Cube Neckless 1st,2th and 3th cast (making)

hellbount Posts: 1 Arc User
At the NPC inside cube when you look at the 3 div. stages you can see at the 2th cast (g15) and 3th cast (g16). That it will become: Does not drop on dead, unable to be traded and unable to be discarded. Fine with me. On the 1st cast (g14) it says nothing like that. So from that point of view you can assume that the 1st cast remained tradable. At the moment you try to make the 1st cast (the last moment possible), you'll get an notivacation pop up with the text: This item will be untradeable Proceed? Yes/No. Very misleading. Now my fault. With the assumesion that the 1st cast remained tradable. I collected the amount of Cog of Fate (says is untradeable) needed to make the 1st cast. NOT for myself, 'cause I got the 3th cast (when enough coin the NW reforged one). But to help an real life friend upgrade his 2th cast to 3th cast. Wasted time and coin ty. My few on sollusion are only 2 things 1:Make it as the NPC shows No special conditions on it, so No pop up that it will become untradeable. Or 2: Put the proper text with it so that you can know before you start collecting the mats needed it will become untradeable.