midnightstarrz Posts: 86 Arc User
edited October 2016 in Etherblade (West)
To celebrate Halloween this year, GD will be hosting a serverwide ZombieWalk!
Everyone is welcome to participate and join the fun with us!

Coming Saturday October 22nd 2016 @ 13:30 Servertime.

GoldDigrz Zombiewalk

Create a zombie look, make a new toon or use your main, dress it up, use make overs, whatever you want, just make it look as scary as you can!
All Zombies will meet up in West Archosaur at 520.563 at 13:30 Servertime
The zombies will walk a round through Archosaur hungry for brains.
After the Zombiewalk through Arch there will be a Ramp Walk at West Gate.
The participants will be judged by our GD Officer Panel on ini, fashion and overall zombiness.

Next to everyone getting together and having fun there will also be 3 winners selected by our judges.
1st: 30m + 3x Plat HP
2nd: 20m + 2x Plat HP
3rd: 10m + 1x Plat HP

Hope to see a lot of zombies crawling out of the ground to come join the fun!

