Illusion Crystal Glitch

Hi GMs of PWI,

Thanks for directing me over to the forums to ask the question - BathroomToast (in particular).


I used a crystal on a level 1 barb and got to 95 with no gears and quest available except the level 95++ quest. Problem is, I am unable to complete cultivation at level 19 because I will require a flyer. It seems to me that if I'd used the crystal, I might have to spend money to buy a flyer from the boutique shop too to get out of Celestial Vale and finish my Cultivation 19.

Some friends of mine did the exact same thing, and did not face a hitch to complete their cultivation. They mention receiving the basic purple fox and respective basic flyer. However, it wasn't so for my case. I will love to provide more information if someone from the support team or GM can help me out with what's wrong?

Surely odd to spend 30 gold to get to level 95 and not be able to proceed and enjoy the game! I'm a new gamer to PWI and love the gameplay thus far. Hope to hear back soon!



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Best Answers

  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    Answer ✓
    Heya Sam, if you are on the Twilight Temple server, I will give you a flyer for Untamed. I'm up for helping out a new player in need...

    IGN = DarknessWithin or SofaKingBored​​
  • Posts: 607 Arc User
    Answer ✓
    If you're in Tideswell I might have something too, let us know where you are so that someone can help ^^

    Mr. Justice


  • Posts: 607 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    Well, they got the purple fox and the flyer because they did the starting quests where you get those, which, after using the pill, are no longer available. However, if I am not mistaken you can still acquire a flyer from either the elder of your race or the Archosaur elder (can't recall which). To acquire said flyer you need to pay 10k coins (extremely small amount).

    Edit: Just checked the database, and it isn't necessarily at your race's elder but it is in your race's city. It's also 20k, not 10k.

    Since you said you were new, the race's main cities and where you can get the flyer are:
    - Tideborn (Assassin + Psychic): Raging Tide, you can acquire the flyer at Priest Konchi - World 663 133(42) In Raging Tide talk to the teleporter there and choose Quest Related->"Cloud Temple". The Priest is inside the building where you're teleported to.
    - Human (Blademaster + Wizard): Etherblade is this race's city but according to the database you don't get the flyer in the city but up north from it. Follow the coordinates I provided, you can acquire the flyer at Mo the Recluse - "World" 480 949(26).
    - Elf (Archer + Cleric): Plume City, You start with wings.
    - Untamed (Barbarian + Veno): City of the Lost, Lost City Recluse - "World" 216 543(22).
    - Earthguard (Seeker + Mystic): Tellus City, Elder Star - "World" 394 230(27). Move into the circle and you'll be able to go up to meet the elder inside the building.
    - Nightshade (Duskblade + Stormbringer): Dawnglory, to be honest I can't find where to get a replacement flyer for nightshades, but by now you probably understood it's somewhere near this area.

    This is what I could find in the Database. I can confirm the TB one is there, idk if the other ones are 100% accurate, but doesn't hurt to try. If you can't find them at the NPCs I said, check the elders.
    Post edited by nbreaking on

    Mr. Justice
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    Thanks nbreaking!

    I did what you mentioned above and this is what i found - you will not get a quest, nor will you be able to buy a flyer (at least for untamed class). I've tried both the recluse and elder respectively.

    What i also struggle with is the fact that while it serves to level real quick to 95, the directions to Cultivation quest is lacking. Zero mentions in your quest log. Which makes it even more weird because you would assume that PWI will have a better sense at selling the cash item. Which brings me back to my previous point, once you use the crystal - you're practically cashing your way through the game because you have nothing but level 95 quest to complete.

    Help me understand how you can contest against any quest if all your skills was till Cultivation 9/19 (assuming you managed a flyer)?

    I think the GM will be best to answer and I do hope for further clarity.
  • Posts: 607 Arc User
    They should include a flyer, yeah, I agree. I based my answer on what the database said and I've tested on my sin. The Tideborn one works, sorry that the untamed one doesn't. About the skills, they reduced some skill values to 0 and that was one of the reasons, however, yes, you can't get them all to 10 for 0, but you can get a few lvls.

    One last place you could try to check (but prob not there) is in celestial Vale on the 2nd "city" on the northwest area. If it's not there, then I really don't know.

    Anyways, if you can't get a flyer that way, don't buy one from the boutique either. The boutique ones are super expensive, buy a slow one from a player since boutique prices on Flyers and Mounts are just dumb. The other alternative (sometimes ppl are nice enough) is to try and ask a faction mate if you can borrow a flyer for a sec just to complete the quest, ask them if they have a flyer they don't need, some people do (be careful how you do this, if you ask them to borrow their flyer just like that they will automatically assume you're a scammer, specially since you're a pillbaby. Don't ask them for their flyer, ask if anyone has an extra flyer they can lend you just for culti 19).

    This is all I can think about right now.

    Mr. Justice
  • Posts: 596 Arc User
    You can't get a flyer for nightshades either unless you do those low level quests.
    Unless you know this prior to using the crystal you are forced to purchase a flyer from the boutique or someone else.​​
    Here we go again....
  • Posts: 39 Arc User
    It's possible to get to the crystal without a flyer by jumping up to it. It's quite a pain getting in the right possition but possible.
  • Posts: 159 Arc User
    I had this problem on my alt account Mystic, the elder will NOT sell you the flyer, there is no option to purchase it anywhere else, and if were not for event gold I would not be able to complete first cultivation either.
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    Thank you all for chipping in! I managed to finished all my cultivation after passing Culti 19.

    Kinda borrowed a flyer from my other barb by trading with a player and than to me. Painful and weird, but I did it!

    I guess the purpose was to highlight how this function (Illu Crystal) that offers players to jump levels to have a little more guidance. Else, it's just a cash game EOD. :(
  • Posts: 607 Arc User
    Thank you all for chipping in! I managed to finished all my cultivation after passing Culti 19.

    Kinda borrowed a flyer from my other barb by trading with a player and than to me. Painful and weird, but I did it!

    I guess the purpose was to highlight how this function (Illu Crystal) that offers players to jump levels to have a little more guidance. Else, it's just a cash game EOD. :(

    Glad to hear you made it, they should include a dreamchaser pack with the illusionary crystal, that way you'd have a flyer and some other small goodies.

    Mr. Justice


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