Oldschool player.

I have not played for a few years and I'm thinking of comming back to the game.
I was wondering if alot has changed, and would it be better to start a new hero rather than picking up my old one?
How is the playerbase, is there alot of active players or just catshops everywhere?
Also, how is the economy of DW server?
Would appriciate if someone could answer these questions.
Sincerery, _Nerox_.

We all Love you GM Usagi!

If you haven't played for a few years, you probably won't be aware of some of the changes (dunno how long you've been out though). Check the links in my response to the poster in this thread for some of the bigger changes.
I'd probably recommend rolling a new toon to get back into things unless you have an end game geared toon. Even then, maybe you'd want to check out the new race anyway.
Despite what some people say, the game is still active, though the playerbase is dwindling, and new players are nonexistent (just old players with alts). It is pretty frustrating to not have new players, but it's easy to get help if you can't build a squad for dungeons and whatnot, so low level questing isn't bad. There are a lot of catshop too, but I'd say that's a good thing if you need to do some shopping
The morale of the playerbase is pretty low, especially on the forums, but in game (at least on my server), it's really not that bad. We just got a new CM not long ago, so some of us are hopeful that he'll improve our experience and find ways to attract new players
The 8 servers were merged into 4 recently. I can't remember which one DW merged with at the moment. I play on Etherblade (Archo+HT), so I can't tell you much about the economy of the others, but my understanding is that on all of the servers gold has exceeded the auction house cap and is being sold in world chat for 5-6 mil. Maybe that will give you some idea.102/101/102 cleric0 -
1. Since so many players left pwi, they had merged servers.criticalhero said:Howdy!
I have not played for a few years and I'm thinking of comming back to the game.
I was wondering if alot has changed, and would it be better to start a new hero rather than picking up my old one?
How is the playerbase, is there alot of active players or just catshops everywhere?
Also, how is the economy of DW server?
Would appriciate if someone could answer these questions.
Sincerery, _Nerox_.
2. Every new player has same old problem: money: without money you are not able to level quickly past level 70-80, you are not able to buy your gear and high level skills, you can be easy killed by anyone and anything in this game.
3. If you will look through this forum - most of the players are high level players. Few of them got their levels and gear through hard work and most of them got it through cashshop or exploits of the game (like 105/105/105 R9RRR +12 players)
0 -
Thank you for this kind response!
I left when the warsoulweapon upgrade forges was released, being able to manufacture seals and whatnot with rapture crystalls.
Holy Hell! Gold cap has been removed? not sure if that was a good idea>.<
I like the that servers was merged, it was pretty 'dead' when I left.
I'm not sure whats considered 'end-game', I have a;
G16 BM & Barb.(Lv 102/101)
G16 Assassin & Archer.(Lv 102/101)
R8/G16 Cleric.(Lv 101)
None of them are 'awakened' not even sure what that is, as I left before the feautre was released.
We all Love you GM Usagi!0 -
@criticalhero You're welcome ^_^
I don't know exactly when the Warsoul forge was released, but I'm thinking it was before the Morai update came out (with new skills and a special 95+ area), so you aren't even aware of nation wars (which made raps and cannies easier and cheaper to come by).
The gold cap wasn't removed. The price has exceeded the cap, so the AH is no longer used to sell it.
Etherblade is a nice server now that we're past the initial culture clash. This is really kind of a good time to come back
For pve, g16 is considered end game (nothing less than rrr9 for serious pvp). Even your cleric should be fine as long as it has about 10k hp (preferably unbuffed, but I suppose you can always hunt down a kitty to buff you if it's an issue). That's more for some of the newer instances though. You won't really need that for anything older.
The simple explanation for reawakening is that at 100+, you can start a quest chain where you reset to level 1. It's easier to level again because you get 4x (3.5x for second rebirth) exp for quests and mob kills. Rebirthing allows you access to learn new skills and do certain instances. It's definitely worth it.
Since so much of the level 100+ content is new to you, maybe you might be more comfortable with a new toon at first. Get a feel for the game again, talk to players about the changes (and troll for old forum posts about them), and when you feel you have a handle on it, maybe check some if the new stuff out on your old toons.102/101/102 cleric0 -
I wont say the new players are nonexistent. Rare yes but nonexistent no. I run 1 weak or 2 ago a 79 for nuema and I invited others 2 and there was a veno that had culti to do there and claimed she was her first time there ever.cynderangel said:Hello
If you haven't played for a few years, you probably won't be aware of some of the changes (dunno how long you've been out though). Check the links in my response to the poster in this thread for some of the bigger changes.
I'd probably recommend rolling a new toon to get back into things unless you have an end game geared toon. Even then, maybe you'd want to check out the new race anyway.
Despite what some people say, the game is still active, though the playerbase is dwindling, and new players are nonexistent (just old players with alts). It is pretty frustrating to not have new players, but it's easy to get help if you can't build a squad for dungeons and whatnot, so low level questing isn't bad. There are a lot of catshop too, but I'd say that's a good thing if you need to do some shopping
The morale of the playerbase is pretty low, especially on the forums, but in game (at least on my server), it's really not that bad. We just got a new CM not long ago, so some of us are hopeful that he'll improve our experience and find ways to attract new players
The 8 servers were merged into 4 recently. I can't remember which one DW merged with at the moment. I play on Etherblade (Archo+HT), so I can't tell you much about the economy of the others, but my understanding is that on all of the servers gold has exceeded the auction house cap and is being sold in world chat for 5-6 mil. Maybe that will give you some idea.
But there are more alts of old players than new players.
To me it seems that the etherblade didnt change that much even if we got a new CM. At least world chat didnt change. Same stupid sexual jokes from same stupid people. I dont understand why CM hasnt mute them already.
So OP if you play on Etherblade try not to let the wc ruin your gameplay experience. Just close it by getting yourself on squad chat even when you are not in a squad.
As for the things that have changed there are alot to talk about: Reawekening System, War Avatar System( Cards that give you stats and can make an OP player more OP), Titles that can be obtain by doing special quests for which you will need a guide or you will smash your head on keyboard trying to do them( here is the link to the guide https://www.google.ro/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=3&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CDAQFjACahUKEwjfjr3y3MnIAhXJ6RQKHc7qBA8&url=http://forum.arcgames.com/pwi/discussion/769153/title-quests-guide&usg=AFQjCNEFfGOTrr-uZm_ahlnoBQKzL0Iexw&sig2=c2qR8rN2PR4LG4jjIElymA), Meridian System, Star Chart System( a very new thing that gives people more stats and still need to be figured out by many players how it actually works).
We also got a new race: Nightshade with 2 classes: Stormbringer and Duskblade . I dont know much about dusk since i didnt get interesed in playing one but Storms are very cool to play. They are a magic class and the only class in game that has 7 skills that can be cast while moving and they have alot of aoe. I dont pvp but as far as I understand in pvp storms is good at crowd controling.0 -
To OP, if lookinr into the new classes. Duskblades are quite powerful. I've tried it out. it's a bit challanging as much of their power is dependant on Skill Combos, but one thing about DB's is their Paralyze status effect. i havent tested it out completely but it's supposedly an unpurgible stun. Even rrr9 magic weapons with Purify Spel are ineffective against it. DB's have several of these paralyze skills, and if you do and 1v1 pvp you could stun lock your opponent long enough for you to kill them. They are also more resistant to ranged damage both mag and phys. enemies need to get close for their attacks and spells to be effective, but DB can take advantage of that as they have a ranged skill that causes paralyze.bloodedone87 said:
I wont say the new players are nonexistent. Rare yes but nonexistent no. I run 1 weak or 2 ago a 79 for nuema and I invited others 2 and there was a veno that had culti to do there and claimed she was her first time there ever.cynderangel said:Hello
If you haven't played for a few years, you probably won't be aware of some of the changes (dunno how long you've been out though). Check the links in my response to the poster in this thread for some of the bigger changes.
I'd probably recommend rolling a new toon to get back into things unless you have an end game geared toon. Even then, maybe you'd want to check out the new race anyway.
Despite what some people say, the game is still active, though the playerbase is dwindling, and new players are nonexistent (just old players with alts). It is pretty frustrating to not have new players, but it's easy to get help if you can't build a squad for dungeons and whatnot, so low level questing isn't bad. There are a lot of catshop too, but I'd say that's a good thing if you need to do some shopping
The morale of the playerbase is pretty low, especially on the forums, but in game (at least on my server), it's really not that bad. We just got a new CM not long ago, so some of us are hopeful that he'll improve our experience and find ways to attract new players
The 8 servers were merged into 4 recently. I can't remember which one DW merged with at the moment. I play on Etherblade (Archo+HT), so I can't tell you much about the economy of the others, but my understanding is that on all of the servers gold has exceeded the auction house cap and is being sold in world chat for 5-6 mil. Maybe that will give you some idea.
But there are more alts of old players than new players.
To me it seems that the etherblade didnt change that much even if we got a new CM. At least world chat didnt change. Same stupid sexual jokes from same stupid people. I dont understand why CM hasnt mute them already.
So OP if you play on Etherblade try not to let the wc ruin your gameplay experience. Just close it by getting yourself on squad chat even when you are not in a squad.
As for the things that have changed there are alot to talk about: Reawekening System, War Avatar System( Cards that give you stats and can make an OP player more OP), Titles that can be obtain by doing special quests for which you will need a guide or you will smash your head on keyboard trying to do them( here is the link to the guide https://www.google.ro/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=3&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CDAQFjACahUKEwjfjr3y3MnIAhXJ6RQKHc7qBA8&url=http://forum.arcgames.com/pwi/discussion/769153/title-quests-guide&usg=AFQjCNEFfGOTrr-uZm_ahlnoBQKzL0Iexw&sig2=c2qR8rN2PR4LG4jjIElymA), Meridian System, Star Chart System( a very new thing that gives people more stats and still need to be figured out by many players how it actually works).
We also got a new race: Nightshade with 2 classes: Stormbringer and Duskblade . I dont know much about dusk since i didnt get interesed in playing one but Storms are very cool to play. They are a magic class and the only class in game that has 7 skills that can be cast while moving and they have alot of aoe. I dont pvp but as far as I understand in pvp storms is good at crowd controling.
But if rolling a new class i'm bias about clerics, cause they're awesome. If you like having control over important buffs and life and death, this is the class
In any case. welcome back to the game.
And like blood i have also seen a few brand new players every couple of months, so the still gets new players just not as many as it used to. and yes be careful if you choose Etherblade server's because of World Chat, it can be funny, annoying or just plain vulgar, it depends on the hourEtherblade Server
due to mishaps in my past few years in game, I do NOT accept random invites (faction/squad/friend no randoms period) NOR will I give buffs (cleric/barb/sin/exp if i have it) to random people because they ask. If I DO give buffs to a random person, it's because of a random whim (much like the red detonator button sitting at my desk that i will one day push at a random whim)
Also do NOT look at my gear and then proceed to pm me asking to buy my gear or for a loan of coin. It's just plain rude.
I have too many toons to name, but if you play on Etherblade server and you come across a toon that acts this way, or if the world is suddenly destroyed, it was probably me.0 -
Raging Tide merged to Dreamweaver and it's now called Tideswell. Stuff's relatively cheap atm, thanks to all the packs opened during a pack sale a month ago. Tokens are rising in price, though. Gold has reached the cap so it's very difficult for F2P-players to buy any, CSers are now selling boutique items for better price instead.
Night hours are quite quiet (unless a drama occurs, Kitty usually causes some), but about 14-22 server time are quite active.
You could reincarnate some character to see how's the new stuff. We've got lots of stuff requiring being reincarnated and without doing tons of dailies for half a year you better not even dream about PVP. It's so much about dailies-dailies-dailies these days.
And as you're on Tideswell now...welcome to join Kitty-hater club. There's lots of people already hating her.
Kitty's gone. She gave up on PWI. And she's a black metal Kitty naow.
Kitty's Youtube-channel("Kitty does eet"-series and much moar): KittysamaRT
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!0 -
The only probable reason they hate. is because you have an awesome way of saying things. Though i am from Etherblade, please continue your rule over Tideswellkittyempressa said:
And as you're on Tideswell now...welcome to join Kitty-hater club. There's lots of people already hating her.
Etherblade Server
due to mishaps in my past few years in game, I do NOT accept random invites (faction/squad/friend no randoms period) NOR will I give buffs (cleric/barb/sin/exp if i have it) to random people because they ask. If I DO give buffs to a random person, it's because of a random whim (much like the red detonator button sitting at my desk that i will one day push at a random whim)
Also do NOT look at my gear and then proceed to pm me asking to buy my gear or for a loan of coin. It's just plain rude.
I have too many toons to name, but if you play on Etherblade server and you come across a toon that acts this way, or if the world is suddenly destroyed, it was probably me.0 -
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just play the guys u got, and dont listen to the weirdos in forum at all ( including me
)... just play the game :
look at it from this perspective : ppl happy with the game, just play the game, and dont vulture in forums all day every day. and theres still alot of ppl playing the game, even new ppl....
just make sure to get back into a non hardcore guild, and the game is very enjoyable after all.
there is alot of new things added over the years .. but hey : more things to do, w/o the need of throwing cash.... nowadays jsut from making dailies , a g16 can beat a rrr9 (tah didnt do dailies)
goldcap did not get removed at all, dunno where the folks got this bs from..... but then again its pwi forums ... the vultures
bottomline : happy gaming0
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