Pack Buying limit per account

If there are two major sales like right now with Chips and Keys maybe issue a limit on the amount per account people can buy for the more popular item like keys. This may cause key value to go up higher but may as well lower the value of chips to a more stable amount.

On the Dawnglory server right now people are selling gold on wc for 16m each due to this sale confliction.

Sochi Packs is another one that maybe good to throw in there as well as people go crazy over them.

But in general packs which are containing high grade gears like CoM and WoA should be limited in some way but still be enough for people in general to still be abel to get what they want.

Another thought is that this limter value can be adjusted like during flash salesor if the price of an item is majorly reduced.

I know there is means to do this as it has been implemented in the star section of the botique around things liek the orbs, the dyes and the packs that can be bought there.
