How to ini edit... (REVAMPED Guide and taking special requests)

Posts: 455 Arc User
So i've been getting asked to share my tricks on how I personally ini edit to get the strange designs you see on some of my toons...
The basics are as followed....
What is ini editing?
ini editing involves manipulating and toying with in game files for your characters design and overall appearance.
Why ini edit?
ini editing allows you to select colors and modify specific pieces that are not available and or easy to access via the pwi editing system.
How do you get to the ini file?
Program fil
The first step is locating the pwi_en folder on your computer...
For windows it's most likely under program files or program files (x86) [program files(86) in my case]
once you find the pwi_en folder go into it and go to element, then user data, then character, then customize you should have folder that appear like this (Without the names out of course...)
00 is Male BM
01 is Female BM
10 is Male Wiz
11 is Female Wiz
20 is Male Psychic
21 is Female Psychic
30 is male veno (does not exsist)
31 is Venomancer
40 is Barbarian
41 is Female barbarian (does not exsist)
50 is Male Assassin
51 is Female Assassin
60 is Male Archer
61 is Female Archer
70 is Male Cleric
71 is Female Cleric
80 is Male Seeker
81 is Female Seeker
90 is Male Mystic
91 is Female Mystic
100 is Male Duskblade
101 is Female Duskblade
110 is Male Stormbringer
111 is Female Stormbringer
These folders contain the ini edit files so only edit the character files which you name in order to not mess with any game codes by accident..
How do I start?
To start you want to get a makeover scroll and go to the cosmetic master (get a base style that you want from here and use ini to mess with colors and hair)
Save this file as a name you can remember (duck, pumpkin, etc.)
Go back to the file folder and select the folder which contains the class which you are editing (male sin folder 50)
open up the folder and in that folder you should see your file name...
Drag that file onto the desktop since for some reason you can't save changes if it's in there. (make sure it's dragged back into the corresponding folder so it can load the edit in game)
open said file and you will find a list like this
credit to Echo from epic pw:
scaleUp = head top length/slider
scaleMiddle = head middle length/slider
scaleDown = jaw length/slider
idFaceShape1 = top face shape (can be mixed)
idFaceShape2 = bottom face shape (can be mixed)
blendFaceShape = don't know?? everybody has 50
scaleFaceH = face width
scaleFaceV = face depth/length
idFaceTex = face texture
idFalingSkin = nose crease model
idFalingTex = nose crease texture
offsetForeheadH = forehead width
offsetForeheadV = forehead height
offsetForeheadZ = forehead depth
rotateForehead = forward/backward rotation
scaleForehead = forehead size
offsetYokeBoneH = cheekbone width
offsetYokeBoneV = cheekbone height
offsetYokeBoneZ = cheekbone depth
rotateYokeBone = up/down rotation
scaleYokeBone = cheekbone size
offsetCheekH = cheek width
offsetCheekV = cheek height
offsetCheekZ = cheek depth
scaleCheek = cheek size
offsetChainV = chin height
offsetChainZ = chin depth
rotateChain = forward/backward rotation
scaleChainH = chin width
offsetJawH = jaw width
offsetJawV = jaw height
offsetJawZ = jaw depth
scaleJawSpecial = lower jaw depth
scaleJawH = horizontal width
scaleJawV = vertical alignment
idThirdEye = third eye id
idEyeBaseTex = "set", eye base texture
idEyeHighTex = eye shadow texture
idEyeBallTex = eyeball texture
idEyeShape = eye shape
scaleEyeH = eye width
scaleEyeV = eye openness
rotateEye = up/down rotation
offsetEyeH = eye distance
offsetEyeV = eye height
offseteyeZ = eye depth
scaleEyeBall = eyeball size
scaleEyeH2 = 2nd eye width
scaleEyeV2 = 2nd eye openness
rotateEye2 = 2nd up/down rotation
offsetEyeH2 = 2nd eye distance
offsetEyeV2 = 2nd eye height
offseteyeZ2 = 2nd eye depth
scaleEyeBall2 = 2nd eyeball size
idBrowTex = eyebrow texture
idBrowShape = eyebrow shape
scaleBrowH = eyebrow width
scaleBrowV = eyebrow thickness
rotateBrow = up/down rotation
offsetBrowH = eyebrow distance
offsetBrowV = eyebrow height
offsetBrowZ = eyebrow depth
scaleBrowH2 = 2nd eyebrow width
scaleBrowV2 = 2nd eyebrow thickness
rotateBrow2 = 2nd up/down rotation
offsetBrowH2 = 2nd eyebrow distance
offsetBrowV2 = 2nd eyebrow height
offsetBrowZ2 = 2nd eyebrow depth
idNoseTex = nose "preset", texture
idNoseTipShape = "width", tip shape
scaleNoseTipH = nostril width
scaleNoseTipV = nosril angle
scaleNoseTipZ = nose extension
offsetNoseTipV = veritical alignment
idNoseBridgeShape = bridge shape
scaleBridgeTipH = width
offsetBridgeTipZ = height
idMouthUpLipLine = upper lip shape
idMouthMidLipLine = middle lip shape
idMouthDownLipLine = bottom lip shape
thickUpLip = upper lip size
thickDownLip = bottom lip size
scaleMouthH = right width
offsetMouthV = vertical alignment
offsetMOuthZ = depth
idMouthTex = lip texture
offsetCornerOfMouthSpecial = right corner height
scaleMouthH2 = left width
offsetCornerOfMouthSpecial2 = left corner height
idEarShape = ear shape
scaleEar = ear size
offsetEarV = ear vertical alignment
idHairModel = hair model
idHairTex = hair texture
idMoustacheTex = "light" facial hair
idMoustacheSkin = "heavy" facial hair
idGoateeTex = "heavy" facial hair texture
colorHair = hair color
colorFace = face color
colorEye = ?? probably base color of eye model without a texture
colorBrow = eyebrow color
colorMouth = lip color
colorEyeBall = eye color
colorMoustache = facial hair color
bodyID = body model
colorBody = body color
headScale = head size
upScale = chest size
waistScale = waist thickness
armWidth = arm thickness
legWidth = leg thickness
breastScale = breast size
Now let's say I wanted get a yellow duck like DB
I'd choose a yellow from the china forums
Yellow 纯黄 #FFFF00 255,255,0 16776960
The color code is the last number (16776960 in our case)
and we can put this as the face color, body color and hair color.
To do this we delete the color data found to the right of the = and put in the color code that we want so like this... ( colorBody = 16776960 and colorFace = 16776960)
This allows us to choose specific colors for classes hair, face, eyes and body and even put hair fash on barbs...
The basics are as followed....
What is ini editing?
ini editing involves manipulating and toying with in game files for your characters design and overall appearance.
Why ini edit?
ini editing allows you to select colors and modify specific pieces that are not available and or easy to access via the pwi editing system.
How do you get to the ini file?
Program fil
The first step is locating the pwi_en folder on your computer...
For windows it's most likely under program files or program files (x86) [program files(86) in my case]
once you find the pwi_en folder go into it and go to element, then user data, then character, then customize you should have folder that appear like this (Without the names out of course...)
00 is Male BM
01 is Female BM
10 is Male Wiz
11 is Female Wiz
20 is Male Psychic
21 is Female Psychic
30 is male veno (does not exsist)
31 is Venomancer
40 is Barbarian
41 is Female barbarian (does not exsist)
50 is Male Assassin
51 is Female Assassin
60 is Male Archer
61 is Female Archer
70 is Male Cleric
71 is Female Cleric
80 is Male Seeker
81 is Female Seeker
90 is Male Mystic
91 is Female Mystic
100 is Male Duskblade
101 is Female Duskblade
110 is Male Stormbringer
111 is Female Stormbringer
These folders contain the ini edit files so only edit the character files which you name in order to not mess with any game codes by accident..
How do I start?
To start you want to get a makeover scroll and go to the cosmetic master (get a base style that you want from here and use ini to mess with colors and hair)
Save this file as a name you can remember (duck, pumpkin, etc.)
Go back to the file folder and select the folder which contains the class which you are editing (male sin folder 50)
open up the folder and in that folder you should see your file name...
Drag that file onto the desktop since for some reason you can't save changes if it's in there. (make sure it's dragged back into the corresponding folder so it can load the edit in game)
open said file and you will find a list like this
credit to Echo from epic pw:
scaleUp = head top length/slider
scaleMiddle = head middle length/slider
scaleDown = jaw length/slider
idFaceShape1 = top face shape (can be mixed)
idFaceShape2 = bottom face shape (can be mixed)
blendFaceShape = don't know?? everybody has 50
scaleFaceH = face width
scaleFaceV = face depth/length
idFaceTex = face texture
idFalingSkin = nose crease model
idFalingTex = nose crease texture
offsetForeheadH = forehead width
offsetForeheadV = forehead height
offsetForeheadZ = forehead depth
rotateForehead = forward/backward rotation
scaleForehead = forehead size
offsetYokeBoneH = cheekbone width
offsetYokeBoneV = cheekbone height
offsetYokeBoneZ = cheekbone depth
rotateYokeBone = up/down rotation
scaleYokeBone = cheekbone size
offsetCheekH = cheek width
offsetCheekV = cheek height
offsetCheekZ = cheek depth
scaleCheek = cheek size
offsetChainV = chin height
offsetChainZ = chin depth
rotateChain = forward/backward rotation
scaleChainH = chin width
offsetJawH = jaw width
offsetJawV = jaw height
offsetJawZ = jaw depth
scaleJawSpecial = lower jaw depth
scaleJawH = horizontal width
scaleJawV = vertical alignment
idThirdEye = third eye id
idEyeBaseTex = "set", eye base texture
idEyeHighTex = eye shadow texture
idEyeBallTex = eyeball texture
idEyeShape = eye shape
scaleEyeH = eye width
scaleEyeV = eye openness
rotateEye = up/down rotation
offsetEyeH = eye distance
offsetEyeV = eye height
offseteyeZ = eye depth
scaleEyeBall = eyeball size
scaleEyeH2 = 2nd eye width
scaleEyeV2 = 2nd eye openness
rotateEye2 = 2nd up/down rotation
offsetEyeH2 = 2nd eye distance
offsetEyeV2 = 2nd eye height
offseteyeZ2 = 2nd eye depth
scaleEyeBall2 = 2nd eyeball size
idBrowTex = eyebrow texture
idBrowShape = eyebrow shape
scaleBrowH = eyebrow width
scaleBrowV = eyebrow thickness
rotateBrow = up/down rotation
offsetBrowH = eyebrow distance
offsetBrowV = eyebrow height
offsetBrowZ = eyebrow depth
scaleBrowH2 = 2nd eyebrow width
scaleBrowV2 = 2nd eyebrow thickness
rotateBrow2 = 2nd up/down rotation
offsetBrowH2 = 2nd eyebrow distance
offsetBrowV2 = 2nd eyebrow height
offsetBrowZ2 = 2nd eyebrow depth
idNoseTex = nose "preset", texture
idNoseTipShape = "width", tip shape
scaleNoseTipH = nostril width
scaleNoseTipV = nosril angle
scaleNoseTipZ = nose extension
offsetNoseTipV = veritical alignment
idNoseBridgeShape = bridge shape
scaleBridgeTipH = width
offsetBridgeTipZ = height
idMouthUpLipLine = upper lip shape
idMouthMidLipLine = middle lip shape
idMouthDownLipLine = bottom lip shape
thickUpLip = upper lip size
thickDownLip = bottom lip size
scaleMouthH = right width
offsetMouthV = vertical alignment
offsetMOuthZ = depth
idMouthTex = lip texture
offsetCornerOfMouthSpecial = right corner height
scaleMouthH2 = left width
offsetCornerOfMouthSpecial2 = left corner height
idEarShape = ear shape
scaleEar = ear size
offsetEarV = ear vertical alignment
idHairModel = hair model
idHairTex = hair texture
idMoustacheTex = "light" facial hair
idMoustacheSkin = "heavy" facial hair
idGoateeTex = "heavy" facial hair texture
colorHair = hair color
colorFace = face color
colorEye = ?? probably base color of eye model without a texture
colorBrow = eyebrow color
colorMouth = lip color
colorEyeBall = eye color
colorMoustache = facial hair color
bodyID = body model
colorBody = body color
headScale = head size
upScale = chest size
waistScale = waist thickness
armWidth = arm thickness
legWidth = leg thickness
breastScale = breast size
Now let's say I wanted get a yellow duck like DB
I'd choose a yellow from the china forums
Yellow 纯黄 #FFFF00 255,255,0 16776960
The color code is the last number (16776960 in our case)
and we can put this as the face color, body color and hair color.
To do this we delete the color data found to the right of the = and put in the color code that we want so like this... ( colorBody = 16776960 and colorFace = 16776960)
This allows us to choose specific colors for classes hair, face, eyes and body and even put hair fash on barbs...
Post edited by nunuator on
Yes it's in the same order model then text in the images
Only work for barbs:
Work for barbs and all other toons: (the head pills only work on barbs ex: pumpkin, santa, etc.)
To put hair fashion on barbs we want to look at the hair offset in our ini edit
Note: Hair fashion is only allowed on barbs and hence won't work on other toons
Yes it's in the same order model then text in the images
idHairModel = hair model
idHairTex = hair texture
To get male and female fashion on it requires fine tuning of dials and what not on the barb in order for the fashion to fit
I'd start with the fashion that you want on the toon and fine tune via dials from the cosmetic master
If there is a specific hair/ stache that you want on a tideborn or something save the ini file and look at the ini file for the:
idHairModel and idHairTex and copy them the ini code to the toon which you want it on
For staches on tideborns and barbs etc choose the stache on a BM and copy the
idMoustacheTex = (this number)
idMoustacheSkin = (this one 2)
idGoateeTex = (this 2)
To your sins ini file for Mustache (note: you must have a colorMoustache = set to something or else it won't work and give you a customization error)
Post edited by nunuator on0 -
This pretty much sums up the guide to ini editing if you want something more in depth do a google search for PWI ini editing guide and you should find some good sources.
If you want a custom edit please post the class and a picture and or description of what you are going for.
Some custom work:
The duck edit for duskblade use (use lion festival hat for full effect)
scaleUp = 92
scaleMiddle = 0
scaleDown = 29
idFaceShape1 = 1615
idFaceShape2 = 1615
blendFaceShape = 50
scaleFaceH = 129
scaleFaceV = 133
idFaceTex = 1539
idFalingSkin = 433
idFalingTex = 437
offsetForeheadH = 119
offsetForeheadV = 0
offsetForeheadZ = 255
rotateForehead = 255
scaleForehead = 17
offsetYokeBoneH = 128
offsetYokeBoneV = 128
offsetYokeBoneZ = 128
rotateYokeBone = 128
scaleYokeBone = 128
offsetCheekH = 127
offsetCheekV = 127
offsetCheekZ = 127
scaleCheek = 129
offsetChainV = 128
offsetChainZ = 128
rotateChain = 255
scaleChainH = 129
offsetJawH = 66
offsetJawV = 131
offsetJawZ = 128
scaleJawSpecial = 96
scaleJawH = 217
scaleJawV = 131
idThirdEye = 0
idEyeBaseTex = 50
idEyeHighTex = 49
idEyeBallTex = 1046
idEyeShape = 1631
scaleEyeH = 101
scaleEyeV = 189
rotateEye = 119
offsetEyeH = 136
offsetEyeV = 129
offseteyeZ = 198
scaleEyeBall = 129
scaleEyeH2 = 101
scaleEyeV2 = 189
rotateEye2 = 119
offsetEyeH2 = 136
offsetEyeV2 = 129
offseteyeZ2 = 198
scaleEyeBall2 = 129
idBrowTex = 45
idBrowShape = 1620
scaleBrowH = 128
scaleBrowV = 128
rotateBrow = 128
offsetBrowH = 128
offsetBrowV = 139
offsetBrowZ = 173
scaleBrowH2 = 128
scaleBrowV2 = 128
rotateBrow2 = 128
offsetBrowH2 = 128
offsetBrowV2 = 139
offsetBrowZ2 = 173
idNoseTex = 1644
idNoseTipShape = 1609
scaleNoseTipH = 0
scaleNoseTipV = 0
scaleNoseTipZ = 0
offsetNoseTipV = 0
idNoseBridgeShape = 1606
scaleBridgeTipH = 0
offsetBridgeTipZ = 0
idMouthUpLipLine = 1640
idMouthMidLipLine = 1637
idMouthDownLipLine = 1642
thickUpLip = 255
thickDownLip = 255
scaleMouthH = 255
offsetMouthV = 255
offsetMOuthZ = 241
idMouthTex = 52
offsetCornerOfMouthSpecial = 185
scaleMouthH2 = 255
offsetCornerOfMouthSpecial2 = 185
idEarShape = 60
scaleEar = 0
offsetEarV = 121
idHairModel = 936
idHairTex = 946
idMoustacheTex = 204
idMoustacheSkin = 186
idGoateeTex = 596
colorHair = 16776960
colorFace = 16776960
colorEye = 0
colorBrow = 16776960
colorMouth = 16729344
colorEyeBall = -11305025
colorMoustache = -11571145
bodyID = 0
colorBody = 16776960
headScale = 116
upScale = 112
waistScale = 108
armWidth = 117
legWidth = 114
breastScale = 128
Barb in the snow (For Joe) (use shinobi fash and the chin hides completely)
scaleUp = 35
scaleMiddle = 27
scaleDown = 54
idFaceShape1 = 66
idFaceShape2 = 66
blendFaceShape = 50
scaleFaceH = 240
scaleFaceV = 148
idFaceTex = 60
idFalingSkin = 433
idFalingTex = 437
offsetForeheadH = 0
offsetForeheadV = 0
offsetForeheadZ = 255
rotateForehead = 115
scaleForehead = 255
offsetYokeBoneH = 255
offsetYokeBoneV = 0
offsetYokeBoneZ = 255
rotateYokeBone = 132
scaleYokeBone = 25
offsetCheekH = 92
offsetCheekV = 0
offsetCheekZ = 181
scaleCheek = 200
offsetChainV = 0
offsetChainZ = 255
rotateChain = 80
scaleChainH = 9
offsetJawH = 13
offsetJawV = 64
offsetJawZ = 255
scaleJawSpecial = 70
scaleJawH = 255
scaleJawV = 0
idThirdEye = 0
idEyeBaseTex = 50
idEyeHighTex = 49
idEyeBallTex = 48
idEyeShape = 73
scaleEyeH = 139
scaleEyeV = 255
rotateEye = 51
offsetEyeH = 172
offsetEyeV = 92
offseteyeZ = 46
scaleEyeBall = 255
scaleEyeH2 = 139
scaleEyeV2 = 255
rotateEye2 = 51
offsetEyeH2 = 172
offsetEyeV2 = 92
offseteyeZ2 = 46
scaleEyeBall2 = 255
idBrowTex = 46
idBrowShape = 355
scaleBrowH = 255
scaleBrowV = 150
rotateBrow = 141
offsetBrowH = 0
offsetBrowV = 0
offsetBrowZ = 0
scaleBrowH2 = 255
scaleBrowV2 = 150
rotateBrow2 = 141
offsetBrowH2 = 0
offsetBrowV2 = 0
offsetBrowZ2 = 0
idNoseTex = 41
idNoseTipShape = 58
scaleNoseTipH = 26
scaleNoseTipV = 0
scaleNoseTipZ = 57
offsetNoseTipV = 81
idNoseBridgeShape = 55
scaleBridgeTipH = 0
offsetBridgeTipZ = 103
idMouthUpLipLine = 80
idMouthMidLipLine = 77
idMouthDownLipLine = 83
thickUpLip = 181
thickDownLip = 124
scaleMouthH = 251
offsetMouthV = 26
offsetMOuthZ = 0
idMouthTex = 52
offsetCornerOfMouthSpecial = 0
scaleMouthH2 = 255
offsetCornerOfMouthSpecial2 = 0
idEarShape = 60
scaleEar = 123
offsetEarV = 111
idHairModel = 1005
idHairTex = 480
idMoustacheTex = 204
idMoustacheSkin = 186
idGoateeTex = 317
colorHair = 1
colorFace = 0
colorEye = -2829100
colorBrow = -8623542
colorMouth = -1990006
colorEyeBall = -1334818
colorMoustache = -1
bodyID = 0
colorBody = -1
headScale = 206
upScale = 255
waistScale = 168
armWidth = 255
legWidth = 165
breastScale = 60
To use these copy and paste over your file that you are editing and save it, go to the cosmetic master and choose your file named (Snow barb or something) and it should load your edit0 -
reserved for any make do edits:
P.S. do not claim these edits as your own these take tons of time to pump out a perfect or trolly edit that I make and I absolutely hate people stealing credit for others works....
specific colors of love, Duckblades/Prespire Twilight Temple
Post edited by nunuator on0 -
How do some Earthguard have tideborn tattoos and can I do it for a sb/db105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode -
Earthguard is the only other class that can get tideborn tattoos and is done by copying the idFaceTex and BodyID numbers for the tideborn tattoos that you like (female must use female tattoos male must use male tattoos)
Pulling face textures only works for tideborn and earthguard classes since they pull idFaceTex from the same location hence why the other races such as nightshade are not compatible with tattoos.0
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