Archosaur Sparkles in the Moonlight

An idea sparkles bright.
Oh, what a wonderous sight!
Celestone fragments of old.
For pennies to be sold.
Useless fragments, but they sparkle in the light.
Let's light up the darkened night.

We have piles of celestone fragments gathering dust. (Yes, we are packrats.) And, we thought an appropriate end to this anniversary month would be to make the sky over the Archosaur platform glitter with these beautiful but useless fragments we all get (lower level quest "rewards"). On the Etherblade server on Saturday, September 30, soon after a couple of moonrises and around noon sever time, at least three of us will be flying above and around the platform, dropping fragments as we fly. It's not meant to be rude or annoying and the fragments will poof after five (5) minutes. It's a CELEbration of days past when they were not worthless, a CELEbration of PWI's nine years and a CELEbration of looking forward to nine and ninety-nine more. Please join us to participate as we sparkle-up the sky.
