Worth to make a post in forum

fededomino Posts: 255 Arc User
many time when ppl post in forum , they not get replyed or ansvared , if some members is more worth than other when post in forum for stuff , it make sense to end post any thing , and not need to use energy on this , i just wonder ,( here should be a thinking smiley) , but was not able to find any ;)


  • gas2016#5086
    gas2016#5086 Posts: 72 Arc User
    Didn't see much threads unanswered however I did see posts from people who are too lazy to search answers that are already given. Best solution for them: they should use Google. :)

    Many factions have an own forum and members could ask other members if there's a question. You didn't ask a question so I shouldn't leave this comment but wanted to know: you wasn't able to find what?