EXPLOIT - Seeker Transposition
arcangel786 wrote: »I'm not here to cry, I'm here to solve a problem.
Easy to talk when you don't have that problem.
I will see you glitched every 3 minutes (6 glitch in a single map of 20 mins), from what you wrote I guess you'll enjoy it.
Why I don't report allied people? I report what I record, and this is not my fault if a seeker from your faction is doing that. Also, as you can see I was without a squad... not acting with allied or enemy people, joining random maps where i can find better fights.
What i was asking? Well, I don't like perma ban at all. But i think that 1 week ban (skip daily, event, ecc) can be enough. So if that guy has a bit of brain can think next time.
And I find more hypocritic kid who defend a faction mate also when he act wrong.
Good bye.
Ive played cata barb against Vindicate, Ive been glitched plenty, almost permanently, you see me posting vids about the Vindi seekers ticketing them and whining about it? No, cuz I know people in my own faction do it too, and if I dun wanna report my own faction members, I also shudnt report the enemy faction members because that would make me a hypocrite. You just doing this for your own self-interest, its only bad if it harms you, but if a seeker from your own faction glitches an opposing barb then its all good, suddenly there's no video and no thread crying about it.
You almost as big of a clown as other people in your faction, the ones that spam-ticket people for account sharing while themselves logging 10 clients from other people in that exact same faction. Please stop pretending to be some moral knight here to save the day, you just here to get opponents banned for your own self-interest.
Man how stupid you are everyday you make me realize why Trump become a president.
"Trump became a president because a European said mean things to me"
Calling other people stupid when he gives away account info and gets ****.0 -
As requested, I post the uncutted video + what happened last Thursday Night Tournament.
Uncutted video For GM
Nation War glitch at 5:05 - 7:20 - 7:56 - 10:30 - 12:10 - 13:42
Thursday Tournament glitch at 14:50 - 18:20https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPB8R61b6GY
Level 105 Barbarian with Deity Stone0 -
fml. people quit game over this @kalystconquerer#0876 . Even people who do this glitch are in this thread boasting about breaking the tos. pls help. =__=
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kalystconquerer#0876 wrote: »China has not offered us a solution to this issue at this time, but this have brought this up to them multiple times, including to one of their devs themselves. So even if they do not frequent our forums, they are aware of it.
Then support could do something about it when it is reported on, can't they -- or shall I ask will they? It's enough already.0 -
Petitions are not allowed in the forums. So. What can the playerbase do to show PWE that we are commited to this cause? Something NEEDS to be done and it's not a minority who believes this.
As you can see in @fury85 video(s -- check his channel there is more where that came from) it makes the game unplayable for certain people. This guy can't play in TW, NW, xTW, tourney... The guy can't participate in ANY event that involves player vs player. That is a HUGE part of the game.
At what point does PWE step up and say enough is enough? Its violation of TOS in a thousand ways.
How many people have to report it and how many times do those people need to send in date stamps and publish videos and screen shots and raise hell in the forums?
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this game is just a way for them to get money and maitain their other games, aka BlackLight , BoI , Neverwinter and other.. they dont care if we quit, they will just close the server.For **** sake it seems like PWE doesnt care if their employess lose their job due to that.
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As a barb... I gotta say I get locked on Nation Wars on the structures right beside bridge... On the stones/trees... It happens quite frencuently when u're flag carrier...
As a barb... I gotta say, I get locked during TW on the wall, when we are about to enter the enemy base.
As a barb... I gotta say, I get locked during Bridge battles on the Base where towers are.
As a barb... I gotta say, I get locked during Dragon Conquest on the stairs before Dragon/portal structures / Resource Towers0 -
I gotta say..this doesnt really happen alot on Dawnglory despite it being the most populated server by far.
It's just that TT-Server has such a ridiculous amount of brain-dead children disguised in the form of players. I still have many friends over there from Sanctuary times and hat they keep telling me goes D'accord with what Roar reports.
@kalystconquerer#0876 Can we just merge Twilight Temple with Dawnglory? Please
I promise to stomp the faces of those seeker in question in just as long as I need to for them to stop their BS. I would even take 1 month vacation just to pvp them 24/7 until they know where their limits are and that they should play fair!!!0 -
^ no don't ruin another NA server with EU times we suffer on dawnsglory as it is105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
http://mypers.pw/5/#2589580 -
@blazerboy I might sound rude now and I am actually intentionally sounding rude now: The majority of great players that are on TT are Europeans. There are some great NA players too, true, but they are not the majority. The other 90% of the server are useless for PvP anyways and couldnt even be considered fodder. Who cares if they quit (from a pure, challanging PvP-PoV).
What Ai, BBB and I could pull off together *dreams*0 -
I gotta say..this doesnt really happen alot on Dawnglory despite it being the most populated server by far.
It's just that TT-Server has such a ridiculous amount of brain-dead children disguised in the form of players. I still have many friends over there from Sanctuary times and hat they keep telling me goes D'accord with what Roar reports.
@kalystconquerer#0876 Can we just merge Twilight Temple with Dawnglory? Please
I promise to stomp the faces of those seeker in question in just as long as I need to for them to stop their BS. I would even take 1 month vacation just to pvp them 24/7 until they know where their limits are and that they should play fair!!!
what's a non factor player like you gonna do?,DA is full of delusional clowns thinking their good for pk.this forum is no more then a waste asking gms to fix that so called *wall glich transportation skill* u need chinese devs to fix things like that and not our gms.
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@blazerboy I might sound rude now and I am actually intentionally sounding rude now: The majority of great players that are on TT are Europeans. There are some great NA players too, true, but they are not the majority. The other 90% of the server are useless for PvP anyways and couldnt even be considered fodder. Who cares if they quit (from a pure, challanging PvP-PoV).
What Ai, BBB and I could pull off together *dreams*
You do know BBB is in faction with these filthy glitchers tho yeh?
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Yes please ban players who glitch in this way! Or let it known its illegal. Its unfair, unfun and not how game is designed. Acident is ok, glitching on purpose is not.0
They ban on chinese servers for this, so we should do the same.0
'I gotta say..this doesnt really happen alot on Dawnglory despite it being the most populated server by far.
It's just that TT-Server has such a ridiculous amount of brain-dead children disguised in the form of players. I still have many friends over there from Sanctuary times and hat they keep telling me goes D'accord with what Roar reports.
@kalystconquerer#0876 Can we just merge Twilight Temple with Dawnglory? Please
I promise to stomp the faces of those seeker in question in just as long as I need to for them to stop their BS. I would even take 1 month vacation just to pvp them 24/7 until they know where their limits are and that they should play fair!!!
So Joe, what are your plans for the people in Crisis who glitched your best friend BBB into a wall in xtw? going to "Stomp their faces in" 24/7 for a month as well or is that not how your circle jerk works?0 -
So Joe, what are your plans for the people in Crisis who glitched your best friend BBB into a wall in xtw? going to "Stomp their faces in" 24/7 for a month as well or is that not how your circle jerk works?
BBB is free to report if they did on purpose.
Level 105 Barbarian with Deity Stone0 -
@firefraii indeed. he is free to report them at any time. I do not approve of glitching anyone. If seeker do that (and I know we have a few newer ones now that could be doing that) then they deserve the full ban hammer. Permanent that is. How am I responsible for the behaviour of new people? Heck even if older players did that I can hardly do anything about it when I dont know about it. Also, sometimes it does happen by accident. its pretty clear when you record and a seeker is being left alone, goes into an obvious position and then uses Transposition.
Link me a video and I record them myself. Same faction or not I dont care.
@pwicat33 I'm not going to turn this into another thread like this. If you think I'm a nonfactor ok. Maybe I habe the possibility to change ur mind one day (people still believe that someone who knows all ins and outs in a game wouldnt have a massive advantage over most people that barely know their own class #Logic).0 -
Last upgrade from today Nation War.... no comments.. really. I try to take it on fun but I hope GM can discuss about some intervention on that players... this time i was heavly bugged.
Movie removed so as not to encorage more playes to use this glitch...
Way to teach seekers that didn't know how to glitch how it's done! *claps hands* My main is a seeker and I may have glitched someone but if I did I didn't know I had since I did't know how too. I use that skill to pull people away from the flag or the drop off point, and to stop thier AoEs. Now I'm not the type to use glitches but what if someone that sees your little "how to" movie now just got a lesson it how it's done? Didn't think about that huh? I suggest you keep this kinda thing for the GMs not for the forums unless you just want more people glitching?
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@kalystconquerer#0876 what are the chances that PWE will make some sort of action if PWCN will not fix the bug?
This has been going on for years, and actually it's not just seekers who use this, now also SBs can use their knockback skill to glitch players of any size (not just the large barb hitbox) into vertical terrain like trees and bushes. I haven't tested it but I am guessing its probably possible with archers now as well, not to mention mystics.
This is becoming a more widespread problem that doesn't just affect barbs vs. seekers. It's becoming an all-class possibility to use all of the time. I really hope that someone, whether it be PWCN or PWE, does SOMETHING to discourage this.
Yuppers Mystic can do it and so can SBs, oh and DBs can too with one of there pull skills. It's not just push skills that can be used to glitch. Lets face it all the classes are pretty "broken" when glitches become use like it's the norm.
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sensualsoul wrote: »@kalystconquerer#0876 what are the chances that PWE will make some sort of action if PWCN will not fix the bug?
This has been going on for years, and actually it's not just seekers who use this, now also SBs can use their knockback skill to glitch players of any size (not just the large barb hitbox) into vertical terrain like trees and bushes. I haven't tested it but I am guessing its probably possible with archers now as well, not to mention mystics.
This is becoming a more widespread problem that doesn't just affect barbs vs. seekers. It's becoming an all-class possibility to use all of the time. I really hope that someone, whether it be PWCN or PWE, does SOMETHING to discourage this.
Yuppers Mystic can do it and so can SBs, oh and DBs can too with one of there pull skills. It's not just push skills that can be used to glitch. Lets face it all the classes are pretty "broken" when glitches become use like it's the norm.
In Theory, yes, but even with the pulling skills it is way harder to actually glitch someone into objects, let alone with knock-back skills. Seekers Transposition is a no-brainer. It always works when you want it to work. No effort needed. Anything else merely a bug in the game and not that much of a problem. In all my time in PWI I got stuck in objects only once because of a pulling skill and only once as well for a knockback.
However, I also managed to glitch myself in place equal to this issue but just jumping/walking over some objects xD that also happens quite often especially in NW.
Still, most Seeker do it on calculated purpose. No punishment is hard enough for that. Friends, Faction mates, Enemies doesnt matter to me. You break the rules, you don't get to play again. No tolerance.0 -
I record now every nw... but it's hard to identify who glitch, I have no idea who this seeker his.
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@ zoube You didn't seem stuck since the SB's vortex pulled you to it just fine. I move the flag carrier too when they get close to the drop off point though I don't see why you would move you closer unless he was trying to help you not hinder you.
@ jsxshadow The point I was making is that other classes CAN do it too so if they wanted to glitch they could, that they haven't enmass doesn't mean it never happens. And yes we glitch on our own too. And then you have people that say get teleported at all it the glitch when that is the perpose of the skill. Sort of like me saying a barbs knock down ALWAYS working is a glitch since we have evasion in the game so we should be able to avoid ANY skill if our evasion is high enough, for us not to is therefore a glitch too. A lot of the skills seem very broken too me. There is the push skills that some class can use whereas other classes can not in PvP and the skill don't work in PvE either for these classes. (Psy's push only works on a few low mobs whereas mystic's push works almost on everything but bosses!) If there is such a thing as Evasion in a game is should work always, though it should depend on how much you have, and yet they put in skill that bypass that. I wonder if that was a glitch too to begin with or if they just got to lazy to work evasion in with the newer skill sets. Saying that I think you should not be surprised if they come back and say the skill works as intented and do nothing.0 -
nah you can see the seeker is running to the wall to do it. As you see my nation mates are focusing on him cause everyone knew what that seeker planned to do. I got stucked, and then unstucked by the SB's vortex. I don't complain about that action, just that the seeker obviously planned to glitched me.0
sensualsoul wrote: »Last upgrade from today Nation War.... no comments.. really. I try to take it on fun but I hope GM can discuss about some intervention on that players... this time i was heavly bugged.
Movie removed so as not to encorage more playes to use this glitch...
Way to teach seekers that didn't know how to glitch how it's done! *claps hands* My main is a seeker and I may have glitched someone but if I did I didn't know I had since I did't know how too. I use that skill to pull people away from the flag or the drop off point, and to stop thier AoEs. Now I'm not the type to use glitches but what if someone that sees your little "how to" movie now just got a lesson it how it's done? Didn't think about that huh? I suggest you keep this kinda thing for the GMs not for the forums unless you just want more people glitching?
I know well that Transposition can get me stack by accident. Is a skill and can be used for many interesting trick.
I put attention on that bug made on purpose against barbs. If GM start to ban for that abuse, i'm sure no one spam that again. If not, more people can learn how to glitch, and when that become a large scale problem, well maybe GM start to do something.
Actually i'm not playing PK, Nation War or Tournament on my server because is totally useless playing without have fun, and also i have to wake up in early morning to attend that events. I can say that on TT server there are just 2 seekers that abuse of that glitch (every time I see a barb stuck in an object I ask who did that) and also without my video 90% of the seeker know that already.Roar_King
Level 105 Barbarian with Deity Stone0 -
@fury85 So 90% know huh and how do you come by that number? Link your source for that stat please!
As for if they ban how will they know the intent is there to use it to glitch someone? Standing by something in the environment seems a bit of a stretch. They would have to remove a lot of that stuff then, rocks, trees, walls...and what not. I run into stuff all the time because honestly I'm intent on my target not on the trees and things. Would be fair to ban people that do not intent to glitch and it happens as they are playing normally? If they are going to start banning people for this "trick" They need to ban every sin that jumps through a close door instead of clearing a boss/mobs. Because the intent is blatantly apparnt. Good luck moniorting all the instances! They need to ban everyone of the players that glitch their speed skills too. There are a number of glitches out there that they have ignored for year and years! I don't believe they will do much about this one. Just wait and see, it will be deemed as part of the flow of the game.
And I still say your little home movie on how to "glitch" the seeker skill was not the smartest thing to do if you want to stop it. Just saying.0 -
The seeker glitch has been very public on twilight temple since before server merge @sensualsoul . Look back on forums and youtube history and you will easily find many posts about it and many more videos of it happening, not just by roar. Its a very hot topic of debate particularly between the two top guilds on tt and if i understand it correctly it also happens in xtw, since ive seen it in world chat. I think thats why roar assumes most know about it since if you watch world chat at all its pretty clear.
If youre concerned about people learning how to glitch, why did you point out which skills would glitch for other classes? This was a hot topic today on my server when i got home, all the bms and dbs were talking about how to "seeker glitch".
Basically the rats out of the bag already. I highly doubt roars experience could be that much worse if more exploiters join in anyway. Balls in pwes court.
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sensualsoul wrote: »As for if they ban how will they know the intent is there to use it to glitch someone?
If you see the video, you will see that the seeker use glitch on purpose running away near a tree or a rock or a wall. I know sometime should be an incident and in fact I never report every time I stuck. I know when its used on purpose and when its an incident and GM can see and value.
I will update what GM replied me today:
Thank you for your report about the seeker with using glitches. We've also received other reports and will be taking the appropriate action for this player. If you have any other issues afterwards, please let us know and we'll check it out further."
I come back to Tournament and Nation War this weekend and I will see.
Post edited by fury85 onRoar_King
Level 105 Barbarian with Deity Stone0 -
Its pretty clear the intent also when the player is in this thread posting trash and world chatting about how he wants to exploit roar.
Or, yknow, multiple videos of a person targeting you, running to a wall and transpositioning. I mean, how many times can you accidentally run into an object out of your way and transposition and not notice?
Thank you pwe if you did/do take action. @kalystconquerer#0876 please let mu and other gms in support know we appreciate it.
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