R9 4th recast question

Hi, sense my old account cant post i'll use this one.

on pw database i see a option that says it can use my 2nd cast r9 weapon to make the 4th cast : http://www.pwdatabase.com/pwi/items/36351

it says it needs Orihalcum (36) and Sovereign's Seal (578) and the 2nd cast weapon. Umm so i was looking and i cant find the forge the page says or the items in game. is this true? and how would i get those 2 things. well i guess it dont matter without the forge, so whats up with the forge?


  • krian090590
    krian090590 Posts: 235 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    the forge to do this is by the NW forges in North arch, but most players agree apart from the weapon it's not really on upgrade. the stats are a bit weaker. the only thing that would possibly make it worth it is the set bonuses, but i dont know of anyone who has made a full set of R9 Boundless gear to know the full set bonuses. the items to craft it come from the cash shop from time to time, but it's like another $1k to do the entire set, and for what most players view as a downgrade, it's not really worth it. you are also looking at the wrong recipe. the only available recipe for the boundles gear is the second one with adamantine powder and orichalcum ingot, which you also need rrr9 in order to do. the recipe you mentioned has never been an available method to get boundless gear.
    Etherblade Server
    due to mishaps in my past few years in game, I do NOT accept random invites (faction/squad/friend no randoms period) NOR will I give buffs (cleric/barb/sin/exp if i have it) to random people because they ask. If I DO give buffs to a random person, it's because of a random whim (much like the red detonator button sitting at my desk that i will one day push at a random whim)
    Also do NOT look at my gear and then proceed to pm me asking to buy my gear or for a loan of coin. It's just plain rude.
    I have too many toons to name, but if you play on Etherblade server and you come across a toon that acts this way, or if the world is suddenly destroyed, it was probably me.
  • mechabeastmc666
    mechabeastmc666 Posts: 346 Arc User

    the forge to do this is by the NW forges in North arch, but most players agree apart from the weapon it's not really on upgrade. the stats are a bit weaker. the only thing that would possibly make it worth it is the set bonuses, but i dont know of anyone who has made a full set of R9 Boundless gear to know the full set bonuses. the items to craft it come from the cash shop from time to time, but it's like another $1k to do the entire set, and for what most players view as a downgrade, it's not really worth it. you are also looking at the wrong recipe. the only available recipe for the boundles gear is the second one with adamantine powder and orichalcum ingot, which you also need rrr9 in order to do. the recipe you mentioned has never been an available method to get boundless gear.

    if thats not the recipe then why is it on pw database?
  • demansfairy
    demansfairy Posts: 456 Arc User
    That's the China recipe, we got a different one for us, which I belive is in the database as well?
    full +12 SB, currently lv 105 105 105
  • zeevhaora
    zeevhaora Posts: 85 Arc User
    I think this recipe is to make r9rrr in chinese and just translate.

    Pwdatabase have lots of info of things no exist in pwi.

    R9r to R9rr is just some FWS runs to badges and molds. Comparing price of boutique itens of boundless and even r9, this is most cheap step of all, and is most fun.
  • dblazen1
    dblazen1 Posts: 1,177 Arc User
    >People keep calling it R9s4/R9r4/R9rrr

    It's just freaking China's R9s3/R9r3/R9rr
    It's not an upgrade, it's an overly expensive sidegrade (and the armour isn't even worth it at all) because they want our version to be more like theirs but we have to pay the price for it.
    Only the weapon is slightly better, but it's +/- 1.2k USD to do that.​​
    The only fitting image for this forum.

  • zeevhaora
    zeevhaora Posts: 85 Arc User
    dblazen1 said:

    >People keep calling it R9s4/R9r4/R9rrr

    It's just freaking China's R9s3/R9r3/R9rr

    It's not an upgrade, it's an overly expensive sidegrade (and the armour isn't even worth it at all) because they want our version to be more like theirs but we have to pay the price for it.

    Only the weapon is slightly better, but it's +/- 1.2k USD to do that.​​

    You're right, but, to us, this is 4th tier of r9, not 3rd. Then yes, its r9rrr and no r9rr. We call vit to attibute of hp and def, not con. I play one venomancer, no one werefox. :P
  • mechabeastmc666
    mechabeastmc666 Posts: 346 Arc User
    Does anyone think its worth it? I didn't have any plans to do the gear but the weapon. is the extra 5 attack lvls assuming you got 25 on your 3rd recast wep, worth the basic attack reduction? i mean ppl walk around with so many defense lvls i dont think it will matter

    and i see it's china recipe. sense they use 2nd cast to go to Our 4th cast they must have only had 2nd cast until now or a equivalent But oh well. i get it now
  • kiymori
    kiymori Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    Why does it irk me so much when people call it s4 r9.....Oh yah because it's not stage 4 r9....No wonder.. Anyway i'll say get the weapon if you really want to, otherwise it's really just a small increase that you CAN potentially ignore. After all the g.17 weapons in theory are better but will cost an arm and a leg to obtain not to mention a ton of grinding.