Remove 999 second timer on Icebound Underworld new instance

andre#4887 Posts: 1 Arc User
The target audience for this instance is tt99 to g16/T3 geared. But it makes no sense with the timer, as weak toons below G16/T3 are not even taken into squad. Due to the strict timer, the only squads that ever finish the instance are made of full r9rrr +12 with Nuema Portal or RB2 Morai/WS cards set. With G15 capes/hats removed, it would be great to farm free g15 there. IF... yes IF it was possible. But a squad of tt99 cant get past Boss 3, if even. Remove the timer. Give the squads made up full of noobs a challenge that requires teamwork but is actually do-able. let Icebound Underworld be another "Instance Resets in 4h" only instance. No further timers.


  • katjenkurea
    katjenkurea Posts: 13 Arc User
    no this 999 seconds is the point in this instance

    its a challenge not come get free reward

    even weak sqauds get reward after every boss and thats really not hard takes only longer

    once im glad they add a cool instance to everyone not **** like DDH only R9 will be invited and bosses still one hit aoe kill all
  • blazerboy
    blazerboy Posts: 1,673 Arc User
    edited May 2018
    you realize you play a game where most of the endgame players have no idea how to do endgame instances without a nuking right? Even if the 999 timer wasn’t there you still wouldn’t get invited if you have lesser than endgame gear due to the fact so many ppl refuse to learn boss mechanics. Don’t believe me? How many ppl you know, knows how to do every single boss in UPD and DDH from 100% hp to 0 without requiring a nuke or atleast 80%-0% it’s not even about faster at his point most ppl legit don’t know cuz ppl like easy no challenge pve then swear they Pro at instances. You can tell who they when they fail nuke 8x wait 40min for sb ulti each time cuz you know doing t normal taking only 10-15min max is so hard lol...
    105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
  • jsxshadow
    jsxshadow Posts: 1,414 Arc User
    The decision to remove the G15 Hats and Robes from the forges was absolutely stupid for our Version. Something that could easily be farmed will now be unreachable for most. You can still buy them for LC tho :)

    The worst part is that this instance is a complete waste of time anyways. That is if you don't need the stuff you can get from there. I solo'ed it once upto stage 15 (cause the mechanics are so easy...damn, can be done blindfolded and is even easier the lesser chars you have in there) and thats it. Never again. RIP.
  • keihan007#7641
    keihan007#7641 Posts: 1,190 Arc User
    no this 999 seconds is the point in this instance

    its a challenge not come get free reward

    even weak sqauds get reward after every boss and thats really not hard takes only longer

    once im glad they add a cool instance to everyone not **** like DDH only R9 will be invited and bosses still one hit aoe kill all

    This instance is so stupid, it might sound fun on paper for some but it creates a lot of problems. After couple of months 99% of the playerbase will be sick and tired of this instance. Why? Because its just spark kill everything from what I understand - I havent actually been there as the rewards and concept of the instance are uninteresting to me.

    The problem with short timer and loads of bosses is, the mechanics have to be stupid simple or the instance becomes "impossible" to finish. So you cant make interesting boss fights, not that PWI has good track record with them anyways but by making the base concept of the timer like this you cant even try to accomplish that. Its a cheap race against the clock event, which will become boring very fast as the boss encounters itself offer pretty much no entertainment.

    DH boss mechanics are one of the better design in PWI actually. The reason why "everything" 1hits on most new instances is because of powercreep, if they made it some number that doesnt 1shot the endgame toons, which are plenty, could just "stand in fire" and not die. Making the number too high and your "normal geared ppl" would get 1shot left and right, the only real option devs have due massive powercreep is 1shot mechanics and trying to balance fights around them.

    BlackList vs Frenzied 3/17
  • dwveno
    dwveno Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2018
    you realize you play a game where most of the endgame players have no idea how to do endgame instances without a nuking right? Even if the 999 timer wasn’t there you still wouldn’t get invited if you have lesser than endgame gear due to the fact so many ppl refuse to learn boss mechanics. Don’t believe me? How many ppl you know, knows how to do every single boss in UPD and DDH from 100% hp to 0 without requiring a nuke or atleast 80%-0% it’s not even about faster at his point most ppl legit don’t know cuz ppl like easy no challenge pve then swear they Pro at instances. You can tell who they when they fail nuke 8x wait 40min for sb ulti each time cuz you know doing t normal taking only 10-15min max is so hard lol...

    I can get into theses with g16 on for the guild runs. I also know all the mechanics in dh, ddh and jdh without nukes. I am also trying to find guides constantly and adding them to my guild's forums to help people with the mechanics, if I cannot find one, or if the one I find is lacking then I write my own guides. Granted up I havn't learnt some of the mechanics but that's purely as I have no intrest in the instance.

    One also cannot nuke every single boss in 999 becuase of the c/d on debuffs etc, so one has to at least learn soem of the mechanics.

    However. Most of the people who can truely get very high are people that run this constantly, even better constantly on various classes to learn better. Right now I do this on a r9r3+11 veno, a G17+7 barb and a g16/aps bm. So far I can get up to lvl 16 before acturaly hit any issues but that's becuase of the dog's knocked out time is soo short.

    The actural lowest I've ever gotten in a team is floor 10. And the mats for need for helm are floors 1~9