
Posts: 460 admin
Hi, guys. This post is just me reaching out to you as Orinj, and not an employee of PWE. It's Monday morning, and while I'm waiting for our email servers to bounce back, I thought it might be fun to open a thread to get to know you guys better.
Who are you and what do you do?
Feel free to share as little or as much as you like. But don't forget that this is the internet, so if you wanna keep something private, keep it private. And no inflammatory posts please. This thread is meant to be chill and relaxing. Thank you.
(Note: I couldn't find a current "Welcome/Introduce Oneself" thread anywhere. I did a search and one of the threads that popped up was an old necro-thread that I replied to in 2008, lol.)
I'll start -
Handle: Orinj. Why Orinj? People used to always tell me that nothing rhymed with the word Orinj, so I thought it was a cool little statement on individuality. Also, it's my fav color. I also worked in the Netherlands for two years, and their national color is orange, yay for me!
Profession: Senior Operations Director. I oversee several groups across three continents and am in charge of many things, both apparent and obscure.
Hobbies: I play games - Fallout 4, Lego Marvel Super Heroes, Tetris (yes, Tetris, LOL) - meditate, read, watch the heck out of anything UFC related, and most of all collect Transformers. OMG do I love my plastic crack. It's what keeps me sane. I normally work 14-hour days and 6 days a week to keep things running, so a little retail therapy goes a long way. Oh and I also love animals, which lends itself to me being a vegan. I do some volunteer work every now and then... and what else... I unno, that's about it I guess.
Anyway, for those you who have exchanged pleasantries with me, thank you so much, and for the rest of you who'd like to exchange a virtual smile and handshake, I offer mine in return.
Who are you and what do you do?
Feel free to share as little or as much as you like. But don't forget that this is the internet, so if you wanna keep something private, keep it private. And no inflammatory posts please. This thread is meant to be chill and relaxing. Thank you.
(Note: I couldn't find a current "Welcome/Introduce Oneself" thread anywhere. I did a search and one of the threads that popped up was an old necro-thread that I replied to in 2008, lol.)
I'll start -
Handle: Orinj. Why Orinj? People used to always tell me that nothing rhymed with the word Orinj, so I thought it was a cool little statement on individuality. Also, it's my fav color. I also worked in the Netherlands for two years, and their national color is orange, yay for me!
Profession: Senior Operations Director. I oversee several groups across three continents and am in charge of many things, both apparent and obscure.
Hobbies: I play games - Fallout 4, Lego Marvel Super Heroes, Tetris (yes, Tetris, LOL) - meditate, read, watch the heck out of anything UFC related, and most of all collect Transformers. OMG do I love my plastic crack. It's what keeps me sane. I normally work 14-hour days and 6 days a week to keep things running, so a little retail therapy goes a long way. Oh and I also love animals, which lends itself to me being a vegan. I do some volunteer work every now and then... and what else... I unno, that's about it I guess.

Anyway, for those you who have exchanged pleasantries with me, thank you so much, and for the rest of you who'd like to exchange a virtual smile and handshake, I offer mine in return.
F.E.A.R. has two meanings: Forget Everything And Run - OR - Face Everything And Rise. The choice is yours, my friend.
Hi. i started playing in 2009 before the tideborn expansion. then i lost internet for 3 years do to RL issues. came back and found that there had been 3 expansions plus the new horizen one coming out soon after. it took a lot of catching up, but i made it.
I'm also a writer so i will sometimes take long breaks from the game when i'm in a strong writing mood. Got one short story published back in 2014 and got another one being publsihed later this year.
Also love to cook and enjoy experimenting in the kitchen. I don't do simple foods, and even with something simple like a grilled cheese i have to make it more gourmet than just bread and cheese.Etherblade Server
due to mishaps in my past few years in game, I do NOT accept random invites (faction/squad/friend no randoms period) NOR will I give buffs (cleric/barb/sin/exp if i have it) to random people because they ask. If I DO give buffs to a random person, it's because of a random whim (much like the red detonator button sitting at my desk that i will one day push at a random whim)
Also do NOT look at my gear and then proceed to pm me asking to buy my gear or for a loan of coin. It's just plain rude.
I have too many toons to name, but if you play on Etherblade server and you come across a toon that acts this way, or if the world is suddenly destroyed, it was probably me.0 -
copy-pasta ftw.
Handle: Eoria. Most will call me Eo. Truthfully, I just stuck in names until something worked, but the Eoria/Eo handle has been following me ever since.
The name comes from a series of jrpgs called Ar tonelico. They're uhh...not that great, but I fell in love with the music.
Profession: I do volunteer work currently. Mainly with the local animal shelter. Though this'll change come August.
Hobbies: I regained my love of reading about a year and a half back. Mainly fiction, but I am reading a book on the Stonewall Riots atm at the behest of someone that insisted I read something non-fiction to "broaden my horizons". I don't think this is quite what they had in mind. Prior to that, I read Please Look After Mom by Kyung-sook Shin which was...good though I have issues with it.
I am also a bit of a jrpg fan and am patiently (ha!) waiting for Persona 5's release and any **** info on Kingdom Hearts III.
And did I mention I'm a music nut? I am a music nut, lol. One of these days I'll get a keyboard and learn how to play it so I can jam along to things and upload embarrassing covers onto Youtube. ):
I don't really play this game much anymore. I just enjoy some of the people in the community still.
p.s. If anyone has any Asian fiction recs that aren't Japanese/Korean, send them my way plox.
edit- I also enjoy doing my nails. Current paint job: (and I can't take a non-blurry pic for the life of me)Post edited by chary on0 -
Nice to meet you @Orinj and really cool that you're a vegan. You have a lot of neat interests. My husband is trying to get me to play that damn lego game. Maybe since you like it so much I'll let him persuade me
@Eoria your nails look like icing with sprinkles*licks*
Handle: I'm Eirghan, most people call me Eir. It doesn't mean anything but I tell people I face-rolled the keyboard. It's true meaning and pronunciation is a mystery. I am not a dude, as my weapon's engrave now declares due to the many misconceptions about my true gender, although nearly everything I wear (including my characters eyes and hair) is a godawful shade of pink. My character's original ini was all pink to be ironic (since I actually hate the colour pink). And then it just stuck. Serves me right.
Profession: I work for a large non-GMO, vegetarian health food company in the great north west. I really love my job and the people I work with and am pretty passionate about some of the causes they work for.
Hobbies: I like to play a lot of games. Right now I'm bouncing between a handful,less so PWI nowdays, but the people here bring me back. I'd probably play more if I could fit more goats in my homestead, but alas. You could maybe even call me "semi-retired" (waiting for the joy that brings from qontroL) I also love to read, hike, kayak, camp, cycle, and draw/paint in my spare time.
eirghan sage seeker ♥ current gear ♥ youtube ♥ title quest guide
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!0 -
Hi, guys. This post is just me reaching out to you as Foley, and not an employee of PWE. It's Monday afternoon, and while I'm waiting for COPS to come back on after commercial break, I thought it might be fun to copy and paste this guys stuff and fill in my stuff.
Handle: Foley2k. Why? Because someone had Foley, still haven't found out who the friggen jerk is. Foley is a nickname I have had in real life since what seems for ever. Long story short. Me + lots of Booze + SNL Character Mat Foley inpersonation = my nick name ever since.
Profession: Professional A-Hole, and I am dam good at my job.
Hobbies: Collect Hockey cards, autographs, woodworking, PS4 games. This game used to be one of them until some friggen idiot thought it would be an awesome idea to merge harshlands with a EU server and **** up the times so bad that I can't do any events. Seriously, someone should be fired for that. Dumbest move ever.
Like Origamiji or whatever his name is, I was a fan of UFC until recently. Seriously, 2 guys (1 who is a felon) get busted for steroids, and aren't disciplined by the company in anyway shape or form. After that news and all the recent people in there getting popped for doping I'm dropping the UFC faster than athletes from the Olympic games in Brazil.
Oh ya, Pokemon go, been playin with my nephews.
0 -
Pleasure to meet you @orinj
I chose my handle because I was coming up with one for this account (not my first account) and it was the first thing that came to mind at like 2am
I'm a student in University at the moment (Economics major/ Statistics minor)
I spend all my free time (Not much with homework during the school year) playing games and hanging with friends. As far as games of course PWI, also a lately I've been playing Metal Gear Rising Revengeance, Devil May Cry 4/5, and just recently decided to replay two of my favorite all time games, Zelda and Link to the Past and Metroid Fusion (GBA FTW)
When I remember to hit the record button (I forget a LOT) I keep up a PWI youtube channel Click Me (Shameless self plug is shameless)0 -
@Eoria your nails look like icing with sprinkles
Haha yes! That is exactly what I was going for.0 -
krian090590 wrote: »Hi. i started playing in 2009 before the tideborn expansion. then i lost internet for 3 years do to RL issues. came back and found that there had been 3 expansions plus the new horizen one coming out soon after. it took a lot of catching up, but i made it.
I'm also a writer so i will sometimes take long breaks from the game when i'm in a strong writing mood. Got one short story published back in 2014 and got another one being publsihed later this year.
Also love to cook and enjoy experimenting in the kitchen. I don't do simple foods, and even with something simple like a grilled cheese i have to make it more gourmet than just bread and cheese.
Oh wow, a writer in our midst. So cool. The extent of my writing career is posting item descriptions on ebay, lol.
And kudos to being a cook. I used to watch a ton of Food Network and would always be amazed at their culimancy!F.E.A.R. has two meanings: Forget Everything And Run - OR - Face Everything And Rise. The choice is yours, my friend.0 -
copy-pasta ftw.
Handle: Eoria. Most will call me Eo. Truthfully, I just stuck in names until something worked, but the Eoria/Eo handle has been following me ever since.
The name comes from a series of jrpgs called Ar tonelico. They're uhh...not that great, but I fell in love with the music.
Profession: I do volunteer work currently. Mainly with the local animal shelter. Though this'll change come August.
Hobbies: I regained my love of reading about a year and a half back. Mainly fiction, but I am reading a book on the Stonewall Riots atm at the behest of someone that insisted I read something non-fiction to "broaden my horizons". I don't think this is quite what they had in mind. Prior to that, I read Please Look After Mom by Kyung-sook Shin which was...good though I have issues with it.
I am also a bit of a jrpg fan and am patiently (ha!) waiting for Persona 5's release and any **** info on Kingdom Hearts III.
And did I mention I'm a music nut? I am a music nut, lol. One of these days I'll get a keyboard and learn how to play it so I can jam along to things and upload embarrassing covers onto Youtube. ):
I don't really play this game much anymore. I just enjoy some of the people in the community still.
p.s. If anyone has any Asian fiction recs that aren't Japanese/Korean, send them my way plox.
edit- I also enjoy doing my nails. Current paint job: (and I can't take a non-blurry pic for the life of me)
Fellow animal lover ftw! And great, another reader! Have a favorite author?
And whoa, epic manicurmancy! I never had the patience to put in so much detail. It was all black or nothing, lol.F.E.A.R. has two meanings: Forget Everything And Run - OR - Face Everything And Rise. The choice is yours, my friend.0 -
Hi, guys. This post is just me reaching out to you as Foley, and not an employee of PWE. It's Monday afternoon, and while I'm waiting for COPS to come back on after commercial break, I thought it might be fun to copy and paste this guys stuff and fill in my stuff.
Handle: Foley2k. Why? Because someone had Foley, still haven't found out who the friggen jerk is. Foley is a nickname I have had in real life since what seems for ever. Long story short. Me + lots of Booze + SNL Character Mat Foley inpersonation = my nick name ever since.
Profession: Professional A-Hole, and I am dam good at my job.
Hobbies: Collect Hockey cards, autographs, woodworking, PS4 games. This game used to be one of them until some friggen idiot thought it would be an awesome idea to merge harshlands with a EU server and **** up the times so bad that I can't do any events. Seriously, someone should be fired for that. Dumbest move ever.
Like Origamiji or whatever his name is, I was a fan of UFC until recently. Seriously, 2 guys (1 who is a felon) get busted for steroids, and aren't disciplined by the company in anyway shape or form. After that news and all the recent people in there getting popped for doping I'm dropping the UFC faster than athletes from the Olympic games in Brazil.
Oh ya, Pokemon go, been playin with my nephews.
Who's Origamiji? Is he a UFC fighter? And yeah, can't believe Brock and JJ popped! So many needlers in the sport.
Also, I thought because of your Ultimate Warrior sig that Foley was a reference to Mick Foley, lol. Who knew!F.E.A.R. has two meanings: Forget Everything And Run - OR - Face Everything And Rise. The choice is yours, my friend.0 -
Pleasure to meet you @orinj
I chose my handle because I was coming up with one for this account (not my first account) and it was the first thing that came to mind at like 2am
I'm a student in University at the moment (Economics major/ Statistics minor)
I spend all my free time (Not much with homework during the school year) playing games and hanging with friends. As far as games of course PWI, also a lately I've been playing Metal Gear Rising Revengeance, Devil May Cry 4/5, and just recently decided to replay two of my favorite all time games, Zelda and Link to the Past and Metroid Fusion (GBA FTW)
When I remember to hit the record button (I forget a LOT) I keep up a PWI youtube channel Click Me (Shameless self plug is shameless)
Nice, Econ-Stat in the house! We need more of y'all at PWEVirtual-world economies are built on real-world trends and practices.
Whoa, great trove of Youtube vids! I gotta check em out sometime.F.E.A.R. has two meanings: Forget Everything And Run - OR - Face Everything And Rise. The choice is yours, my friend.0 -
Nice to meet you @Orinj and really cool that you're a vegan. You have a lot of neat interests. My husband is trying to get me to play that damn lego game. Maybe since you like it so much I'll let him persuade me
@Eoria your nails look like icing with sprinkles*licks*
Handle: I'm Eirghan, most people call me Eir. It doesn't mean anything but I tell people I face-rolled the keyboard. It's true meaning and pronunciation is a mystery. I am not a dude, as my weapon's engrave now declares due to the many misconceptions about my true gender, although nearly everything I wear (including my characters eyes and hair) is a godawful shade of pink. My character's original ini was all pink to be ironic (since I actually hate the colour pink). And then it just stuck. Serves me right.
Profession: I work for a large non-GMO, vegetarian health food company in the great north west. I really love my job and the people I work with and am pretty passionate about some of the causes they work for.
Hobbies: I like to play a lot of games. Right now I'm bouncing between a handful,less so PWI nowdays, but the people here bring me back. I'd probably play more if I could fit more goats in my homestead, but alas. You could maybe even call me "semi-retired" (waiting for the joy that brings from qontroL) I also love to read, hike, kayak, camp, cycle, and draw/paint in my spare time.
Vegan and vegetarians, unite!Kudos to you on your profession!
And you have some neat interests yourself! I dig it, active, outdoorsy, and artsy - the modern-day renaissance woman!F.E.A.R. has two meanings: Forget Everything And Run - OR - Face Everything And Rise. The choice is yours, my friend.0 -
Fellow animal lover ftw! And great, another reader! Have a favorite author?
And whoa, epic manicurmancy! I never had the patience to put in so much detail. It was all black or nothing, lol.
Hmm...probably Catherynne M. Valente and N.K. Jemisin for favorite authors even if I only recently got into their work.
And lol, I have actually never done all black nails except maybe once for Halloween when I was a teenager. Was always either blues or purples then. ):0 -
Hey, my handle is completly random since back then we could use our ingame character names on the forum I never gave it much thought xD
Profession: Right now I'm working at a restaurant trying to make enough money to afford being able to do an internship in my field for experience (I have an IT engineer degree). So, saving up money to be able to support myself through a year of unpaid internship
Hobbies: To be honest, I don't do much. I play games like CSGO, L4D2, LoL, and a lot of flash browser games, then I work, watch anime and some videos on youtube and I cook a lot.
Lately I've been trying to bake but things aren't going so well since not even my own mom will touch it :'c
On my spare time I also like to code and mess around with photoshop. People say I'm good with photoshop but I don't think so since I can't even draw a stick figure. I know you don't have to be an artist to use it but hey, I think what I make is pretty crappy
I'll leave 2 examples here, keep in mind this is for our faction's website banned, so, the sides get trimmed xD Where you see it's empty, that was not supposed to show on the site:
Pic 1 - Made it for the christmas season
Pic 2 - Made it for halloween
That's pretty much it about me, nothing much to tell yet xD
Mr. Justice0 -
Time for some copy pastarina.
Handle: dblazen, mostly referred to as db. I have no idea how I got to that name, but I went with it and kept it in whatever I play.
You can imagine my agony when duskblades came out, and everyone started referring to that in world chat as "db" when they needed/wanted that class for an instance run.
Thanks a lot, China.
Considering you worked in the Netherlands, it's probably in Amsterdam at the PWE office there.
I live in the Netherlands as well, you should let us visit the office there sometime! And then give some goodies and stuff ofcourse.
disregard, you said worked, not work.
Profession: Software engineer, currently working on a system for hospitals, but NDA and stuff so can't say a lot about that.
Hobbies: Playing video games, watching movies and occasionally read a book.
My other hobby consists of criticizing PWE for making promises they can't keep, though it seems lately a certain someone is actually stepping it up. Let's hope it stays that way
@orinj, forum rules say you can't name other games besides PWI! Bad orinj!Post edited by dblazen1 onThe only fitting image for this forum.0 -
Handle: SpellStormer (friends stick with Spell). Let's just say that there are 2 aspects to this name, one planned, while the other is surprisingly better fitting. Yes, I wanted my psy to be a spell machine, but in the end it looks like all I am left with is the unpleasant ability to storm spelling mistakes
. So yeah, SpellStormer better fits my writing "style"
(Notice how most my posts are edited
Profession: Software engineer, mostly project based. I prefer to commit to projects, not companies.
Hobbies: Spikes of everything. Call it a long line of managed addictions. Some weeks I have a craving for reading various books (sf, psychology, work related. Took me around 2 months to read all Game of Thrones books some years ago), others I just want to play different games. I am all about finding new games to play, but somehow I ended up having a stable passion for PWI and 2 others (turn based strategy). I LOVE mountain trekking, not hardcore though. Some other weeks I just feel like hanging out or doing nothing at all (aka TV or lazing it out wherever).Dawnglory - SpellStormer (105 x 3): -
magiceffect wrote: »Handle: SpellStormer (friends stick with Spell). Let's just say that there are 2 aspects to this name, one planned, while the other is surprisingly better fitting. Yes, I wanted my psy to be a spell machine, but in the end it looks like all I am left with is the unpleasant ability to storm spelling mistakes
. So yeah, SpellStormer better fits my writing "style"
(Notice how most my posts are edited
Profession: Software engineer, mostly project based. I prefer to commit to projects, not companies.
Hobbies: Spikes of everything. Call it a long line of managed addictions.
Some weeks I have a craving for reading various books (sf, psychology, work related.
Took me around 2 months to read all Game of Thrones books some years ago), others I just want to play different games.
1. Game of thrones is just 1 book in the A Song of Ice and Fire series
2. Not all books have even been released so you haven't read all of them
3. GRRM should write faster ffs.
I am all about finding new games to play, but somehow I ended up having a stable passion for PWI and 2 others (turn based strategy). I LOVE mountain trekking, not hardcore though. Some other weeks I just feel like hanging out or doing nothing at all (aka TV or lazing it out wherever).
I... I can't
I have to correct you
The only fitting image for this forum.0 -
@dblazen1 cmon
you know I meant the series. And YES, I was terribly "delighted" to find out at the FRIGGING end that the series was not even complete. GRRM writes fast, but the man is perfectionist to a fault, and he cannot count for sh...t (pages...he tends to write a lot more than needed, then forced to either cut down or split in more books).
Dawnglory - SpellStormer (105 x 3): -
magiceffect wrote: »@dblazen1 cmon
you know I meant the series. And YES, I was terribly "delighted" to find out at the FRIGGING end that the series was not even complete. GRRM writes fast, but the man is perfectionist to a fault, and he cannot count for sh...t (pages...he tends to write a lot more than needed, then forced to either cut down or split in more books).
I know what you meant
I just hope he finishes the books entirely lol.
I'm curious how different everything will be between the show and the books, since the show will end years before he's done writing
The only fitting image for this forum.0 -
There are ton of other good sf books that can keep you occupied while the old frt finishes:D. If you haven't already, give Dune a spin (mind you, children usually destroy their father's work and reputation, but yea, give that a try). Or look up Licia Troisi for a nice fantasy surprise
I only read a small number of books from Asimov, so there... I have something to do for a big while. My plate also has the rest of books that follow up on "Ender's Game", but I kinda got borred of that.
Keep faith my man!
Dawnglory - SpellStormer (105 x 3): -
Well, here's a little bit about me!
Handle: Most people in PWI know me as Desdi. This is the name of my first character. It's a name I made up and didn't have a particular meaning until I gave it one later.
However, after I changed "main" characters a lot of people have started knowing me as Wyvelin, still most people know me as Desdi. Wyvelin is a word from one of the constructed languages I made for my comic book.
Profession: I'm currently unemployed, but I draw commissions like portraits and other stuff for people. I studied art, specifically cartoons and comics, including storyboard, animation and more. In my free time I work on my personal projects which are comic book series I hope to publish some day.
Hobbies: Apart from the obvious drawing hobby, I like playing video games, reading good books and watching cartoons, anime or animated movies. I also enjoy reading comic books and manga.
I love brainstorming over potential stories and ideas to draw or turn into comic books and sometimes I spend time analyzing fictional stories or characters for my own pleasure, though it also helps me see how particular stories are constructed and it helps me improve mine!
Apart from that I really love foxes, so you could say watching fox videos is a hobby of mine since I do it on a regular basis. I also love watching documentaries about space and animals so when I'm not watching cartoons/anime I have my TV turned on Nat Geo Wild.
I guess you could say writing guides for PWI players and making PWI videos is also a bit of a hobby of mine, but I only do it when I have free time. Links can be found in my signature!Post edited by catgirldesu on0 -
And yeah, can't believe Brock and JJ popped! So many needlers in the sport.
Seriously? You can't believe that Brock Lesnar was a roid user? The UFC knew he was, and let him fight. They excused the 4 month waiting period for tests for returning fighters. Brock has been on steroids since his football days.
And Jones, well, for a guy who has tested positive for cocaine, involved in a hit and run causing bodily harm, and other things, I am not surprised he got popped. Should have never been allowed back in. Huge ego got in his way.
After UFC 200 the UFC lost all legitimacy. They let Brock fight knowing he was using, because they couldnt let another fighter get dropped from that card because they were on the brink of selling the company.
UFC is no better than WWE wrestling now.
0 -
I am so right there with you in the edit department @magiceffect i think every post ive ever made has been edited.
Disclaimer: except this one. Until i edit it. Heh heh.
eirghan sage seeker ♥ current gear ♥ youtube ♥ title quest guide
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!0 -
I'll bite I have minutes to kill
Names Jo or Mers (mostly what I go by in real life), North American as you can tell by my wonderful personality lol jk jk
Profession: Army Combat medic, my day to day job usually consist of medical coverage of weapons ranges, making sure my guys are okay or not doing anything stupid. Hopefully nobody hurt themselves or require any form of meds because it's always great when I get to sit down and relax haha. I'm basically the cleric of my platoon of infantry grunts hence why I like to be hypocritical and give clerics in game a hard time hahah. Ultimately my goal is to finish 20years and retire as a flight Paramedic
Hobbies: I play PWI a lot less recently seeing as the community has dwindled over the years and it's pretty much not the same game or close to it if you ask me but I'll log once or twice a week to say hello to some friends mostly annoy Akira_Green and Yuyi xD on DA. I recently got into hunting and fishing which I find very challenging because it's something new to me but fun nonetheless. I definitely love hitting the gym and watching anime and reading manga on my spare time NERD MODE (ON) OFF105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode -
Why those well the mobs are technically "wraiths" and I was a tank aka barb. Then for my sin I just used the handle everyone used to message me "WT" and sin.
Right now I am a Math major in hopes of being a teacher. I am doing research this semester in Machine Learning ability to solve Partial Differential Equations to nth order.0 -
I also worked in the Netherlands for two years, and their national color is orange, yay for me!
Omg you are my new fav pwi employee!
Here's a little bit about me
Handle: Linyela / Xuela . How did I get to such Asian looking names as a typical white girl from the Netherlands? Well honestly I just smashed some letters together and it looked pretty so I kept it.. Yea that's it. No awesome exotic story, I just liked the letter combination..
Profession: Still a student! An International Communications/PR student to be exact.
Hobbies: Currently playing Pokemon Go like a true early 90s kid, I've never walked and biked so much in my life so I guess it's a good thing. I also enjoy taking care of my pets, currently have a horse, dog and a bunny.
Weird random fact: I am pretty sure the FBI is watching me. How do I know? Well this popped up when I was filling in my USA student visa a few months ago:
Illuminati confirmed.
p.s. Yes I like using the pony smileys0 -
grrm is a ****.
jk, but I can't anymore with fantasy novels that are literally bricks. ):0 -
This content has been removed.
Oh ok...
Currently working from home as a customer service representative while I'm building a CNC machine shop.
Army veteran - Was a Bradly armored personnel carrier mechanic for a bit
Worked in the technology industry prior to the military. Manufactured memory ICs for Patriot cruise missiles and various engineering wafers.
Also reworked/ modified and kitted multi-processor motherboard kits for Intel Corp.
Hobbies are woodworking, metal fabrication, antique restoration, gardening. Oh and for some reason I seem to catch a whole lot more trout than my family and friend when I go fishing and huckleberry picking.0 -
Hello, there!
I shall introduce myself I suppose!
My online handle for almost every social media and games centers around three things: Discord and Doom (dischordia, Doomy, etc) as was my angsty teenage 'I'm Edgy' nickname that I am still fond of actually (we're talking 15+ years ago even). The newer iteration of is is Lady Paradox that spawned out of people always questioning my other name and I would just say "A Lady never Tells for She is a Paradox" ... But I love it. It's my tag for everything these days. The third thing is Gwendolynne. It is my characters name in every MMO/RPG as well as the first name of my pen name.
I am a housewife and my husband works in the server rooms for one of the largest (and best) insurance companies in the US that affords us the ability to have me do that. We met on this game actually in 2012 and we got married IRL in 2014.
My hobbies include gaming, less PWI these days because Guild Wars 2 and WoW consume my life in my spare time. I also to a lesser degree play, Diablo 3, Heroes of the Storm, Skyrim (yup still play it!) and Sims 4. When I'm not gaming I am our little families CFO and I am obsessed with planning (decorating with stickers and other such nonsense), organizing and interior design. I also love camping, fishing, hiking and I live in beautiful Colorado where there is an abundance of all of it!I'ma, I'ma Beast ... Like Eat, Sleep, PvP Fantasies0 -
Hi Im Heero.
Heero You ask why? Well simply put I stole the name but it continued to serve as my Game / Nickname. Many other things happened in this time that caused chnage to happen and many other good things. So kept it. Now many call me H as a way of keeping it simple.
Some may also know me from the INDIGO HL and HL2 Servers that I Run/Help Support. I started playing PWI back in 2009 also when I was down on my health and not able to be at work due to this. Many people that do not play now supported me in getting back to full health and I would like to thank them fast. (I have enough air time for that right) My life since then has taken many turns and twists Including both my Kids births. PWI was a game to escape the RL trauma that caused my issues It took a few years for me to get back to my self With Friends and Family Supporting me. From their really Im your average person well Ill keep that to my self. Don't really think I ever did say Thank You to PWI for half of that. Now most of my time is taken up Working, Looking after kids, Eating, Sleeping, Running after Kids, Playing PWI and of course sitting down for a move with my partner. So on a last note I aslo am Writing my own Story a 3 Book part Science Fiction Time Travel and ALSO had to say one of the Ideas came to me when playing PWI. So enjoy this little part..."She is dead nothing can become of this now." Luke said
Guy was having nothing of this and continued to cry over Hannah. Shaking and infuriated by this knowing anything in this world is possible, after all he had something no one else had.
"It does not end here" Guy shouted at the sky.
He picked Hannah up and moved across the Field where the green Grass and white lines of the pitch once where. Looking back he could see the damage the fight had caused, really he knew it was lucky only 2 people had been killed. TC appeared beside him it was then his attitude changed. He knew what to do still angry he shouted "TC open Ports."
The system Opened the port and Guy went in. "Load Client VR Bio system and run Program Forts Of The Earth" Guy shouted.
At once the system processed the commands and they landed on the harsh floor. Fort INDIG0 was in view the Biggest fort in the game. Guy Shouted "I need help, We where attacked and she was killed please someone come to help"
At once players stated to appear on flyers mounts and other items. Waiting to see if his plan would work the High Alchemist of INDIG0 Fort appeared. Their was talk in chat a new Quest? No one had ever seen this happen before. Then blue light shot around Guy and Hannah taking her from his arms into the Sky she rose. Changing into Green, Red, Orange and back to Blue she came floating back into Guys arms. She Gasped and her eyes opened.....
Want to read the rest well your have to wait for it to get into the stores... Ps sorry about the edit some items and txt had to be changed for C reasons and Ill get in trouble if I gave it all as written...
On the 19 Dec 2013 I took over Suggestion Box. Leaving Feedback and Info as well as Logging any Suggestion that Meet a set-up or are supported. To this day I continue to support PWI from the Forums as well as ingame. Tho my time has been cut since my Kids I still find time to Exit my life and return to Perfect World. During my time playing the game I did look at joining the PWE team @orinj to find out you have to live in the U.S. Sadly this put me out of running as A 8 hour Commute each day would not have been wise. Someone really needs to make a port Please!
On a last note I applied to do a course of Game Design back in my early teens. I did all the work to get into the course and was offered a place. Sadly I had to turn this down due to funding an option that was not viable at the time. Funny thing really is I was offered the place in the Design Of Games rather than coding or building.
Last thing I dont believe in no win Scenarios, When their is a Will your Find the Way. Now you have met me Find the Will.
Thanks for reading.
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