The animated Title " Love and Sorrow Divided" is not working

ronnie4boys Posts: 22 Arc User
The animated Title " Love and Sorrow Divided"
is not working.
it either shows a gray rectangle scroll across where colored letters should read the title
or other players are stating they see every other letter popping out of the grayed background of the text that should be scrolling beside players name.
I sent in a ticket with screen shots but I was told to post here.


  • obielle
    obielle Posts: 1,214 Community Moderator
    Yeah for some reason they changed the title from "Love&Sorrow Divided" to "Love and Sorrow Divided" which made it too long to work with the cycling colors. It's likely they changed it because there's issues with the ampersand (&) and the chat box. It's definitely something they have to fix on their end but it probably wouldn't happen until another major update rolled by if they decide to fix it.
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  • ronnie4boys
    ronnie4boys Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited July 2019
    I had thought is was animated I chose it because it was new,
    But issues with seeing it clearly, and there is a large blank space in word "Divi d"