So I made an aps seeker

Posts: 455 Arc User
After becoming a fully fledged fourth cast R9 seeker (yes armors and all) I realized that the set bonus for 4th cast gives -. 05 interval and -. 05 interval on the chest as well as the boundless weapon having -.05 interval...
Noticing this I started experimenting with aps on the seeker...
After roughly 2 weeks I have managed to hit 2.22 aps demon sparked with 4th cast seeker weapon 3.33 aps with a blue blade with -.05 interval and a wopping 4.0 with no weapon attached
Now of course this is a troll build and is purely meant to farm warsong (pretty efficiently might I add) this may be hinted at by China just due to the fact that 4th cast g17 blade gives -.1 interval (this would bring me to 4.0 demon sparked)
Now of course for the non believers I will be recording and posting a video on this forum showcasing the power of aps seeker

The troll aps/4th cast seeker from Twilight Temple


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  • Posts: 187 Arc User
    edited November 2016
    Nah it's a legit build and can be comboed into with sac slash and a fire spam combo +occult ice while parchblade dance stance is on and stun with intervals of stalagstrike and repeat , or have northern sky stance on and alternate while adding imobilization and -def loss proc to add more def lvs loss and it can be used to kill others in pk .

    I used to use it with genie skill skill to drop fire defense and a fire pot buff on to add fire damage while on auto attack .

    I have a professional sage seeker though now for my main and I run deity gear on that and the numbers and anti stuns work nicer, but I have played demon and sage , demon always draws u in with the fun aps lure.

    My frined omes freaking had a double int 2x on legs and chest (we made a bet years ago on who would finish the aps set first since we was going for it , but I turned sage and made a demon seeker separately back then.

    Even more crazy I have an int + gouf on 1 of my 5 r8r swords , lol if only the new rune system gave u both sage and demon spark I'd have fun with that build again .

    Can't wait to see your video looking forward to it.
    Vae Victis.
  • Posts: 187 Arc User
    Tbh 3.33 aps is really good getting chi back too with not as much of that acc nerf (god knows we miss a freaking nuff as is)
    Vae Victis.
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  • Posts: 1,421 Perfect World Employee
    You know, when I first saw the set bonuses for the armor I thought it was a mix up (as I'm more familiar with APS builds on Sins and BMs and the rare occasion Fist Barb when that was a thing ). I didn't think it was a viable build, by all means post up content for it!
  • Posts: 1,912 Arc User
    edited November 2016
    I dont think anyone is a non-believer that it can work, ive seen youtube vids of the build and strategy @weapon762 is talking about on *coughahsgprivateservers* and its legit (with the right gear available). Problem in our version is a) a lot of PVE has anti-aps buff b) getting the amount of -int you need for the build to be worthwhile while not losing tankiness or damage for PVP since our version doesnt offer a lot of aps in end game gears and c) PVE is faceroll with endgame gears anyway so not much point to do that over dph if your focus is pvp.

    Im curious what your build is since I thought before you were going r8r to achieve -int, and if so, what your tankiness/damage over all done is compared to a full r93 seeker
  • Posts: 154 Arc User
    Cant wait to see a video on this! APS seeker has always been achievable in a very glass cannon way, but sounds like you've got a great setup for a really tanky build.
    Kymsplat - Sin -

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  • Posts: 37 Arc User
    My Roomate had a 3.33 aps seeker for a while. its actually not hard to bump it to 5 aps with r8r/r she used to use it with square formation (perma freeze at just 2.22 aps). also blades have a greater damage output vs daggers or other traditional APS build weapons. even in full r9 she still likes to randomly aps tankier characters. Because lets face it. who expects a seeker to aps you? xD the surprise usually drops them pretty quick.
  • Posts: 455 Arc User
    edited November 2016
    Sorry for the delay been caught up with college exams and work video will be a FWS run showing it off should b out in roughly 7hours
    Thanks for your patience , Prespire
  • Posts: 455 Arc User"]
    Gears are shown in the video R9R4:
    used to clear part of Water and used during first incarcerate fight
    APS r8rr set used in:
    Metal (both times) (switching as it starts)
    Incarcerate Advanced

    Thanks, Prespire

    Sorry for the long video took 8minutes due to a night squad xD
    If unavailable still uploading (that's to you forum warriors)

  • Posts: 1,912 Arc User
    What are the gear/stats? Do you have a mypers?
  • Posts: 455 Arc User
    edited November 2016
    For you Eirghan
    4th cast gears are in the inventory
    p.s. went demon for pure farming purposes will go back 2 sage once archer has it's R9\
    Then of course the crazy aff build which is not going to happen but, I can pray for xD
  • Posts: 1,912 Arc User
    Thanks. It looks like a fun farming build but Im a bit sad because I thought when you discussed it before in fac you were attempting a PVP viable APS build which would have been really cool if you had been able to get it.

    Why 169 dex though? Due to gear swaps?
  • Posts: 455 Arc User
    Pvp viable is a goal that I would like to get for it but, JOSD in R9 is gonna be more viable in the current state
    Used minimum dexterity in order to compensate for patk drop from going 4th cast R9
  • Posts: 1,912 Arc User
    edited November 2016
    If you are going for minimum dex I would say use 160. You lose no crit and gain almost 300 pattack. I see no dex adds on the aps gear that would cause a need for the extra 9 stat points but maybe i missed it.

    keep up the good work though looks like a fun build.
  • Posts: 187 Arc User
    edited November 2016
    Yeah he would have to have that 169 dex due to gear swap.

    I have a build where I use full deity gear on my seeker (helm and Cape g16 for those added str stats) and defensively I use( base helm and wing of ascension cape) and u lose the dex requirement when switching so I had to state some dex for the base of 150 on gear swap.
    Vae Victis.
  • Posts: 187 Arc User
    The top build is similar to my demon seeker although I use a legendary sage weapon for -int and swap between warsoul cirrus lord , my sage is the r9 ..well whenever I finish refining+cards (need to rb 1 more time parts of my set) chart and then max that passives and finish farming to my x2 g17 I'll go maybe have fun gearing my demon seeker .

    I love in tower where u get that aps buff for 5 aps I was just like lol wtf when I seen me speed blitz attck using it Yeah u should have seen my frineds build his was about what we all try for on demon aps. Shame he don't play anymore .
    Vae Victis.
  • Posts: 1,912 Arc User
    Weird i tried equipping both and didnt get a complaint from the program. Must be an engrave or some such. No biggie.

    Yeahgive me the aps buff from tower for pvp that is so much fun lol. Only i fear to zerk myself to death like sins back in the day xD
  • Posts: 187 Arc User
    Ikr gg
    Vae Victis.
  • Posts: 455 Arc User
    I mean the beauty of 4th cast 4aps is the purge proc which would b broken on its own
    Now pvp viable: I am in the process of attempting to pvp with this current build a ton on Guardian scrolls and Pdef charms r dying in the process but... A blooper reel or some sort of mash up is in order in the near future not sure when, exams and all holding me back, but I'll keep this updated on any gear changes etc

    Atm the biggest issue is the new sky lvl's... Haven't been able to play for nearly 2-3weeks so a full 6-7 sky lvl s behind, gotta love fighting at an even bigger disadvantage...
    @kalystconquerer#0876 this is where you come in and boost my sky levels XD
    Lots of love, Prespire
  • Posts: 37 Arc User
    @nunuator You should try getting an r8r or r8rr blade for the squareformation or thunder strike procs. 2.0 APS + = a permanant freeze/stun. Something Rose has already experimented with for PVP, You might like it xD
  • Posts: 455 Arc User
    yeah what i'm currently working on besides jades in some of the r8rr and g15 legs
    keep on re rolling the r8rr wep for dbl int or thunder strike and 1xint but, have had no luck
  • Posts: 187 Arc User
    Sqauds formation works more than thunderstrike trust me I tested the effects extensively and at 2.0 I cannot see it as perma , do u have a video of them stunlocking with the perma effect though?
    I'd love to see that .
    Vae Victis.
  • Posts: 37 Arc User
    Yep square formation works best for it at 25% chance per hit vs 15% (iirc) Sadly she moved away from aps long ago. It was over a year ago, before she got her r9 gears. I do remember her genie also supplemented the stuns if she happened to get unlucky with procs to maintain the CC tho (occult ice?) along with parched blade.
  • Posts: 187 Arc User
    25%? I thought it was 15 % and thunderstrike was 5% where did u see the info on proc rates ?
    Vae Victis.
  • Posts: 187 Arc User
    Yeah parch was great to maintain it in the sense u can time parchblade and chain stalagstrike a split second they are unlocked, then it's cast time vs reaction time which is made slower by animation time, which speeds up reaction time.

    Which is why it's so hard for seekers to perma lock because u cannot override stuns like db can "**** the rules i have money" and just over ride a stun with a paralysis skill (which is why parchblade need to be paralysis and not stun) u are forced into using a str genie and that don't leave much room for vit +mag which give u access to occult ice and of course str which even determines if skill will moslty proc anyways .

    Genies built this way suffer because occult ice can still miss even at 90 ish and higher, and pretty much all this build is for killing is Ha classes, barb and bm any higher int and u will suffer the dreaded 4.0 5.0 aps miss issue and seekers miss a ton on dex classes (they know it so they use hos blocking our lethal metal damage) so our p atck skills miss, like a ton (including garbage acc skills that are for spamming , like stagger and rock that are a huge foundation on how we debuff and lock.

    I could only see this build(square formation ) being viable with 4.0 or 5.0 I have a seeker that can at least still do 2.0 (standard aps gear) and he has same weapon and cant lock that way with weapon alone and I'd add genie that debuffs fire defense and using fire buff on self so u rack in the damage rather than relying on occult ice since u will only get to use 1 if opponent just runs .
    Vae Victis.
  • Posts: 187 Arc User
    And yeah the purge would rock with aps, but I think it may work better defensively versus offensively since u would endgame have a weapon that could purge while u are in def mode.

    And big def nut seekers will have like 200 +def lvs endgame (serenity )

    Those guys can take there time and be patient and pick players apart since they are nigh invicible with full buffs and the new anti crit passives and def passive.
    I personally will have at max- max endgame gear 289 def lvs in defensive mode and I'm deity (I swicth from josd armor for def lvs and for use to power up my atck lvs with sac slash ,this is why I have a separate set of def lvs I use for tanking ).

    You know if one was truly insane they would make a purge def weapon and purge target , and a spare g17 just for that mage and psycial def wipe proc,then proc then switch to bezerker aps mode with gouf and occult ice and stun skills ect.

    Even a portal user would be insta koed from that.
    Vae Victis.
  • Posts: 1,912 Arc User
    edited November 2016
    I had square formation and my testing was 5% i did NOT like it at all. Id be interested to see the aps build perhaps my testing was wrong...?
  • Posts: 455 Arc User
    edited November 2016
    yeah after doing some testing with it mixed in with misses on most classes (even with a 46% accuracy add) still seems low and not a perma freeze/seal, seems to proc 2-3 times when they are sealed and frozen but, does not refresh the seal so QQ
    However is does seem to work well with most AA classes


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