Code, cant redeem

diclonias20 Posts: 2 Arc User
So i got sent a code on 13th of may and its 18th and i cant redeem it. No way it expired in 5 days. I tried to redeem thru arc online and client but nothing works. Its invalid. I typed it many times so whats wrong. Am I only one or u have some req to redeem it.


  • darky26
    darky26 Posts: 163 Arc User
    I notice you mention that you typed it. Did you try to copy and paste it? Instead of typing it. Many times letters and numbers can be confused, 0,O, 1,l (L small),I (i capital), e.t.c. I think that if the code had expired, you'd get the message that this code has expired. Invalid message gives me the impression that something went wrong when typing, probably. A letter missing, or a confusion between letters and numbers. If possible, try to copy-paste the code to the redeem window. Good luck!
  • jamminjimmy
    jamminjimmy Posts: 141 Arc User
    wondering why you defend pwi so much darky......lot your replies seem like you work for the ticketing dept blame others you needbe more careful and copy paiste not type lol........adventualy you will see also as so many have the total disregaurd this game has for their player base. unless your posting with difaccount only being around 1 year you have yet too see the same things happen over and over.
  • darky26
    darky26 Posts: 163 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    @jamminjimmy: It's not my intention to defend anyone, or accuse anyone. I'm trying with my little knowledge, and I repeat little knowledge, to help as much as I can. There are times that I have faced similar issues, and then found what works for me. So I'm trying to give an advice and say what might work for others too. Hoping that this could help others. I hadn't always thought of copy-pasting a code, so maybe, just maybe, others might have been like me too, you know? So if they haven't tried this method, and if this method (copy-paste) can help in their issue, I'll be glad. I want nothing more than for the problem to be resolved!

    I have been in the game for a while. I joined when the Tideborns came out. Lame memory is lame...So I don't remember the exact year. I've been in the game since then. I didn't use to visit the forums. And when I first did, I was surprised by how easy threads derailed and how heated things often became. Therefore I didn't post much. In fear of making someone feel bad or create a bad atmosphere. Even now I have this fear, and you'll often see me edit my posts. For grammar, structure and to make sure I don't sound offensive. I hope I don't at least. If I do, I sincerely apologize to everyone!
    Post edited by darky26 on
  • lilkitsu#4417
    lilkitsu#4417 Posts: 87 Arc User
    actually it is possible the code has already expired, but all i can say is the same as dark copy paste, and also make sure you are using it with the correct account as the code is account bound