PWI 8th Anniversary Barter Event!
Posts: 545 Perfect World Employee
Happy Anniversary PWI!!!
Eight years is nothing to scoff at, so to truly celebrate the game we all know and love the right way, we’re bringing you an entire month and then some of events, giveaways, and prizes!
To kick things off in high fashion we’re going to begin with a very special “Bartering Event”! We know you guys have all sorts of bound and unbound items that you would love to unload to free up space, so this is your golden opportunity! Not only that, but we’re going to make it worth your while.
Here’s how this will work:
Each week we will create forum threads listing an item up for barter. We will also list an opening barter item. Players who have this item, or an item of equal or more value may put that item up for barter. This includes items that are bound to your character. Once an initial bid has been made, you may attempt to beat that bid by offering up better or more items up to barter. Keep going until we close bids for that item. Have the best bid and you win the Barter. Please note… Only bid items you are willing to part with, as we will be removing those items from your character (both bound and unbound) when we give you your bartered item.
Here are the rules:
For those of you curious as to when these sessions will begin please note the following times:
Session 1 – Begins 8/31/16, Ends 9/5/16
Session 2 – Begins 9/7/16, Ends 9/12/16
Session 3 - Begins 9/14/16, Ends 9/19/16
Session 4 – Begins 9/21/16, Ends 9/26/16
Session 5 – Begins 9/28/16, Ends 10/3/16
All Sessions Begin at 10am PDT and End at 11:59pm PDT
Good luck everyone and happy bartering!
Eight years is nothing to scoff at, so to truly celebrate the game we all know and love the right way, we’re bringing you an entire month and then some of events, giveaways, and prizes!
To kick things off in high fashion we’re going to begin with a very special “Bartering Event”! We know you guys have all sorts of bound and unbound items that you would love to unload to free up space, so this is your golden opportunity! Not only that, but we’re going to make it worth your while.
Here’s how this will work:
Each week we will create forum threads listing an item up for barter. We will also list an opening barter item. Players who have this item, or an item of equal or more value may put that item up for barter. This includes items that are bound to your character. Once an initial bid has been made, you may attempt to beat that bid by offering up better or more items up to barter. Keep going until we close bids for that item. Have the best bid and you win the Barter. Please note… Only bid items you are willing to part with, as we will be removing those items from your character (both bound and unbound) when we give you your bartered item.
Here are the rules:
- Bartering only! Event Gold, Gold or in-game coin cannot be used as part of the bartering process.
- All items offered in the trade must be items you currently have on your character.
- You cannot have collaborative bids.
- You may trade any type of item that is considered “high value” – this includes things like rare chance pack drops (all drops that are less than a 1-2% drop rate), items that can only be obtained in the cash shop, and exclusive high tiered items in game or that are only acquired through competitive gameplay.
- You can offer any amount or quantity of an item that matches or bests the previous offer.
- At the end of every session, we will close the thread at the end and look at the list of items. All items that are offered in the winning bid will be removed during maintenance and replaced with the items won.
- If there are no satisfactory offers or the minimum offer value has not been met, the thread will be closed as “no bid, did not complete”. Minimum offer value is determined by current in-game coin value average.
- When bidding, players must list their Character Name and Server in each bid, even if you had already previously bid on the same item.
For those of you curious as to when these sessions will begin please note the following times:
Session 1 – Begins 8/31/16, Ends 9/5/16
Session 2 – Begins 9/7/16, Ends 9/12/16
Session 3 - Begins 9/14/16, Ends 9/19/16
Session 4 – Begins 9/21/16, Ends 9/26/16
Session 5 – Begins 9/28/16, Ends 10/3/16
All Sessions Begin at 10am PDT and End at 11:59pm PDT
Good luck everyone and happy bartering!
R.I.P new players to this game. They'd have no chance unless they spend lots of irl money, but its something different shall be interesting to see how things go ^.^. Think i may barter my sheldon if anything useful is up for grabs0
How can we tell if something is of equal or greater value to a previous bid/ the initial bid?0
I like to Barter my X Wife0
- can one offer items from one character only or can one e.g. offer warsong belt (bound) from alt1 and warsong belt (bound) from alt2?
- does refine/sharding of items offered up for bartering count as well? imo it would be really unfair if e.g. warsong belt w/o refines would be worth the same as warsong belt +12 (thats a difference of at least 305gold if u said u orb from +7 on)0 -
How can we tell if something is of equal or greater value to a previous bid/ the initial bid?
I second this. If we are going off of NPC coin value... LOL.
eirghan sage seeker ♥ current gear ♥ youtube ♥ title quest guide
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What about the g16 molds? Can they be bartered? If so, how is their worth determined?0
@npc15 the opening bid seems to set the "tone" of value and the best bid out of all them will be the winning one.
@eirghan that'd be pretty cruel no? :P
@blinkmuch the rules seem to be more to stop collusion bidding or a group of people just ramming up the price with "shared" inventories (read - everyone just lumping in a huge lot of items). Will probably need clarification from Domino on this one. I'd like to think it's ok, baring that you're not suddenly offering 20 alts inventories :P but again that's ultimately up to Domino.
Refines should also ramp up the value so I'd definitely want to see a refined/sharded accessory be worth more than it's "base" form.
@cerle - G16 molds do ride up there with high tiered in game items per what the rules states. Good question! (though assuming they open with Basic Badges, anything within that same "tier" would be great, and it flushes out mismatched gear molds or class specific R9 molds). I'll definitely see what Domino says to that.⋆Have a question? Feel free to shoot me an ask!⋆0 -
So say something came up that I wanted, If I understand this I could barter my double int bound g16 daggers or similar? They way I read about it, it seems like a way to get rid of your high value bound items.Kymsplat - Sin -
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bit of a stretch but are we allowed to barter cards? xD would be a good way to be rid of s cards that aren't used .__.0
arspaulina#4310 wrote: »@npc15 the opening bid seems to set the "tone" of value and the best bid out of all them will be the winning one.
But how can you quantify what is the best bid? Is it coin value? Because the value of different items fluctuates per server (unless you're using npc values). Is someone just going to arbitrarily decide which bid is the best? How can we know how to bid higher than the person before us when we're not sure how this is being quantified?
Just trying to understand how this is gonna work
0 -
So, does anyone think this is even remotely going to work as an event?
Item X up for barter.
Thread is spammed endlessly with random collections and amount of items that have purely subjective and variable values across servers.
Whoever offers up like 80 Love Up and Downs wins...probably something worth way less. I don't really hang on to a ton of expensive stuff I'd be happy to have deleted from my character personally. But for pure entertainment, and being a legitimately fun IDEA they get points.
I Aim To Misbehave0 -
This actually looks really cool since many of us have bound items that are worth a lot but not used any longer. I think i get the concept but just so i dont misunderstand, if we do not win the barter we keep our items we used to bid, right? Only the item that is used to win the barter is taken?
Finally, i have a use for the 167 first time buyers packs in my bank!
Ps: to confirm are all prizes bound to character?
eirghan sage seeker ♥ current gear ♥ youtube ♥ title quest guide
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@koudelkamorgan There is always the risk of spammy trolls and the like.
Items that have solid "values" such as any CS items that have a hard zen value (Things like wedding packs or crafting masteries) will probably be the easiest to tabulate. Items from packs, though, can fluctuate based on how many are out in circulation. Still a valid concern that Domino is probably aware off but doesn't hurt to reiterate.
@eirghan If you do not win, any items you offered up will not be taken. No items will go randomly missing.
And how in the world do you have 167 of those O_O'? Or are you just kidding?
@npc15 The only part that comes close to answering your inquiry is "Minimum offer value is determined by current in-game coin value average" I assume (?) its the average across all servers to avoid say, having what is considered a good value on one server being absolute kaput elsewhere or having some weird discrepancy between Server A and B. Will poke Domino for clarification on this point.
You can spot the value differences in bids among your peers - for example, say if someone offers 2 Sapphire Gem and you offer 2 Stone of Savant, it should be relatively clear even across all servers what the "winning bid" is. (least, I would hope there's a clear delineation of coin value between those two items on your server) What gets dicey is items that are, say, gears given as part of events that hold no "real" monetary value as they can not be sold (things like the DC helms), but I digress.
⋆Have a question? Feel free to shoot me an ask!⋆0 -
If you could barter up cards this would be much more interesting to me or heck transfer another players gear refines and gems easier to start new Alts xD oh a man can dream hahaha but seriously this was a decent idea but all severs DO NOT have the same market what are you basing Market price here off of when gems don't even play the game or study the market this is a peculiar event hahaha.105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode -
@arspaulina#4310 heh i actually do have those. One week they messed up a promo and you got a first time buyer pack every time you buy 1 gold. Lol xD and people complain about fireworks mailbox spam....
eirghan sage seeker ♥ current gear ♥ youtube ♥ title quest guide
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@thenamesdomino is it possible to barter items from several chars (e.g. from 2nd account and/or chars on the same account)?
also, whats the exact value of S cards? according to charge promo items it should be ~600gold per s card but yet again that seems quite a lot..0 -
We still need to know how item values are figured
For something like dragon orbs, or pack items, its fairly easy.
But for something liek war avatar cards, gear with specific rolls, etc?0 -
Still looking for a few answers. Im interested to know whether the rewards are bound items.
Also... Its kind of annoying to bid say, six dods and then have someone bid 1 dod after you. For the love of potatoes guys read the rules.
eirghan sage seeker ♥ current gear ♥ youtube ♥ title quest guide
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its not just people not reading
the rules themself are not clear
all the itemlists people posted contain **** in them
most bound items are worth nothing
so the most pressing question is still: How is the value of each item determined?0 -
I agree that a bound item may only hold the value of what a npc would pay for it not another player due to the items are bound and there worthless to other players. arspaulina maybe you can also shed some light onto this and have a answer before final bids are put in on the 4th. Please0
That's just it if we need to know how values are figured
Bound gear is really only worth npc value, but people arent going to enter it into this event for npc value
The other problem is every item holds different values on each server...are values gonna be calculated on an average of all servers? assigned a value of their random choosing? by server of the bid?0 -
So here we are 14 hours from bidding closing and we still have no idea how values are figured, if items have to be on the character or just on the account, or if there are items that cant be used0
I can agree the rules are unclarified but no one in their right mind will think a sixth of what someone else bid is worth more no matter server value (if a dod is worth 60 on one server and 600 on another, six dods will still be worth six times more) or bound or unbound (most people dont state which is bound and which is not). People are just being dense in this case.
eirghan sage seeker ♥ current gear ♥ youtube ♥ title quest guide
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The thing is, if bound items are "worthless", then the refines/shards in gear have no value either
I think it would be in their best interest to expand this bidding window a couple days to clarify the rules/standards0 -
Still waiting @thenamesdomino @orinj
Can't figure it out based on what bids you selected
Is it purely item rarity? item value? We need more complete information.
This is a constant, never ending issue from PWI...incomplete information, flawed thought processes, et al...
Great attempt, but it needs clarity0 -
someone that was clearly out bid by many others wins the orbs ... GG pwi GG0
its not about any item rarity.. apparantly they just flip a coin.. lol0
Some items rarity can be screwed with based on spend promos or items entering the cash shop/chance packs, so they suddenly have values messed with (I'm looking at you Wukong Mount. Then again this was more of a weird unbinding issue but I digress). Or supply gets wrecked when too many of an item enters the server. For example, Bad Panda's used to be exclusively though winning events (calendar contests iirc?) but then they started getting sold in the CS. Chance pack items also tend to depreciate over time when it comes to the cosmetic side of things.
Item trends should probably be studied before during and after an event or at least the weeks leading up to such an event to get the best gauge on values. For certain "bound" items or currency such as Soldier's Pay and the like, my best guess is that it goes off of whats crafted most commonly out of said items and takes that value. (So best guess? Flyers is the metric?)
It'd be weird to, say, make Supply Tokens be suddenly worth hundreds of millions just because they can make an Emperor's Tome yes? (Though if you HAD enough to make one and you offered them up as a whole...why are you not just making the tome XD)
*puts on tinfoil hat carefully*
Perhaps...some bids were rejected because there might be better suited items later in the dock...
((I said too much, they are coming after me...))
EDIT : I should clarify, alot of the above as far as what metrics are being used is conjecture at this point as I have not poked for official answers to the more recent questions.⋆Have a question? Feel free to shoot me an ask!⋆0
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