which class is the most popular in 6vs6 for arena. see pwcn rank

Posts: 295 Arc User
i don't want and also not good to write word wall to analysis.
Here i give the rank from arena cross-servers of pwcn.
Top gear is G17R5, one of servers has 15 G17R5 players so far.
It is hard to say this is a good ref to pwi because elite players gear level are different
for example, GoF archer (G17R4/R5) and R9rr archer are totally different stories.
PWI archer is very hard to get G17R4. But the top archers in the rank in pwcn are G17R5.
so pwcn top archers is more horrible than top pwi archers.
also, like top sin and db in pwcn, they always have G17 purge weapon.
G17R3 is a common base to pwcn elite players now
but we still can see some interesting statistic from pwcn
(remember, 6vs6 is u can make 10 ppl from diff classes, then choose 6 of them to fight)
the rank is according ppl credit
1-10 veno psy db arch arch sb sb veno veno veno veno
11-20 arch sb arch db psy wiz cler sb sb cler
21-30 db psy sin arch sin db cler cler sb bm
31-40 psy veno cler sb sin psy arch psy veno arch
41-50 wiz arch psy psy mys cler arch sin psy db
51-60 veno cler cler psy veno arch cler arch veno sin
61-70 psy sin barb db bm wiz barb veno mys cleri
71-80 arch veno sb cleri sin psy arch db my
81-90 veno sin cler arch psy sb arch db veno cler
90-100 cler arch barb psy veno arch bm cler psy wiz
Top 12: 5veno 3sb 2arch 1psy 1db
Top 24: 5veno 4archer 4sb 4db 3psy 1sin 1wiz
Top 60: 10veno 10archer 10psy 9cleric 6sb 6db 5sin 2wiz 1bm 1mys
BTW, the first seeker rank is 154.
result source http://tieba.baidu.com/p/4964047831
no doubt, veno is the most popular class in 6vs6 of pwcn.
Here i give the rank from arena cross-servers of pwcn.
Top gear is G17R5, one of servers has 15 G17R5 players so far.
It is hard to say this is a good ref to pwi because elite players gear level are different
for example, GoF archer (G17R4/R5) and R9rr archer are totally different stories.
PWI archer is very hard to get G17R4. But the top archers in the rank in pwcn are G17R5.
so pwcn top archers is more horrible than top pwi archers.
also, like top sin and db in pwcn, they always have G17 purge weapon.
G17R3 is a common base to pwcn elite players now
but we still can see some interesting statistic from pwcn
(remember, 6vs6 is u can make 10 ppl from diff classes, then choose 6 of them to fight)
the rank is according ppl credit
1-10 veno psy db arch arch sb sb veno veno veno veno
11-20 arch sb arch db psy wiz cler sb sb cler
21-30 db psy sin arch sin db cler cler sb bm
31-40 psy veno cler sb sin psy arch psy veno arch
41-50 wiz arch psy psy mys cler arch sin psy db
51-60 veno cler cler psy veno arch cler arch veno sin
61-70 psy sin barb db bm wiz barb veno mys cleri
71-80 arch veno sb cleri sin psy arch db my
81-90 veno sin cler arch psy sb arch db veno cler
90-100 cler arch barb psy veno arch bm cler psy wiz
Top 12: 5veno 3sb 2arch 1psy 1db
Top 24: 5veno 4archer 4sb 4db 3psy 1sin 1wiz
Top 60: 10veno 10archer 10psy 9cleric 6sb 6db 5sin 2wiz 1bm 1mys
BTW, the first seeker rank is 154.
result source http://tieba.baidu.com/p/4964047831
no doubt, veno is the most popular class in 6vs6 of pwcn.
Main Chars in tidewell:
Attacker_V: archer
Seraphim_V: Veno
xNightshadowx: db
Attacker_V: archer
Seraphim_V: Veno
xNightshadowx: db
Post edited by attackerv on
Joe was right all along, BMs and Sins are so broken.
I wonder if there's anyone that was saying BMs/Sins/Seekers aren't that great.0 -
Ofc veno is gonna be most popular.. that 0 phy def proc GG
Then SBs? endless kitting
This only shows, how unbalanced the game is... that's all i gotta say
0 -
LOL 154.
incoming seeker buff? PWCN? Maybe?
eirghan sage seeker ♥ current gear ♥ youtube ♥ title quest guide
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!0 -
Ofc veno is gonna be most popular.. that 0 phy def proc GG
Then SBs? endless kitting
This only shows, how unbalanced the game is... that's all i gotta say
Lol xD, you call that unbalance when we have sins in our version wrecking every other class. Try to get that proc to work through tidal. At least SBs can be CCed.
PWCN PvP and PWI PvP are two different stories.War. War never changes. Memento mori0 -
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PWCN PvP and PWI PvP are two different stories.
The rankings list is a nice point of reference, but expect things to be different on our servers.
Thank you @attackerv for posting this!0 -
Well I don't think anyone is surprised that venos are the most popular, purge + 0 def proc is extremely difficult to fight against.
I know dingo's comment was pure sarcasm, but I'm still sort of surprised that sins don't have a greater showing. Seeker has always been trash, don't think I've ever claimed otherwise.
Do the sins over there follow some sort of code of honor and purposely not use a 720% elimination or something? Perhaps the combo point system is much more difficult to use than we'd suspect.0 -
gear is important factor.
all pwcn is pvp server. mass pvp (over 100ppl) outside is important thing to them.
As I know from pwcn, psy and archer are major dd in mass pvp. therefore, the top gears players are on both classes
sin and db definitely won't be very shining at that scale mass pvp.
It is reasonable psy and archer in pwcn are more than sin/db in the rank, not cuz classes, just cuz gear.
other thing is, to 6vs6, don't need many support/tanky class. kill ppl faster is major thing.
that is why veno/cleric is high demand.
only 6 spot, so....2 support+4 dd is good. or no enough dmg output.Main Chars in tidewell:
Attacker_V: archer
Seraphim_V: Veno
xNightshadowx: db0 -
We know sin is extremly OP in our version...
But, Im a barb player, and there is no barb on that TOP at all, wich kinda worries me... There is no wizzard... No seeker...
This is very bad.0 -
I don't think gear is necessarily the reason why their rankings are so far off from the expectations from most of our community. I think their level of PvP is probably way higher than ours. You can compare it to a game like League of Legends, where certain champions are considered super broken on really low rankings (and have an extremely high winrate) but if you look at their winrates in high ranked games its the exact opposite and it turns out those ''super OP'' champions are actually really bad.
Doubt anyone wud agree with me tho cuz everyone seems to think they are PvP gods ( x) ), but if PWCN PvP is anywhere close to what we see in high level WoW Arena and GW GvG/HA then the level on PWI is extremely low in comparison.0 -
I wonder if PWCN has as widespread access to DoT/DoD as PWI does? If not, that would explain a lot of the differences - along with the lack of Jones blessings, it would significantly affect an assassin's ability to spike people down.
It would also make psy black voodoo more valuable, and Vit stones would make undine less effective, maybe enough to edge out wizards.0 -
in pwcn, DoT/DoD is cheap compare with r9rr. r8rr player can even use josd/deity in pwcn.
shard is not a big thing to pwcn top players, common like our r9rr.
The rank is according to person credit, not for win rate.
the credit mechanism is as the same as the beast fight of homestead.
high credit doesn't mean u win every fight.
if u just have 15 fights (quest reward weekly needs at least 15 fights) every week, even 100% win, u won't get high credit.Main Chars in tidewell:
Attacker_V: archer
Seraphim_V: Veno
xNightshadowx: db0 -
Besides g17 mats and crown of madness what is 6v6 arena good for?105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
http://mypers.pw/5/#2589580 -
Wasn't the arena for farming the new skills as well? I think I saw in Mel's video that you could exchange PvP arena rewards for the books. I could be mistaken though.0
new arena will be the important source to get G17 ring and robe. yes, like weapon, r1-r5. will replace our g16 robe and ring .Main Chars in tidewell:
Attacker_V: archer
Seraphim_V: Veno
xNightshadowx: db0 -
That's unfortunate. Honestly until g17 weps become meta I don't think archers and psy will do as well. I am curious what would everyone's ideal team consist of.105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
http://mypers.pw/5/#2589580 -
The meta is obviously very different when archers and psy have zerk, no question about it. And wizards obviously don't perform as well when everybody is fully buffed with cleric buffs, wheras psy dmg output is still pretty good either way, just by having high raw dmg.
As I argued in a different thread, the more people there are pvping, the less useful sins become, because melee range is hard to survive. Look at these rankings, its almost all ranged classes in the top spots. Are you surprised? I'm not. Attacker_v is onto something---people gear up the ranged classes more because they are way more useful in mass pvp.
Seekers kill people now with zerk crits and debuffs. But that means their dmg can't go much appreciably with g17r5; they just get tankier. And as I've argued elsewhere, seekers just lack sufficient cc to be really threatening in low # situatoins. And 6vs6, as attacker said, is about burst dmg. Venos? Ironwood proc, check. Psy? High burst with ulti and high dps on average, check. Db? Check. Sb? High average dps, good spike dmg, check. Archer with zerk? Check.
Very interesting info! The difference in ranking is very slim between the top few spots.0 -
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The meta is obviously very different when archers and psy have zerk, no question about it. And wizards obviously don't perform as well when everybody is fully buffed with cleric buffs, wheras psy dmg output is still pretty good either way, just by having high raw dmg.
As I argued in a different thread, the more people there are pvping, the less useful sins become, because melee range is hard to survive. Look at these rankings, its almost all ranged classes in the top spots. Are you surprised? I'm not. Attacker_v is onto something---people gear up the ranged classes more because they are way more useful in mass pvp.
Seekers kill people now with zerk crits and debuffs. But that means their dmg can't go much appreciably with g17r5; they just get tankier. And as I've argued elsewhere, seekers just lack sufficient cc to be really threatening in low # situatoins. And 6vs6, as attacker said, is about burst dmg. Venos? Ironwood proc, check. Psy? High burst with ulti and high dps on average, check. Db? Check. Sb? High average dps, good spike dmg, check. Archer with zerk? Check.
Very interesting info! The difference in ranking is very slim between the top few spots.
Well it would be more about the synergy. The top group is obviously running a cheese comp,
SB vortex spam to gather everyone into a tiny aoe + tiny AOE DB cc's/backup vortex + Veno tiny AOE purge + Tiny Psy Aoe spam. That's a lot of tiny/high impact aoe'ers.
It all starts with Vortex + maelstrom, however. Do this 2-3 times and I don't see too many groups getting out of that one.
0 -
@csquared5 I can get behind that but idk I think sins and db despite being melee classes will do well on china it's clear why sins don't do well but they are majority aps of china while outbreaks version burst damage I dont think there's denying this. A db with purge and quadrature can pretty much one shot ppl also can if he zc with rend and mire on full buff easy. Where as sins tele paralyze sleep + spellcutter genie bait, cursed jail elimination delete. For these classes unless the enemy has focus mind proc I don't think sins and db will have issues especially sins maybe when g17.5 but gl in 10yrs we will have that as meta105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
http://mypers.pw/5/#2589580 -
as a prediction for pwi, since we won't have G17R5 at least future years and a few ppl only reach G17R4, so skip the archer and psy in the rank.
then, I predict some classes maybe on the top of pwi,
2 support classes: demon veno and cleric (next expansion, demon veno also has group purge like sage, ofc, 0 phy proc is best support for db/sin/archer dd. cleric can SoG and long sleep ppls, good healer, purify, rebuff, very important support) .
3 DD classes: sb(partly support), db, sin. (no1 will argue db/sin dmg output)
above 5 classes may be no argument and be consistent with pwcn rank ( here I skip r9rr archer/psy cuz we don't have zerk for 99% of them in pwi, but if NP 2rb and G17R4 zerk archer/psy, that will be another story. )
last DD class: no idea, but still be DD classes. but think about sb debuff, psy, wiz, archer, seeker maybe the choices
this is very small group pk, so bm/barb may not be good as their roles in tw.
for mytic, it won't take a spot if we have a cleric choice.
we will see what happen here in future couples of month
Main Chars in tidewell:
Attacker_V: archer
Seraphim_V: Veno
xNightshadowx: db0 -
I think our community is too small for an actual meta. I think most of ranking will be dependent on which classes the good players are playing, rather than which class is actually good.
A quick question for @attackerv : Is this Arena accessible 24/7? I feel like that could potentially be bad for us, since I imagine there'll be certain times a day where literally no one is queuing up for Arena (we don't exactly have a million players xd), and people can literally queue on their alts to be guaranteed to fight them. A solution for us would be to only have the arena be open in certain time frames, as much as that would suck due to our wide spread of timezones. Then again, we tend to turn stuff thats meant to be competitive into a farmfiesta with our alts, so I imagine this is exactly what'll happen in the arena too.
As long as Venomancer is the strongest class, Blademasters will never have a place#FreeBMs2017
0 -
We know sin is extremly OP in our version...
But, Im a barb player, and there is no barb on that TOP at all, wich kinda worries me... There is no wizzard... No seeker...
This is very bad.
Three barbs in the Top100 is even more than I expected lol.
I'm saying it since 2008: barb is a PvE class. Be a barb if you like it to be responsible for a squad. A good barb keeps the squad alive and troubles away.0 -
@dingo488 yes. almost 24/7. only wednesday midnight, 8 hour(can't remember exactly) break for sending weekly reward.
ppl in pwcn did bring alts for rewards. But to the top pvp players, they don't care those rewards from alt farming. they would like to buy them from other players and enjoy a real pvp.
similar like NW, if u bring tons of alt in, maybe u get more reward totally but lost of pvp fun.
Many pvp fans actually fight 50-60 rounds each week.
but still, gear will determine the rank.
most of good gear sin/db in pwi will have purge G17 weapon. both of classes get biggest benefits from G17R3 weapon as dd classes. we don't have pwcn big players base to farm UP and no weekly cross-tourney. mat is much harder to get than pwcn to reach G17R4. but CN devs is too lazy to tune our version drop rate or provide other sources for G17 weapon.
most ppl in pwi will stop in G17R3 and it bring imbalance to classes. eg. sin/db have GoF r9rr, with G17r3 purge, but archer only have purge r9rr with zerk G17R3(dmg not better than r9rr)
Post edited by attackerv onMain Chars in tidewell:
Attacker_V: archer
Seraphim_V: Veno
xNightshadowx: db0 -
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