Making Demon sin viable again (concept build)

Posts: 455 Arc User
edited March 2017 in General Discussion
Disclaimer: I don't think APS is broken I just work on builds for lels

So... recently I learned that APS classes are still viable in PvP after surprising people with the viable 5 APS DB on Twilight Temple I was able to net a few quick kills but, I felt like something was lacking so I started brainstorming ideas for the next APS build and I think I found the perfect build.

I present to you the 4 APS base demon Chill of the deep sin (5 APS Demon spark) (at the time of posting mypers appears to be down)

Just wanted some opinions on the build and if people would like to see some videos of the sin in action, Not in PvP for a while since passives are a thing.
Just filling in the idea so people can build on it if they like but, at the current moment this build is purely concept until I manage to get my sin to lvl 100


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  • Posts: 1,414 Arc User
    I posted something like this quite a while ago on a random thread (I cant even remember) but yeah, APS sin with the right Setup is by far the most broken and overpowered thing in the entire game.

    Get 5.0 Aps basic as sage with r8rr Helm, Chest (x2 int) and boots (2x int) with g15 leggins and bracers and use CoM or even better use a Crest if you can. Combine it with a g13 Aps robe (or WoA if you get enough int on chest/boots). Use r9.4 belt/ring and a neck of your choice. Full +12, deity/devil/genie stone it.

    Use a full r9 set (4 parts obviously) fully jaded/with serenity stones as def gear as well.

    Use a makro or anything to switch between those setups and you become a god, literally. 5.0 aps basic insta kills most caster (even endgame if full deity/devil stoned sin) and when you switch to your def gear with aprox 160+ def lvl with def weap you are nearly unkillable with full buffs. Ultra defense and ultra offense. No better PvP built available in the entire game.

    Too bad people are too stubborn to use 2 decent endgame gear sets to reach new hights...but I really thought some random casher would use something like that actually but nope. Either aps or DPH, never both. Sadly :D
  • Posts: 1,421 Perfect World Employee
    @jsxshadow Were you able to ever check past theorycrafting on getting double -int on boots or have seen anyone with double -int? I was rolling a 5 APS base build for testing all the TT stuff people were asking about and I could never get more than one -int add.
  • Posts: 455 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    I've ran 3 + calcs on the rate of getting dbl int on boots... what it boils down 2 is the chance of double on boots is lower than triple on chest
    To be honest I would love to see some new item that lets you keep certain stats on gear like r8... so say you wanted your -int but not the strength add, you could re-roll the strength add only but, this item should also apply to Other item adds as well such as Neck engraves

    Yeah I think i'm the only one that actually makes some of these builds into reality and uses a mouse with macro's to swap gears for quick kills. 5 APS DB is easily one of the most broken things in the game with Saber's beads and the lock potential... (Requires 4th cast wep so not nerfing myself just yet), with the current state i'm at

    R8rr helm
    R8rr Chest (2x int)
    R8rr Boots (1x int) 600+ rolls for double no luck yet
    R9 Legs (Db's give -.05)
    TT99 Arms
    Wraithgate cape
    lionheart belt/neck
    Pan GU is not necessary (brings to 4.0 in reaper but, you can't hit 5.0 without one more -.05 int)
    Not sure why wind shield does not bump DB up to 5.0 but, at the moment the crimson soul powder does just fine
    Really easy to catch people off guard with this build since you can lock super easy on db and just APS in between

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  • Posts: 455 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    The entire point of this build is to be 5 APS with chill of the deep on hence why you need DBL on boots to be 5.0 base...
    You can easily make it 5.0 base by taking off chill of the deep

    But, like Joe said earlier a sin using this build can have a gear change Marco on their mouse and swap gears after getting a stun hence the entire idea of having chill of the deep on...

    The idea behind this is to tank in R9 and once you net a stun switch to APS gears via a mouse macro and kill then swap back to r9 without the taking off of chill of the deep
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  • Posts: 713 Arc User
    you dont need to tank in r9 if you have that gear setup you have pretty much same resistance stats as r9​​

    With those resistances the sin should be an easy kill to pretty much any endgame char...but this is PWI and they get tidal + double ticks with no drawback, so yeah, that build would destroy, no gear switch needed unless the sin feels like tanking more than 5+ people xD.
  • Posts: 455 Arc User
    Just ran a damage test on both the toons the damage is the same if both are of equal gears but, once you start adding +2 JOSD or + 3 Defense level stones the Chill of the deep sin out dd's the sage one with the R9R4...

    Point made the demon sin is more viable and is a lot more versatile hence it being the better concept build and will out tank In R9R3 and out DD in APS without the switching of Chill of the deep on and off
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  • Posts: 455 Arc User
    Lel I don't think you even read anything before you post

    This is purely a concept for a build, I have little to no intention of making this into a legit build but, who knows if I pull another CoM or something I'll prolly make it for the lols
  • Posts: 156 Arc User
    Person on my server did this build for sage. Fought him several times. I can tell you that while the possibility of charm not ticking on occasion when it should is surprising at first, once you adapt, this build doesn't seem to me as dangerous (as a caster) as dph sin build. The individual hits of apsing (even a couple of them combined together) have a very low chance of ever bypassing charm, unless sparking and debuffs are involved (which is sometimes where the surprising charm didn't tick moment comes in). So the 4 or 5apsing normal attacks on me just ends up giving me purify proc really fast, and I get away again and again. As long as I had vanguard spirit 10s buff or plume shell in ahead of time, I'm usually just fine. But when the sin catches me and uses dph gear, chance of bypassing me even with vanguard buff in is decent. Mostly sins win by getting a bypass, not by getting a charm tick and then going from 100-0. Sins can do that on classes that don't purify proc but not so easily on ones that do.

    So this build isn't really made for sins to kill arcanes. However, it is hellishly dangerous for everybody else.
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  • Posts: 1,673 Arc User
    @csquared5 agreed just when Sins get 5 sec paralyze cursed jail it's just super broken lol watched Chinese videos and just dropped my fork just glad not many here do this crazy stuff
    105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
  • Posts: 46 Arc User
    i know 5.0 r9 sin in pvp is lethal my sin is 3,33 base with r9s3 dags. i could be 5.0 base if i would get r9s4 dags. i could mayby try to get 2x int on my r8r boots since it only took me like 40~60 rolls to get 1x int. but i dont see a point in spending that much on my alt. i prefer my 2k+ spirit archer more ^^
  • Posts: 1,673 Arc User
    A good counter proc would perhaps be focus mind since untarget u can still aps it
    105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
  • Posts: 373 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    @csquared5 And server name + name sin with gear link is? Or movie on YouTube Is?
  • Posts: 156 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    Tideswell, Imaechu. Pretty much the gear described in any of the calcs. Oh I think he just got his NP. Doesn't use macro to switch between gear sets yet though I did recommend this to him. Unsure which shards he'll go for in his r8rr though I did recommend deities.
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  • Posts: 373 Arc User
    Yes Imaechu It is one of many who are on the op Tideswell mean sin


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