will be bringing up the Windwalker class. There was so much hype built around this class, so many were made on day one. They leveled them, got some sky levels, learned their available skills and then purchased rank 9 and upgraded to 2nd cast. Here is where you guys failed hard, it has been over 2 full months and no molds for warsong have been released, not even a way to make rank 9.4 boundless gear. These people have spent the 750 gold each and been let down by the staff at PWE. Do better. These classes cannot partake in competitive PVP in any shape due to their gear handicap that isn't a fault of their own. A lot of them purchased bloods/star chart stuff / conduit packs / and the real try hards..... even bought the sky pills to pias sky. What did each one of these paying patrons get in return for their loyalty and trust? Disappointment. Out of the 13 friends I had that were interested, only 3 remain curious enough to hold on to that dream of r9r3. You failed and there is no other way to put this. The hype is dead for this class and its just sad to see this level of disrespect and disregard for your player base. These are the players funding your paychecks. Before anyone throws hate at me saying "its on china for that", no it's not! Rank 9 3rd cast is a PWE exclusive. China got the boundless gear and we got our warsong cast, this is purely the laziness of PWE and its absolute failure to hire the proper amount of developers for the PWI project.

Since I have ranted about molds, let us hit on the next subject of gear... I'll start off with some praise here, it truly is deserved.... The 2x dull zenith skull shards at the end of uncharted Paradise is an amazing boost and the quest related 80% chance for the untradable one means people are getting this weapon finally in a decent time frame. This is a good step forward..... enough praise ... YOU TOOK 15 STEPS BACK when you removed the farmable TT keys from the game and left us with 1 key per day. Let me paint you a picture:
Your new to the game, you just spent the last 1 year catching up on boundary levels and having the time of your life, you're in G16 warsong gear and it's time for that to change ! You look where everyone looks for new gear... the good old faithful twilight temple, it should have something good! IT DOES!!!! Let us research what it takes to get this gear....
400 Wheel of fate shards for 2nd cast, not terrible
400 Wheel of fate shards + 400 smoke emerald shards...... that's now 1200 total shards. Okay i can grind this out no problem, just join a squad, enter ... oh ... that's awkward , only ONE entry item per day, and one shard to split between 10 players?
You just killed any semblance of hope for closing the gear gap. By removing tradable or farmable keys, you remove any chance a new player wants to play this game straight up. Sure we can purchase materials from others for high prices, but we are already paying PWE 2030 gold for the fastest route to this gear, we shouldn't have to cash more to purchase materials just to speed this process up.
let me break the math down. This instance is 10 man ( keep in mind it's against TOS to solo either of these due to the amount of account one must log ) so 10 man.... one shard per run...
let's take the 800 day route. For a single person, that everyone dumps their mats on it will take them over 2 years currently to obtain all the materials needed, let alone the over 20 years for the whole squad. This means, the people who already have this gear and enjoyed the farmable keys, will remain PWI's top players for the next 2 years minimum before the next batch will appear. 2 years of practically one shotting anyone who didn't have the opportunity to take advantage of the same luxury. Why on earth would I subject a friend to this? I cannot recommend a game that you cannot even be competitive on without at least 3 years of hard core grind first. The Russians give me a glimpse of hope. They have a system on their website for what looks like it could be a new system/maybe DQ/ maybe charge rewards, either way they can claim extra keys for any of the instances. We NEED a way to grind this gear faster, two years does not cut it.

The next topic of today will be the server unfairness gap. Since Ulfgaurd came out, Tideswell, Etherblade, and Twilight Temple servers have enjoyed 2x infant points, 2x monthly card opens per day, 2x Ulfguard quest per day and Auto completing TT 4-2 MBH that allowed the other 3 servers able to pick up this MBH and then turn it right back in and get free materials for the G17 gear set, making it completely possible for them to obtain the materials required without ever leaving a city, or using a key with enough atls turning in MBH. This comes from a glitch in the system that has allowed them to reset these features of the game before the actual reset of dailies, providing them 2x what they should have gotten. Yet again Dawnglory server got the short end, doing the normal allowed amount and being half as far along on a lot of things due to this. It puts an unfair advantage in a competitive game. These have been well-known things for YEARs now, and simply ignored by developers completely.

Lastly I would like to address the silver coin issue. I think this system could be good, great even. If it wasn't just a big middle finger to every grinder in the game. You are supposed to be able to use this currency for everything except trades, and that is amazing, making sure that botters cannot benefit is a gold star on the good noodle board from me ! HOWEVER, I want to apologize to any new person to the game who thought this currency was all they will ever need. It takes forever to gain any significant amount of it to do anything, even leveling skills. At 10m per skill and 200k / hour, that is unrealistic to say that this was a success. I am not asking for this coin to go away, I love the idea... balance it for our game and not china, bring back coin value on items like armor drops, potions, arrows, and while not the same 3.5k we enjoyed, bring back some coins from DQ items as well. Make it worth our time to aimlessly grind and not just sit around board to tears watching the paint dry.

In conclusion, you guys want to spend money to advertise this game, when you should be paying some players to test features and judge community opinions. You dropped the ball hard on this update and many before it, You had a ton of built up hype and swiftly killed it at the peak with no molds and no more farmable keys. This game could be good again, if it didn't cost the same as going to collage and still take 4 years to get anywhere. Please take these opinions and general feedback into consideration and do something, none of us want to see this game die. We may play around like we hate it, but we wouldn't be here if we did. We are frustrated with the management of the game updates and the neglect for bugs/glitches etc. We are sick of unfair advantages in a game that should be even playing fields.

I hope this reaches anyone with some power on the other end. Thank you all for the read. Let me know your thoughts and write down some good and bad feedback in the comments here. Maybe one day it will reach the correct person and our voices heard. Please be polite and respectful and not turn this into a toxic wasteland that a developer won't read.


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  • Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited January 2022

    More has been brought to my attention that just gets missed. There are far too many things wrong that it gets to be near impossable for one person to keep up with.

    1. Missing the NPC to turn Dustfall Artifact Ultimate x9 into Rank 9 boundless from Rank 8 Quick Sand gear. This is important China update, we got skipped completely.
    2. Missing a pack to release the G18 Rank 9 ring upgrade. The item is in the games code, the ring is in the simulator, but no pack drops them as of yet. Been dangling this one from us for the past year now.
    3. China has had a way to craft Neuma Portal cards for a while now using a point system where it would be decently fast to sacrofice any S-Card for 5k point and craft any other for 10k. This beats out the faction based one by a large amount. You can find this in the simulator by going to the cards section and click the "how to obtain Avatar" than hit the "open avatar shop" .
    4. At current rate WM would take a single person getting the scales over 3 years of doing 1 run/day and the squad agreeing to that person receiving it every day, thats for G18.1 its more for G18.2....... this is also a key driven instance, so if you dont have stacked keys, then its 1 per day. ( not as high on priority since most people do have a big stack of keys, and its new so we expect it to be harder at first, this differs from twilight temple where it got much harder with the removal of farming keys )
    5. 3v3 was apparently fixed, but 6v6 is not. I still want to highlight that we havn't had seasonal rewards since the season 1 and we are now on season 8? like Game of Thrones I don't imagine this has a happy ending ( I have been paying attention ). We also have not received seasonal rewards for Territory Wars or Dragons Conquest in quite some time.

    I will edit this for more later, as I said there are so many things in this game that need to change for it to be an enjoyable experience again. Please keep posting new comments saying how you feel about all of this and wether you have more that I missed ! Thank you all for giving this all the support so far, and being absolutely amazing in the comments !
    Post edited by gunnersessho#4834 on
  • Posts: 22 Arc User
    All the disadvantages Dawnglory has had and Infamous has been #1 on cross server for 3 seasons now. Also no rewards for Tw and Cross Server Tw.
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    This is 100% true and needs some attention yo!
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  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    PWI PLEASE Hear this out and look into these matters! Shessho couldn’t of said it better!!
  • Posts: 50 Arc User
    Fix arena and CH, literally the expansion was offering multiple content things along with wildwalker class, but G18 gears was also a big factor, but nice we can't even do arena, how long has it been? can't even do CH, how long has that also.
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited January 2022
    everything that was mentioned like problems , gliches are on point , thank you Sessho for ghadering all this in one post , i believe that it will be easyer for the PWE creators or GM's or how ever this persons are colled to actualy try to fix it if not all of it at list a part of it and it will make a diference . Thank you againg Sessh for this amazing post
  • Posts: 52 Arc User
    I need to sign this too. Fact is, everytime I look on youtube on videos, see people say, how much they miss this game. It's not really about releasing the x's version of this game. I believe mobile already has 2 version, with a more action oriented yet to come to PC and console. I can't even bother with that, after trying out mobile version. When i heard mobile game, I hoped it was a graphically different version of the game, able to access the old live servers. That would have been a neat upgrade, to play it anywhere you want to, also with broader range to reach people, not a isolated mobile version like it became.

    But this issue really needs attention. I suggested the return of the coin value on items long ago. There is no point in holding silver coins back from the playerbase, for progressing, as they are untradeable anyway. And all pointed out issues need to be adressed. I know there is at current date no community manager, but I was hoping with the support of the new embracer staff, the game could get the care it deserves.
  • Posts: 14 Arc User
    I agree. and yes the playing field needs to be leveled and yes i agree they need to fix the bugs and make all things they implement usable to the players. Some of the ideas like the 1 a day keys for 3 different instances makes the game truely unplayableand unfun. i think they need to take it back about 7 years. Back to when it was fun and exciting and a pleasure to play and not feel like an endless job. No one wants that. A game like this is ment for community and relaxation. And honestly they have taken a game of that stature and turned it into something rather boring and unfun. I miss the old PWI. No one wants to play this new game.
  • Posts: 48 Arc User
    I agree with more or less everything, its well written, but a few things i would like to point out. You seem to be dawnglory, and theres a few things that you pointed out thats purely from a dawnglory perspective.

    Chronohunt is now broken for ALL servers. Nobody can enter anymore. Ive attempted several timezones and they all say in maintence. I do feel for dawnglory though.

    Arena 3v3/6v6 is double broken for the west coast servers. I am really worried they are just fixing the token entry issue on Ti/Da, Tw and Et cant even enter PERSONAL matchmaking that doesnt require a squad, unlike the other servers can. They really need to address the whole TIMEZONE issue too.

    Double speed on monthy card is "fixed" due to the arena bug, but I assume this would continue if they ever fix arena.

    Double infant points were already gone prior to this expansion due to the infant quest removal. It has been fixed for a while and only a few lucky people managed to get a single 3star infant before it was fixed, otherwise I would say the overall benefit american servers had over EU is around +40 spirit. It was luckily for EU not a glitch that lasted long. It was fixed by luck, lol.

    BH glitch is gone with the new update due to the BH update this expansion, they cannot be completed with action stones anymore.

    Can we also talk about how terrible WM rewards are? Nobody wants to farm it on my server as UP, a lower level instance, gives much better personal reward. WM the only good thing is the scale, which also go to 1 person only, and lets then think about the amount you need for a G18 weapon.
  • Posts: 48 Arc User
    Damnit, wrote a long post that Arc auto removed. Do we even have active mods anymore that can add it back?
  • Posts: 6 Arc User
    The things listed here seem punitive in nature against Dawn Glory. It doesn't really make sense why developers would want to punish a particular server, when, people on that server are spending money, and time, to participate in the cross server events, even at the disadvantage mentioned.

    This game is like no other I have ever played, and for that reason I have stayed. But the author of this post is correct in that, people have grown tired of the disadvantages, the bugs, all things which are broken and incomplete. I truly hope that the administrators of this game will recognize this call to action and make the necessary changes to make this game as great as it once was for all players.
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    Well put. It would be nice if they also restored the old dragon quest point system.
  • Posts: 30 Arc User
    I agree with everything sessho said, emphasis/priority on player access to WILD walker gear and Arigora Collosseum gear. We can't get it on the Tideswell server either.
  • Posts: 1,214 Community Moderator
    kuglepen wrote: »
    Damnit, wrote a long post that Arc auto removed. Do we even have active mods anymore that can add it back?

    The post should be back now, sorry about that. The spam filter likes to eat longer posts when people edit them it seems.
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  • Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited January 2022
    honestly i would be happy with all server merge into 1. (prolly easier maint and not unfair xnw where most populated and with best schedual nation always win). would be ez to rotate all events scheduals to be fair with every1. assuming most ppl cant even attend their server events bcus fix scheduals...
    since some of big factions died can notice huge decrease on server activity and i can see ppl spending hours trying to form squads :x

    also we dont get everything china does, they can partialy buy their g17 weap and gear, and also go r9r4 from r8r2 :3
    pwi no likey this bcus they would lose their money on ppl who buy gsts and mog.
  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    My friend they didn't even bother to make an official announcement of the PWE sale to Embracer Group, the contract with Arc/Pwe with the Chinese developer is days away, the future of PWI is still uncertain since Chinese based games are not interesting for the Embracer Group, just look at the games catalog and see it's almost non-existent. How long ago did we see any announcements to attract new players? The servers are getting more and more empty and they don't even care about it, they are just looking for the profit of those who put buckets of money inside the pwi to get better equipment. Aside from taking a chance on having new players today the pwi is not fun in any sense for them.
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  • Posts: 10 Arc User
    The way this game has been managed the past couple of weeks it is obvious the people in charge are not bothered to fix anything besides cash promos to leech as much money as they can from the remaining playerbase while driving other players away with the amount of bugs and login issues before giving whatevers left of this game over to the new owners to deal with.

    The best thing that could happen to this game would be a huge rollback to get rid of all the latest bloatware these devs call content.
  • Agree, especially about arena.
  • Posts: 14 Arc User
    mirko#1417 wrote: »
    Just close down this garbage one seems to give a ****.

    Hello Mirko,

    I have asked to leave the toxicity out of these comments for a good reason, your negitive comment is not welcome here or on a developers desk. For once in this games hystory I would love to see the people who quit the game state in a meaningful and possitive way, why they quit. Don't just say "shut it down" that does no good at all. Look at all these comments of the people who care and the ones on the facebook group post as well, it is VERY clear that people care and want this game to return to a good state of development. I am not expecting changes overnight as that would be stupid to ask for, but if they fix some of these in the next year it's a huge step forward !

    So let's try this again sir. Please state what you don't like and what should be changed for it to be a game worth playing, and don't have a toxic mindset about it, it doesnt help the game nor the playerbase.

    Thank you nontheless for your comment :) have a nice day!
  • Posts: 132 Arc User
    Unfortunately at this point, our only hope is that the new company will listen to the players and talk to china about getting things fixed. Over the past few years, pwi has lost almost every connection between the players and china other than tech support tickets, and even that has become hit or miss on whether it will actually get fixed or when if it does. Pwi had to forward everything to China to be fixed and even then we usually don't get the fixes till the next major update unless it's something completely gamebreaking. Over the past few years we've had a lot of broken holiday events too, that only partially worked yet never got fixed, or even ended a week earlier than stated. Other things we've had to fight to even get acknowledged to be fixed, while others have been acknowledged as valid bugs but then quietly ignored and never fixed hoping we would get used to them or forget about them. I'm not completely sure on this but with the way updates have been, it seems like China sees some bugs, but rather than fixing them on our current version, they fix them on their current version which we then get months or years later since we're on a schedule behind theirs. It's also possible they're trying to gradually force our version to be more in line with thiers so they don't have to do as much work, or just plain translating their patches and pushing them to us without caring that we have different stuff.

    Most of the more recent updates over the past few years have been designed to remove or severly limit stuff that people have been selling to others to make ingame money, which has also made it harder and harder for people to advance their gear or other key items, or to push people to newer instances or cash shop just to get the resources they need. This new key system limiting all high level dungeons to once per day is the most severe case yet, and can even make it so some people can't even do their dungeons because you can no longer help others with dungeons if you've already done yours for the day. You also can't go back into a dungeon to get rewards if you accidently left without talking to the npc, till the next day that you get a key that works with it, and has been noted already, no more multiruns for grinding mats for gears unless you happen to have spare keys for tt and other dungeons making gear that normally could take less than a year take many years unless you're willing to spend tons of money to buy some mats from the cash shop.

    Previous updates have been gradually making key mats, card packs, and other things untradeable. There's even new paid cosmetics/mounts/pets that are now bound on purchase or from packs and untradeable including the new straight to codex versions, and the new bound/unbound currency system with a one way trade system to bound and barely anyway to get unbound to trade with players. There's also the lets make everything worth pennies when sold to npcs, yet require tens of thousands of coins to repair gear after high level dungeon runs that's been occuring over the past few years which also makes it harder to get coin needed to upgrade gear/skills. I understand that some of this has been done hoping to combat bots, or to attempt to reduce the ingame trade value of certain items or cash shop gold, but at the same time I feel alot of these changes have been more harmful than helpful to the ingame economy and any newer players we may get that no longer can get the gear they need to be competitive or stay alive in higher dungeons.

    I will say that I am hopeful that the new company will take control of perfect world, and set some people up to listen to the players and get changes made that we've needed for a long time. Even better would be if they get full control, and can make the changes themselves locally, rather than having to send stuff back and forth like pwi was for china to fix for us. I understand too that none of the announcements talking about the merger mentioned perfect world, but still hoping that maybe the games that were being listed were just a select sample of some of the games they acquired rather than all. Two other possibilities I could think of besides a complete shutdown of the game would be if they sell it off to another company or china takes back direct control of the game to try and bring it up to the same level as their version.
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    Haven quit for 5 years and coming back to the game take a lot of work and time to even scratch the surface of getting caught up. So much change and looking, back to the time before I quit I played this game to have a good time with the people I play. Now out so many people I knew there is just a few I can count with my finger. Just like Sessho said Step by step you can make this game enjoyable, We are not looking for overnight change but put effort, If change are made people eventually come back and People will stay instead of quitting.
  • Posts: 72 Arc User
    People eventually come back? No way! Why should they? PWI became a coin sink with little to no support from the company, this forum isn't maintained well but best of all: there are other games. We can't write about them here of even refer to Internet search engines. But it's February 2022: PWE/Cryptic will be 'sold' this month so there should be a little chance something will change. As far as I see on my server people have quit but some started playing with many alts which seems to be the easiest way to get enough exp, good armor, coins etc. I've noticed even alts in XNW: characters that only stay on 1 location or move to the npc to fight until they've got killed. Most guilds became inactive due the many alrs inside so 'wow' we are killing this game too!

    For now: Chinese New Year so expecting some kind of event again to keep us busy and our credit cards in use. Lol.
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  • Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited February 2022
    @spectral111 The instances were hardened, becuase with just sky boundry and some G15 nirvona gear, you should be able to do FSP-D mode. People were using the *normal* modes to glitch instances. This is the reason for that fix. You could kill all but mushi on normal and than bam just in time, kill mushi on J-mode and than move to belle.
    DH was being done where you have all the mechanics of J mode and its drops, but the boss HP of no mode DH with is like 5 million HP. D-UP was probably the most well known glitch, a skull shard for near no effort at all. The modes being removed combated some of the unbalance of the game. This WAS a good step forward.
    This current gear G17/18 should be hard to obtain, it just should not take 4 years, of playing by the rules.

    @chipsr01 : I personally know quite a few who WOULD come back if the game wasn't so unbalanced and unfair. It isn't about the money either, nobody cares if someone spends $10,000 to have something first. Remember if they spent that much, thats on US not the developer team. They do NOT set player prices, or supply.... If we allow someone to purchase everything they need, thats our fault. I am personally fine with people having the gear first through a method that funds the rest of the server, they wont be at the top long enough for it to matter. More will join them.
    We want balance back.

    @yoda3160 Thank you for your input! Very well made comment that outlines quite a few things i missed/didn't notice, but have seen. I hope that enhancer does well for its purchase and revives what we need here. I have some hope still !
  • Posts: 113 Arc User
    the problem with the whole issue is the player base itself.Im sure most here has been exploiting something but now look at ya all lol.
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  • Posts: 14 Arc User
    @heerohex#3018 here is the letter - InukimiUwU ( DA )
  • Posts: 4,887 Community Moderator
    @heerohex#3018 here is the letter - InukimiUwU ( DA )

    Thank you, Was good to talk to you as well. Ill have a read when i get a min. If I can do anything I will give it a shot.



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