nerf sage sin?

Posts: 7 Arc User
hello dear pwi community,i know there was alot of discussion about sins beeing op(sage sin mostly)but i wanna discuss with you how to fix this i know the most op stuff is the high base damage combine with the white glyphed elemination and triple sage spark combo.even a full nuema portal,3 def lvl sharded cleric fall down to easy in my opinion and because of the to high damage impact from sage sins,its not that funny anymore to fight against them in pvp,coloseum i have some ideas:
first idea: maybe nerf there base dmg(example nerf sage dagger devotion/mastery from 90% to 80% or lower)
second idea: nerf the white glyphed elemination(if this is the primary issue)
third idea: nerfing sage spark(maybe damage gain or reducing the damage reduce from 25% to 15%,so they fall down easilier)
or maybe the community have other ideas.
at the moment its almost every time the same:sage sin use 3 spark,inner harmonie(maybe the glyphed one who gives 5 cp),then elemination,and one team mate is down.sure there exist AD,expell etc but this doesnt help that much if you are fall down too fast,since sin have a ultimate where there stealth lvl is above all detectiv lvl that anti stealth pots can give,and you dont see it coming.
the tidal nerf was a nice idea but maybe it would be better to nerf only sage sins,and try to rebalance sage and demon versions.demon sins are almost dead in pvp because,the sage have to much survivebility with ther tidal,25% damage reduce sage spark,and better bp and to high damage.
first idea: maybe nerf there base dmg(example nerf sage dagger devotion/mastery from 90% to 80% or lower)
second idea: nerf the white glyphed elemination(if this is the primary issue)
third idea: nerfing sage spark(maybe damage gain or reducing the damage reduce from 25% to 15%,so they fall down easilier)
or maybe the community have other ideas.
at the moment its almost every time the same:sage sin use 3 spark,inner harmonie(maybe the glyphed one who gives 5 cp),then elemination,and one team mate is down.sure there exist AD,expell etc but this doesnt help that much if you are fall down too fast,since sin have a ultimate where there stealth lvl is above all detectiv lvl that anti stealth pots can give,and you dont see it coming.
the tidal nerf was a nice idea but maybe it would be better to nerf only sage sins,and try to rebalance sage and demon versions.demon sins are almost dead in pvp because,the sage have to much survivebility with ther tidal,25% damage reduce sage spark,and better bp and to high damage.
lol is this 2015?
"sage sin is OP" is outdated, people didn't realize yet how hard aps sin just came back... in china i believe 90% of the sins are aps0 -
Sins are OP in general and would need some fixes tbh. Minor fixes like your suggested ones won't cut it.
They need to change the base damage multipliers completely to weapon damage for both Cursed Jail and Elimination, no matter the glyph. Chill of the deep needs to be nerfed to 25 Attack Level as well.
Also, Tidal needs to be nerfed/changed so that it either can be outplayed (like 2 effects are blocked and the 3rd goes through, always, no chance based BS) or significantly reduce the effect (43% comes to mind for sage and 36% for demon, also demon focused mind needs the tidal part nerfed to 15%).
All that combined would make the assassin class very much balanced in every scenario. Sure, massive gear would still carry them and enable oneshots but it will be far, FAR less ridiculous.
PS: I am pumping all my funds into a sin myself currently, yet I would love nothing more but to see them get balanced, finally. Won't happen, but one can dream.0 -
Stop qqing or they will buff them even more. Everybody should roll a sin. Because its so OP, that playing something else is waste of time and money. This is perfect world of assasins.0
china was always aps sin,cause there r9 is to expensiv.and if im right there r9 is way weaker then ours so basicly our r9.3 version screwed already the balance0
i want actual proof of the whole "china has only aps sins" ****. videos, gear screenshots or whatever.
also, these threads are pointless, since our fellow nuema portal devil sharded sins will do everything to keep being OP0 -
lol i thought the clerics are now op they argo all the mobs from the barbs now lol wtf
also you on pvp sorry this pve time suck it up butter cup lol0 -
Nerf the sins and make the least played class OP0
i want actual proof of the whole "china has only aps sins" ****. videos, gear screenshots or whatever.
also, these threads are pointless, since our fellow nuema portal devil sharded sins will do everything to keep being OP
The thing is any other class can have same gear like them .but will be rekted by sins. It makes no point to spend the money for the gear. You can have best in the game and sin will always kill you.0 -
i want actual proof of the whole "china has only aps sins" ****. videos, gear screenshots or whatever.
also, these threads are pointless, since our fellow nuema portal devil sharded sins will do everything to keep being OP
The thing is any other class can have same gear like them .but will be rekted by sins. It makes no point to spend the money for the gear. You can have best in the game and sin will always kill you.
i know, you know, the sins know, everyone that does arena or xtw knows, the devs know, but nothing will happen.
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Every class is OP,but ppl need to stop QQing and start thinking diff,if you think sins are OP,you didn't see the build i make you GOD0
evilsmakers wrote: »Every class is OP,but ppl need to stop QQing and start thinking diff,if you think sins are OP,you didn't see the build i make you GOD
all i saw was a half-**** jaded +10 sin with medium gear dealing much more dmg than he should deal with his items. ExplaiiiN?
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No one can seriously QQ about sin. Everything I've just read about sins on this post aren't at all accurate or supported by any facts or real high end experience. With the recent expansion in particular, barbs dominate all classes followed by seekers.
Anyone that actually plays a HIGH GEARED sin at a decent player level, do state why you think sins are "broken." A sin needs far more investment than any other class to make a decent contribution in mass pk or 3v3. And with the recent expansion, barbs are top of the foodchain followed by seekers, so please, quit whining.
and zombiemaster123 a.k.a Joe - quit using your sin as an example. You go try hard af in 1v1 against players that lack pvp experience - p.s, no need to mention ruby, im aware you deal nice dmg on ruby and killed him a few times but your sin gears are already approaching a higher end status of sins which is quite ironic for someone who says sins are so broken that you "you just kill via 123" or doesnt "require a brain" or can outperform every other class when "undergeared" yet you are forced to gear up the sin more so than the majority of your other classes. Explain?
Devil Stone, Nuema Portal Sin.0 -
Risky a full +12 deity build any class will still hit less than a full +12 same geared dot sin same gears on same toons I really don’t see how sins need more gear. If you removed the “nerfs” sins have on cards titles ect than you would need to remove chill of the deep entirely and sins would still hit harder due to base damage amplifiers while most classes have base weapon damage amplifiers. Personally if you just changed the damage amplifiers and let them keep chill as is it’s still a massive difference because magical one shots would deal far less than they do now gg wp.
Also those that say they don’t believe most china sins are aps seriously? It’s all over YouTube on the Taiwan Japanese and CN servers if you honestly don’t believe it by now please go educate yourselves wtf lol. You can argue they have lower gear but CN also doesn’t have Jones like we do that’s also a major game changer. Their gear is lower therefore their atk and defense is lower so it equals out to how ours is much higher but we have things such as higher base damage and with base damage amps and Jones behind that ofc this is rediculous come now. Even elimination/CJ on china can hurt ppl without CoD and sins still tanking decent on china in ganks watch a few vids on these guys channel demon tidal isn’t as reliable and the sins still do well lol.
These are the Taiwan servers if I recall but it’s still pretty insane damage aps does and they still using elimination and CJ and the damage is still insane. If you honestly see no issue with what sins are and how they don’t even have a right to be called sins more like vanguards than idk what to tell you. Even in aps these skills hit too darn high w/o CoD lol ours mainly have DPH with more damage and those skills ok sins are “fair”. Our version they using 70 atk lvls more from CoD and Jones are you really ganna not see the problem? Lol
Barbs are stupid now and ofc need to be addressed but tbh PwCN has no idea what they are doing with our version by copy pasting us.
Idc if they don’t change anything as much since I play less now but saying sins are balanced is so far fetched it’s insane man.
105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode -
Ok so do start again in here xD
Take facts like they are.. class become plus or less equal with same gear.
Everything depend about on what your point is based from.. for example :
top 3 class nowadays in 3vs3 are Barbs, Duskblade and Sin
The following class are OP in 3vs3 too :
Cleric, stormy, Seeker, BM and venos
The mid class is Mystic, and the poor class are wizz, Archer and Psy.
Then what ? Wizz, archers and Psy are the 3 DDs class based on 10vs10. They seems pretty equal in that way, where actually Sin have to kill and desapear ( which is their role )
Everyone qqing about sins but are those people same gear are most of sin actually ? To tank a Deity, you’ve to be Josd, to tank +12 weapon, you have to be +12... to tank a purge dagger, make your untargetable weapon if you’re Arcane...
Nowadays, let’s go meet Draggonz, or the seeker G17-5 weapon, or Nemki, you’ll cry too about the damage/tankiness they do have, cause they over gear everyone.
Assassin ARE assassin. In every game they got the more powerful damage possible, and that is normal, you just have to learn about how to play vs them, quite, run, fly and when they’re off tidal, then you can feel free to combo or all, and ofc, if you really want to be sure to kill them, make them burn their save during tidal on
Yes, I am a sin in Dawnglory, I played BM in past, and many other class, the thing is how you gear your class, Sin full attack are squishy, you qq about not having damage, build full attack and see how you turn with, damage without tankiness, on every class we got example of both ways, people just qq to not tank with Archer in Josd, since they should just turn Attack and put sin in danger ways.
One last thing, you mostly know Joe the 1v1 part or 3v3 part and ofc, less people their is, more sin is effective, but in xTW 60vs60 or mass pk, sin become a danger even for themselves. You then have to know how to place yourself, be patient and let’s be honest, when you do have some people targeting you in same time, you’re still just a paper class when you get a stun ^^
Assist attack for the win ☺️
Nothing against Joe but Courtesy is right on one way, to be a monster sin ( has much as any other based DD class ) you have to get monster gear nowadays, aka portal. Or full attack 3.
Friendly, Pandorine.0 -
i dont see dragoonz or nemki solo 3v3 arena, actually they can even lose legit 3v3s.
why does genesesia solo win arena then?
sins are **** OP, and people didn't realize yet how aps is broken atm... just look at PaiiiN he just went aps he is destroying everyone 1v1 1v3 1v5...
atm with g17 ornaments ring and cape, clever star chart and a decent card set,
a 5 aps sin has same resistances values of a DPH one,
but he is hitting 5 times his base damage each second while maintaining all his damage multipliers (zerkcrit wolf emblem subsea chill 3spark spam etch)... elimination its 3,2 times base damage in 2,5 seconds, cursed jail 2 times over 2.5 seconds
well did i say it all?
if DPH sin is already broken as it is, an aps sin like this eats anything alive
and it's not even NP, add purge weapon and it can solo kill anything even Genesesia0 -
@illuziionn you do realize assassins also die easy with high end damage in other games? Please don’t compare sins in other mmos to this it’s nowhere near the same lmfao. Duskblade is most OP? Is that way nobody ever mentions NP duskblades as a threat? Can most ppl mention names of NP dbs? But just about everyone knows the names of the famous NP sins lol there’s so many ways you can disprove this it’s hilarious. A Devil build any class won’t even 1 shot ppl but sin? Seriously if you’re ganna argue in favor of sins defense please for the love of god actually bring a defense. “Sins need high end damage” if a sin doesn’t hit ppl 14-30k per hit in deity they consider themselves weak when most classes same gear will always do less unless they are paired with a mountain of debuffs it’s so easy to prove sins have more damage than everyone else same gear based it’s hilarous when ppl try and say “need more gear” lmfao ok I guess every class has Wolf emblem and CoD along with the ability to spark VERY frequently not to mention best skills base physical/magical atk.... Really sin need most gear/NP to be competitive? What?105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode -
Pandorine is just afraid that his class gets nerfed and he cant charmbypass 1-click nuema portal people out of ulti anymore, just ignore him. he is fully aware how OP and unbalanced the classes are, but tries to keep "his" power up.0
You want to delete 2 skills for sin, nice, then delete 2 skills for each class
Soul of silence / stunning for Psy
Def buff and jump for wizz
SoG and shield for cleric
Turtle and Arma for barbs
Qui pro quo and def lvl buff for seeker
Purge and 2 spark brumble from veno
Aoe stun/ disarm and marrow for bm
Stealph and jump from archers
Black weather and riper form for Dusk
Vortex and riper form for Stormy
Unable genie skill and the quick heal from mystic.
Thank you in advance. Oh but guess what, then it doesn’t care which class you take, it’s would be the same0 -
Mainproblem (next to the high dmg by sins!) is the easy way to freeze, any arcane class, by HA,LA.
HA and LA got for have some balance ways more defensive. And mostly easy ways to defending, any AA class.
For sin,bms, db its stunlock; barb is **** tanky anyway, archers purge and kill and can freeze you aswell.
So the main strategy is freeze to kill.
Thats why AA classes got on R8 and R9 weapons the purifyproc.
But, here view the wrong point: expect the sb proc, the purify proc works worse very worse on every other AA class.
So the way to freeze a cleric,mystic,psychic,wizzard,venomancer is really easy.
The classes with most options to freeze are sins,db,and bms.
And actually are for sure sin and db the fast-highest dmg classes.
Maybe not fast like sin- just topping seeker the actually dmg ranking.
To survive against such enemies is a rly hard ride actually, and annoying aswell.
I will support every movement, wich pokes gm's and owners to think about this hardly balance-problem in game.
0 -
illuziionn wrote: »You want to delete 2 skills for sin, nice, then delete 2 skills for each class
Soul of silence / stunning for Psy
Def buff and jump for wizz
SoG and shield for cleric
Turtle and Arma for barbs
Qui pro quo and def lvl buff for seeker
Purge and 2 spark brumble from veno
Aoe stun/ disarm and marrow for bm
Stealph and jump from archers
Black weather and riper form for Dusk
Vortex and riper form for Stormy
Unable genie skill and the quick heal from mystic.
Thank you in advance. Oh but guess what, then it doesn’t care which class you take, it’s would be the same
try play sin one week without tidal and ult on your skillbar, then you let me know0 -
I have a full r9rr+12 wiz with serenities. I'm only speaking for arena. I do arena when I can now a days I agree a small handful are a problem in arena the whole shenanigans with charm by pass if your not watching. I admit it all the cash I've spent on my char I'll never win against certain sins in arena. I don't think it is about knowing how to play your class against these certain sins. It is the realization that YOU are matched with certain players on this game.The only GOP0
In most PvP games Sins and Healers have always had the edge PvP wise against other classes , most other classes are designed to target a certain class while at the same time being prone to another class.
1 - It's knowing how to play your class (fully understanding how your skills work)
2 - Gearing your class right ( the right Gear type/Gems in your gear makes a difference)
3 - Knowing your class's strenghts and weaknesses against other classes
Those 3 tips above should generally help in your PvP tactics and class's OPnessPost edited by mistressani on0
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