Tier 1 Cape manufacturing

Posts: 30 Arc User
Ill start off by saying, the reason why is obvious: you can now cash shop it therefore farming for it has gone as who doesnt lovely a cashgrab. Nevertheless need to post this here.

Around a year ago, I was making the remaining Tier 3 equipment for cleric. At this point I already had the helm, so i farmed lunar, made all the crystals, farmed all the items (very expensively I may add). made what i'm going to call T0 equipment. Chest, legs, boots, wrists all made into T1 - t2 just fine.

I go to make my Tier 1 cape, the option is not in the nirvana forges. Okay, forges sometimes get messed with, reported to PWI support and while I no longer have chat logs, to paraphrase their response "oh yes, THAT IS A BUG, thank you for letting us know, WE EXPECT IT FIXED IMMINENTLY"
2 important points there are that they admitted it was a bug/mistake and the expected short time frame.

... fast forwarding about 8 weeks from this initial point and more chats about how devs have things on (which I get, its a big game, im a small fish) and they will get to it, I decided to take a break from the game for a bit.

Over a year later from initial contact lockdown boredom drives me back and I figure i'll finish up my cape this time. No.

Another support ticket, this time the response amounted to "oh yeah, we have no control over the devs, go whine on the forum"

So, could anyone weigh in as to why this was removed "accidentally"?
do we have an estimate for when it will be fixed?
And related, considering the economy of the game who thought 200 lucky coins (equivalent to about 60-65m on Ti server) was a fair price for an item that even with chips cost half that.

Everything above goes for the helm too, apart from PWI admitting it was a bug.


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  • Posts: 163 Arc User
    It was never a bug, it was an intended change. Why change was made I dont know but you getting response bout bug is result of support staff not playing the game and only knowing so much bout it.
  • Posts: 30 Arc User
    If that is there position i think they should clarify it.

    If they also run pwdatabase, it should be removed from there.

    Id argue they should remove the option to craft what is ultimately expensive/pointless t0 capes and hats that cannot be upgraded.

    and lastly not tell someone its a bug and they will fix it if they dont know. If game support does not know, they can say they will follow up with a dev and find out. I do not expect everyone to know everything but i'd much prefer a late correct answer over false promises.
  • Posts: 1,214 Community Moderator
    Yeah it's pretty likely that the staff either received misinformation or didn't realize it was intentional. They have a habit of not being too well-informed with certain subjects which can be frustrating. It doesn't help that it wasn't included in our patch notes (which is the case for many things including removal/nerfing of certain features).

    Pwdatabase isn't run by PWE and they usually have things on there that are in our files but not necessarily available in our version of the game (such as packs designed for other versions of the game).
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