Bring back goons or put level to 105 pots onsale in cash shop

First if all I agree with you on the primal bloods issue they can be a hassle, second please be quiet about the leveling up process. Did you even playing this game 6yrs ago it took 6+ months to get from 1-100 if you log daily and spam fc. Are you really complaining about the fact from 1 to 100 takes maybe 10 days if u use a exp buff to like 2 1/2-3 weeks? Hell theres a pill to level 95 then do pv everday and you can hit 100 in a few days and do morai quest chain. Are you freaking kidding me? You're literally asking them to handle everything to u. Also FYI alot of us during the week log do primal dailies jfso pv log off this takes about 3 hours if you are slow. Gtfo if your easy x3 105 whats the sense of a game if u can buy all aspects w.o working for anything at all. Might aswell buy a illegal account xD. Seriously quit your complaing pn my first x3 105 character dreamchasers werent given out like candy as is now and the AEU exp belt didnt exist. I still did it within 7 months with doing pv on and off when i felt like it the fact of the matter you arent experienced and know what you are doing. Dont blame pwi for your ignorance get off your butt and work for something105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode -
For PWI u need more than 3 years to get lvl 105... This is lame, in the others mmorpgs we can lvl up faster and we can also change our server whenever we want.0
leveling is more easy now loldeezeylegend1 said:If PWI wants to compete with other games on the market they need to make leveling a lot easier. The top games mostly now you can level up to max level in a couple of weeks. Also they need put bloods in the auction as well or other a faster way to get them for new players. PWI is slowly disappearing and offering no ways for new players to join or be interested in their games. You should't have to no life in a video game to get ahead.
Maybe this is not the game you are looking for.
True other games is max lvl in 10 days and then you start farming your gear in instances or events. Well to bad for you, PWI isnt like this0 -
Not sure if a troll, or just someone who hasn't played more then 17 minutes of PWI.kikiwikilili said:For PWI u need more than 3 years to get lvl 105... This is lame, in the others mmorpgs we can lvl up faster and we can also change our server whenever we want.
Plenty of people have gone to 105 and then did it 2 more times for the reawakening.
to the OP
First let me say. Hypers were never intended to be used in FC. So people had it good for a while. There were way too many FC babies that only leveled in that instance, and didn't know how to use their character because of it.
Since the reawakening made available to chars, leveling up is way easier. Old kill quests have had their kill counts lowered. New quests have been added that give good xp.
I could list way more that gives exp but why would I when you haven't put the time in yourself to see. All I will say is that in under 2 weeks I got my Storm Bringer to lvl 100, and that is with very casual playing.
0 -
I have
I have 2 rank 9 12+ toons lol your not hurting me at all, for this game to survive it needs to evolve. I played this game since launch and are seeing more and more people leave the game. Leveling is not easier now lol they got rid of FCC and FCC goon's which alot of players cheated to get 105 anyway. If pwi doesn't want to embarrass themselves on steam they will do this if not the game will die more.beast21g said:
leveling is more easy now loldeezeylegend1 said:If PWI wants to compete with other games on the market they need to make leveling a lot easier. The top games mostly now you can level up to max level in a couple of weeks. Also they need put bloods in the auction as well or other a faster way to get them for new players. PWI is slowly disappearing and offering no ways for new players to join or be interested in their games. You should't have to no life in a video game to get ahead.
Maybe this is not the game you are looking for.
True other games is max lvl in 10 days and then you start farming your gear in instances or events. Well to bad for you, PWI isnt like this0 -
2 weeks to get lvl 100 you have to get to 105 3 times to be competitive lol, you should be able to get to 105 3 times with less than a month of playing. PWI will never get any players like that, the reality is that pwi while not continue to exist if the keep losing players and will have to be shut down. To get new players they have to make things easier for casuals(leveling, primals etc). and not only that offer decent ways of farming in the game.foley3k said:
Not sure if a troll, or just someone who hasn't played more then 17 minutes of PWI.kikiwikilili said:For PWI u need more than 3 years to get lvl 105... This is lame, in the others mmorpgs we can lvl up faster and we can also change our server whenever we want.
Plenty of people have gone to 105 and then did it 2 more times for the reawakening.
to the OP
First let me say. Hypers were never intended to be used in FC. So people had it good for a while. There were way too many FC babies that only leveled in that instance, and didn't know how to use their character because of it.
Since the reawakening made available to chars, leveling up is way easier. Old kill quests have had their kill counts lowered. New quests have been added that give good xp.
I could list way more that gives exp but why would I when you haven't put the time in yourself to see. All I will say is that in under 2 weeks I got my Storm Bringer to lvl 100, and that is with very casual playing.0 -
deezeylegend1 wrote: »2 weeks to get lvl 100 you have to get to 105 3 times to be competitive lol, you should be able to get to 105 3 times with less than a month of playing. PWI will never get any players like that, the reality is that pwi while not continue to exist if the keep losing players and will have to be shut down. To get new players they have to make things easier for casuals(leveling, primals etc). and not only that offer decent ways of farming in the game.
Sounds like you're looking for something moar MOBA-like. This ish MMORPG. And in MMORPGs it's traditionally taken looong to reach end-game.
Kitty's gone. She gave up on PWI. And she's a black metal Kitty naow.
Kitty's Youtube-channel("Kitty does eet"-series and much moar): KittysamaRT
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!0 -
kittyempressa said:deezeylegend1 wrote: »2 weeks to get lvl 100 you have to get to 105 3 times to be competitive lol, you should be able to get to 105 3 times with less than a month of playing. PWI will never get any players like that, the reality is that pwi while not continue to exist if the keep losing players and will have to be shut down. To get new players they have to make things easier for casuals(leveling, primals etc). and not only that offer decent ways of farming in the game.
Sounds like you're looking for something moar MOBA-like. This ish MMORPG. And in MMORPGs it's traditionally taken looong to reach end-game.kittyempressa said:deezeylegend1 wrote: »2 weeks to get lvl 100 you have to get to 105 3 times to be competitive lol, you should be able to get to 105 3 times with less than a month of playing. PWI will never get any players like that, the reality is that pwi while not continue to exist if the keep losing players and will have to be shut down. To get new players they have to make things easier for casuals(leveling, primals etc). and not only that offer decent ways of farming in the game.
Sounds like you're looking for something moar MOBA-like. This ish MMORPG. And in MMORPGs it's traditionally taken looong to reach end-game.
No most new MMO's don't take more than 1 month to level the MMO's are dieing for a reason. The top ones being wow, guild wars etc take well less than 1 month to level. Lol this game is a grind fest and when steam people get a hold it they will rip pwi apart. Pwi is desperate for new people until they fix the problem they will never get hardly any new people. The days of grinding are over lol.0 -
ok i understand you, you are from the people that always complaining for no reason have fundeezeylegend1 said:I have
I have 2 rank 9 12+ toons lol your not hurting me at all, for this game to survive it needs to evolve. I played this game since launch and are seeing more and more people leave the game. Leveling is not easier now lol they got rid of FCC and FCC goon's which alot of players cheated to get 105 anyway. If pwi doesn't want to embarrass themselves on steam they will do this if not the game will die more.beast21g said:
leveling is more easy now loldeezeylegend1 said:If PWI wants to compete with other games on the market they need to make leveling a lot easier. The top games mostly now you can level up to max level in a couple of weeks. Also they need put bloods in the auction as well or other a faster way to get them for new players. PWI is slowly disappearing and offering no ways for new players to join or be interested in their games. You should't have to no life in a video game to get ahead.
Maybe this is not the game you are looking for.
True other games is max lvl in 10 days and then you start farming your gear in instances or events. Well to bad for you, PWI isnt like this0 -
kikiwikilili wrote: »For PWI u need more than 3 years to get lvl 105... This is lame, in the others mmorpgs we can lvl up faster and we can also change our server whenever we want.deezeylegend1 wrote: »If PWI wants to compete with other games on the market they need to make leveling a lot easier. The top games mostly now you can level up to max level in a couple of weeks. Also they need put bloods in the auction as well or other a faster way to get them for new players. PWI is slowly disappearing and offering no ways for new players to join or be interested in their games. You should't have to no life in a video game to get ahead.
so you want an item that will max your Lv? With out playing the class or learning any skills first. KK ill give you about 16 days if you did that before you would quit and leave after spending all that money.
not worth the spend. Hence the reason we have the 95 stones now. With 2 RBs you still have time to learn your class. Im 103 ingame and have no desire to hit lv 105. With my gear I would prob get board and stop playing. Its really gives you someting to do.
On a last note. OK ill give you 105. so what gears are you going to use? Your still gonna have problems with being 1 hit but by mobs with no gear. You wont get invited to FSP or UCH or any new instance with out good gears. What you going to do spend more money? ok get r9s3 now you have that and 105 what are you going to do... Quit because their is nothing to do...
With this and a lot more the answer is no.
If this came into suggestion box it would not be logged as their are to many flaws to this.0 -
we got a rb1 stone , cming with tt99 gears.
thats not too shabby.
i guess what OP really is asking for: ways for newer ppl to catch up in a timely manner!
and i do fully agree there - just too many things bound to daily activities. ( we do get items to skip mirage sky and so on, we got nuema for lucky coins and all that stuff is slowly coming now)0 -
we got a rb1 stone , cming with tt99 gears.
thats not too shabby.
i guess what OP really is asking for: ways for newer ppl to catch up in a timely manner!
and i do fully agree there - just too many things bound to daily activities. ( we do get items to skip mirage sky and so on, we got nuema for lucky coins and all that stuff is slowly coming now)
But there are plenty of ways already for people to catch up in a timely manner. I find most of the people that complain about how hard it is to level, actually haven't started a new toon lately to see exactly how easy it is to level. The only real downside IMHO, is that you need to set aside a couple of hours a day just for doing daily quests. However, if you're serious about playing, and are determined to level, playing a few hours a day is a drop in the bucket.
And if you really want to spend money on leveling, instead of working for it, there's a plethora of ways to do it there as well. You're still going to have to spend your time farming dailies, but hell; who joins a 10-year-old title expecting to jump in and be on par with the people who have been playing for 5 years?0 -
technically if your a new player and wanna go mega cs mode, you can spend 1-2 grand on illusion crystals and get your first 105 instantly lol ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
(•_•) ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■)
Dawnglory's legendary Stormbringer ShockWave LV 105-105-103
7 year old Harshlands character, semi-retired Wizard Boomz
Will he reach 1800 spirit?0 -
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You know... I wouldn't mind a pill that levels you from 101-105.
That be great for my alts that I want to complete or make as new mains.
But yeah, reaching max level becomes extremely boring extremely fast. In a true style of MMOs, they are meant to take a while and not be completed in a month or less. Some console RPG games could be completely in 72 hours or less and then it's dead.
On top of that it's unfair to compare PWI to other games. You must keep all things equal as in age and pay to play or free to play similarities. Yeah some games are at the top but you have to pay to play, or some games are just too new they have all the ideas in place compared to games that are 10+ years old. Also... some games do advertise a lot more than others if some others even advertise at all.
On another note, way back before PWI, on another Perfect World server... getting to 100 was a dream for many like getting to 105 because after around level 90 quests died and you actually had to kill mobs in the open world to get more exp/levels. Before all the easy EXP things came out, I got to 101 in a month, R9 in a year and played nicely since then.0 -
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Apparently, it should no longer be an accomplishment to hit level 105.
To heck with those of us that worked hard and long for our 105, three times...0 -
I actually like it the way it is now, it gives you something to work towards and to feel accomplished for.
I started playing a certain soulful blade game a few weeks ago, the game looks great, combat is nice, but it takes a day if you speed up you leveling, 3-4 days if you casual to reach max level, and then you have to repeat the same dailies, tenths of dailies, over and over, since there isn't anything to do other than spam them. Hell, the best gear is super easy to get in a couple of weeks, for the super casual players.DeffyNature0 -
sylenthunder said:we got a rb1 stone , cming with tt99 gears.
thats not too shabby.
i guess what OP really is asking for: ways for newer ppl to catch up in a timely manner!
and i do fully agree there - just too many things bound to daily activities. ( we do get items to skip mirage sky and so on, we got nuema for lucky coins and all that stuff is slowly coming now)
But there are plenty of ways already for people to catch up in a timely manner. I find most of the people that complain about how hard it is to level, actually haven't started a new toon lately to see exactly how easy it is to level. The only real downside IMHO, is that you need to set aside a couple of hours a day just for doing daily quests. However, if you're serious about playing, and are determined to level, playing a few hours a day is a drop in the bucket.
And if you really want to spend money on leveling, instead of working for it, there's a plethora of ways to do it there as well. You're still going to have to spend your time farming dailies, but hell; who joins a 10-year-old title expecting to jump in and be on par with the people who have been playing for 5 years?
Then how are you all expecting to get new people? This game will die if it doesn't change it's clearly having issues and is trying to join steam. I don't want them to destroy this game on steam but I know they will. Like I said I have multiple toons are r999 12+ it is a pain to level all your alts to level 105 all and you cant use pills on the hardest levels(100-105). This is losing pwi money and encouraging account sharing for the people who have other people do there dailys. This is why so more people play pwi private servers than pwi cause everything is made easy. I want to play any new MMO I should be able to join that MMO and within a month compete with the other players. I can do that with any of the top MMO's on the market. Other old MMO's were smart and threw away the grind fest model. End game is TW's, PVP, NW, and end game instances which give you hardly any rewards for your hard work. As far people talking about learning your class lol, the player's skills have gotten worse. FCC babys were a myth lol, lots have players have played for years and never got better. All I have to do is play on a new class for day and ill mope the floor with most pwi players its not hard at all.0 -
LOL, I remember grinding mobs in the open map for drops and using hypers at like 4xExperience! I've been playing almost 5 years now, took a year and a half to get to 100 with only very occasional FC runs, and that wasn't until well after level 70. I can say I'm almost endgame now, something of a Johnny come lately. Only in the past year or two have I done Lunar and Warsong on a regular basis and then I still only do it on occasion. I don't know about other RPG's, I still love PWI. I like the storylines which are now glossed over because of faster levlelling and greater experience and rewards. Personally I'd like to see the level cap taken away and more quests after 100. I do my share of dailies but I'd like to see more content and maybe even gear choices(rare gear drops/mats) just so we are not ALL going toward the same endgame, and also make world map/OHT/Nirvana more viable. Just my opinion, coming from a F2P/PVE standpoint. But back to what the OP said, in my opinion super fast levelling isn't the way to learn your class and develop your character. I have a crystal baby barb and he hasn't done a whole lot, lol, just because I have dailies on main and other more veteran toons to build up.ayejay101 said:You know... I wouldn't mind a pill that levels you from 101-105.
That be great for my alts that I want to complete or make as new mains.
But yeah, reaching max level becomes extremely boring extremely fast. In a true style of MMOs, they are meant to take a while and not be completed in a month or less. Some console RPG games could be completely in 72 hours or less and then it's dead.
On top of that it's unfair to compare PWI to other games. You must keep all things equal as in age and pay to play or free to play similarities. Yeah some games are at the top but you have to pay to play, or some games are just too new they have all the ideas in place compared to games that are 10+ years old. Also... some games do advertise a lot more than others if some others even advertise at all.
On another note, way back before PWI, on another Perfect World server... getting to 100 was a dream for many like getting to 105 because after around level 90 quests died and you actually had to kill mobs in the open world to get more exp/levels. Before all the easy EXP things came out, I got to 101 in a month, R9 in a year and played nicely since then.0 -
getting to 100 in 2 weeks is fine. getting to lvl 100 is almost equivalent to getting to 59 compared to 4-5 years ago imho.
the bare minimum to take part in the majority of the game's significant content is lvl 100 and morai gear meaning 89 culti done. bare minimum for being "competitive" on any level is rb2 and g16 gears with refines maybe shards and culti done since you need to be able to start getting the important primal upgrades.
103-105 is such a pain in the butt, you guys are making it seem like its JUST a matter of some time.... its really not.
-primal dailies
-morai/AEU grinding
-faction base grinding
so much of the newer content relies on doing the same dailies every single days for like 8 months or so. i REALLY dont think exp for leveling should be at such a premium, or that we should be relegated to PV-grinding in order to do so (i personally hate PV even tho i main psychic, its so boring and annoying to run so many in a row to me)
i completely agree that leveling should be even less stressful for all and that it shouldn't be so much of an issue for this GAME to facilitate that especially given the steam launch. i dont think many newer players are going to get over the shock of just how much stuff at one time you are going to need to worry and obsess over AT ONE TIME just to be a one-shot in any pvp scenario.0 -
how many other games of similar age make it so hard to reach competitive levels? i know a game that cant be named basically gives you instant lvls just so newer players can catch up to the pack and old palyers can reroll to play a new class.
i know the recent couple of games launched that are MMOS and not MOBAs definitely dont make leveling so big of a deal so players can worry about gearing up and getting into endgame stuff.0 -
deezeylegend1 said:
2 weeks to get lvl 100 you have to get to 105 3 times to be competitive lol, you should be able to get to 105 3 times with less than a month of playing. PWI will never get any players like that, the reality is that pwi while not continue to exist if the keep losing players and will have to be shut down. To get new players they have to make things easier for casuals(leveling, primals etc). and not only that offer decent ways of farming in the game.foley3k said:
Not sure if a troll, or just someone who hasn't played more then 17 minutes of PWI.kikiwikilili said:For PWI u need more than 3 years to get lvl 105... This is lame, in the others mmorpgs we can lvl up faster and we can also change our server whenever we want.
Plenty of people have gone to 105 and then did it 2 more times for the reawakening.
to the OP
First let me say. Hypers were never intended to be used in FC. So people had it good for a while. There were way too many FC babies that only leveled in that instance, and didn't know how to use their character because of it.
Since the reawakening made available to chars, leveling up is way easier. Old kill quests have had their kill counts lowered. New quests have been added that give good xp.
I could list way more that gives exp but why would I when you haven't put the time in yourself to see. All I will say is that in under 2 weeks I got my Storm Bringer to lvl 100, and that is with very casual playing.
I did say very casual playing. That was maybe a BH a PV run and maybe a quest or 2.. Thats less then an hour a day. I could have easily made it to 100 in no time. After leveling up psy to 100+ 3 times, seeker 100+ 3 times, sin 100+ 2 times, and a mystic to almost 100, its get really boring doing all of those quests again, so I took my time. Leveling up is very easy, you have to take advantage of what the game offers. BH, PV, weekely events, hypers, and crazy stone are just a few ways to level up super fast. If people are finding it hard to level up, they are doing something wrong.
0 -
if you are only talking about hitting 100x3 on 3 toons, then you have no idea what going from 102-105 ONCE entails. it is not that simple and if you know the deal with the exp table after 100 then you wouldnt be so flippant about how easy it is to level.foley3k said:deezeylegend1 said:
2 weeks to get lvl 100 you have to get to 105 3 times to be competitive lol, you should be able to get to 105 3 times with less than a month of playing. PWI will never get any players like that, the reality is that pwi while not continue to exist if the keep losing players and will have to be shut down. To get new players they have to make things easier for casuals(leveling, primals etc). and not only that offer decent ways of farming in the game.foley3k said:
Not sure if a troll, or just someone who hasn't played more then 17 minutes of PWI.kikiwikilili said:For PWI u need more than 3 years to get lvl 105... This is lame, in the others mmorpgs we can lvl up faster and we can also change our server whenever we want.
Plenty of people have gone to 105 and then did it 2 more times for the reawakening.
to the OP
First let me say. Hypers were never intended to be used in FC. So people had it good for a while. There were way too many FC babies that only leveled in that instance, and didn't know how to use their character because of it.
Since the reawakening made available to chars, leveling up is way easier. Old kill quests have had their kill counts lowered. New quests have been added that give good xp.
I could list way more that gives exp but why would I when you haven't put the time in yourself to see. All I will say is that in under 2 weeks I got my Storm Bringer to lvl 100, and that is with very casual playing.
I did say very casual playing. That was maybe a BH a PV run and maybe a quest or 2.. Thats less then an hour a day. I could have easily made it to 100 in no time. After leveling up psy to 100+ 3 times, seeker 100+ 3 times, sin 100+ 2 times, and a mystic to almost 100, its get really boring doing all of those quests again, so I took my time. Leveling up is very easy, you have to take advantage of what the game offers. BH, PV, weekely events, hypers, and crazy stone are just a few ways to level up super fast. If people are finding it hard to level up, they are doing something wrong.0 -
OK I want to give people an idea how to get to 105/105/105
It took me 6 months to get to 105/105/105 from 102/102/102
Here is what i did:
12 PVs per day (not missing a single day) (I know someone who can do more...but this is the most I can do)
around 5m exp per PV (this, I believe is the maximum amount that one can get from PV using hyper) (not include return warrior buff)
If you wonder how i can do that.....RRR9 gears and G16 cube neck, recast R9 ring, recast sky cover.....and all +10/+12
not gonna takes time and determination
Now i will tell you how much it costs to reach 105/105/105
after 12 PV runs the repair bill is 600k
and of course, charms ****....
In the past, I need to buy PV openers, but now you can just open PVs with lucky coins....this is MUCH MUCH MUCH easier
if you have gears that is not RRR9.....I can't say that you can't do it...but it will be 10 times harder and costs 10 times more (due to excessive charm ****, dying, etc...) and you might get so frustrated that you smash your keyboard or your monitor.
how long does it take to do 12 PVs you ask? around 30 mins since 2 PV tokens only last 30 mins
30 mins a day is not that much...but again you need to be really patient and determined and i am sorry gears also..
0 -
The majority of players in this "MMORPG" do not engage in role-play.patrickhuong said:OK I want to give people an idea how to get to 105/105/105
It took me 6 months to get to 105/105/105 from 102/102/102 ...
0 -
Thing is, level 105 x3 only matters to people who are into competitive PvP and want access to things like seeing Assassins (detect pots), using NW buff pills etc. and want the extra attribute points to maximise their builds. Even then, there are still people that PvP regularly but they aren't 105 x3 (some not even 105 once).
Outside of competitive PvP, you just need to be level 100 x3 (or 101 to have access to some extra things like taming the level 101 Derjan's Hatchling pet) to enjoy most things. Leveling to 100 doesn't take long unless you barely play. New players generally shouldn't want to get instant level 100 since they'll be left with no gear (unless they buy the additional gear pack), no skills, no experience on how this game works and no clue on what to do next. That's something we saw happen with a few people that joined PWI during the free level 95 pill promotion.
I'm not against having more level up and auto-rebirth-level-up stones being sold. It might encourage some people to re-roll to new classes since they are tired/disappointed with their current main. I just never really understood why some people worry so much about getting to 105 when they are generally casual players and they do some NWs at best.
Not to mention they should probably be more concerned about catching up with Sky levels, spirit stat, cards, passives, star charts and all that. While farming all that you can still get EXP from quests, events etc. Some people said you get a decent amount of EXP from the Heavenfall Tower as well, which you may want to farm in order to improve your star chart.
I don't know... I don't really disagree, but I feel like leveling is a lesser concern compared to all the other things players need to do to catch up to anyway. Shoving everything in the boutique isn't exactly the solution either. Then again, this is such an old game and they need to keep adding things for the older players so they have something to work on.
I can only think of occasionally having free goodies campaigns like the level 95 pill that offer free levels/rebirth levels/gear/PrimalBlood packs/etc. for free to give new players a boost. However, we'd also need an environment where players can quickly learn a few basics and get the hang of the game (otherwise they would be lost, confused and maybe quit) and some advertising so people actually know this thing is happening.
0 -
I do know what it entails. I have logged my chars for people to open PV so that they can get to 105. For me, 103 was good enough (on my main), I didn't, and still don't care about 105. I never said it was easy to lvl to 105. I said it was easy to lvl to 100 because thats the point where you gain access to end game gear, skills, instances, etc....|dagoddominator said:
if you are only talking about hitting 100x3 on 3 toons, then you have no idea what going from 102-105 ONCE entails. it is not that simple and if you know the deal with the exp table after 100 then you wouldnt be so flippant about how easy it is to level.
Like patrickhuong said, it took him 6 months to get 105x3, which isn't that long. If your not willing to work to obtain 105x3 then you don't deserve it. People are taking their own life experiences and bringing it into the game where they want everything handed to them and not work for it. Get back to your drum circles, hippies.
0 -
You must be a really bad class for pv to only get 6 runs a token in those gears (I know any AA class can do 8 easily, I've seen archers do 7-8 in gear slightly worse than what you listed, seriously what class are you? I'm intrested now, seeker maybe?) Also 600 from only 2 tokens @12 runs is huge, that's like letting mobs wail on you for 10+seconds everytime you stop, kinda huge. Charm **** also really shouldnt be that bad in those gears (agian i guess you're a bad class for pv?). Not as hard/costly as you making it.full +12 SB, currently lv 105 105 1050 -
leveling up is a joke on this game, specially now with so many exp buffs0
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