UCH nuema farming?

mosz Posts: 247 Arc User
So how does UCH nuema farming work? There are two tempest dragons per water instance right? do they just give 1 neuma each or more? How do people normally do it? Thanks.

Best Answers

  • phmn
    phmn Posts: 57 Arc User
    Answer ✓
    From what I've been told, when doing UCH the bosses drop 10 Nuemas. So if you're runnning the usual squad of 10 its 1 per person. Also if you are running it and some people aren't absorbing, you have about enough time to absorb 2 nuemas yourself. As to how its farmed I have my deductions on how I'd do it, but I'll leave that answer to someone who actually does it.
    Arynx Demon Archer 105-105-105
    Karma - Etherblade
  • phmn
    phmn Posts: 57 Arc User
    Answer ✓
    I personally don't consider it practical to farm tier 7 nuemas. Due to the fact that once you've maxed a tier you can't do anything with the spares (if you have any). This is why I still prefer to run 79, its faster and you can still use your soldier's pay to switch them to useable origins/essences for other tiers.
    Arynx Demon Archer 105-105-105
    Karma - Etherblade
  • testxvi
    testxvi Posts: 309 Arc User
    Answer ✓
    Tempest Dragon = West Mirror
    Cyclone Dragon = East Mirror

    I usually remember their names and side by saying Tempest+West=Territory Wars lol, I have a way for east too but that wouldnt make sense to anybody but me.

    Since there is a way to respawn the bosses in wind part, I think it's worth to mention respawning the boss will only make it drop 1 nuema. Therefore, wind part is not ideally to farm nuema, since you would have to reset instance and do the 60 dragon part every time to get the 10 nuema drop. Sure you have to reset fire too if you farm that, but it is way less annoying than doing the 60 dragon part over and over.
    Therefore fire is what I see most people farm, and I have farmed it myself too almost every week with 5 man squads.
    Farming nuema in UCH is a big difference versus farming in FB79. I would say it's definitely worth farming UCH.

    It IS possible to absorb 3 nuema every time. The nuema appears for around a minute, and it takes a little less than 20 seconds to absorb every nuema, so you have to be quick. But I'm more than fine doing 5-man squad. Speed is good and everyone get equal amount of nuema, assuming no errors when absorbing xD

    I didnt have any nuema orbs saved from before the expansion, and I'm almost full tier 8 by now.​​
  • aeternusdoleo
    aeternusdoleo Posts: 180 Arc User
    Answer ✓
    On Dawnglory 5-person squads for the UCH fire boss are quite common now. It's not that hard to do even if you don't have an OP squad but one who knows how to handle the damned altars properly - intelligence can compensate for lack of firepower. If you have 1 healer (cler works best) on BB holding the boss, the 4 DD's can activate both altars, dd a bit, then reactivate both altars and rinse-repeat until the boss is down. With the 4 DD's buffed and the boss debuffed, the amount of damage he takes is insane - I've heared good DD's say they hit for over 2 mil regular hits (highest hit on my BM was roughly 1.5 mil, and he's not exactly an OP toon)

    It makes sense to farm fireboss until one or two of your nuema tiers are maxed. After that it's prolly smarter to farm 79 or use soldiers pay to buy nuema directly. I did it that way and am maxed out on my bm - still working on the cler tho.
    ... forget your fears. And want no more...

    Dawnglory player:
    Ulsyr - Khelvan - Evryn - Gromth
    And StoneSnake - CatSnakeshop for everyone's Common Stones and more!
  • aeternusdoleo
    aeternusdoleo Posts: 180 Arc User
    Answer ✓
    mosz said:

    extra info: you can easily dig two at once if you're at the boss spawn( so an OP 5 man squad works great!), if youre at other boss and porting over chances are you might only get 1 nuema

    Simplest solution - just have an alt healer (cleric works best) in party as 6th toon, park it at the other boss on a self-heal macro to hold aggro. Cler works wonders - Spark, Demon Celestial or Sage Spirits Gift, IH on repeat, doesn't even need good gear to survive indefinately. A cler also can help in gathering the 60 dragons by plopping a BB down above one of the killtowers.
    ... forget your fears. And want no more...

    Dawnglory player:
    Ulsyr - Khelvan - Evryn - Gromth
    And StoneSnake - CatSnakeshop for everyone's Common Stones and more!


  • mosz
    mosz Posts: 247 Arc User
    Thanks, now that i have a heads up that its probabily practical, ill do some runs and report back, ive seen it in wc occasionally, but found no info anywhere on thE details
  • mosz
    mosz Posts: 247 Arc User
    Ok so tested it some in 5 and 3 man squad today:
    1. Open UCH wind mode
    2. do hidden dragon part
    3. just go to WEST boss if you have an OP enough squad to powerhouse/glitch kill
    3.b otherwise get soem drops at other boss
    4. reset uch and start over

    extra info: you can easily dig two at once if you're at the boss spawn( so an OP 5 man squad works great!), if youre at other boss and porting over chances are you might only get 1 nuema
    one of the runs i managed to dig 3....not sure how..could not replicate..maybe some dig faster than others ( one was gold that time)

    lvl 7 purple nuema = 358 points
    lvl 7 gold nuema = 1074 points

    thats roughly 43% more nuema more than lvl 6

    final note: yah this is not "new" info, its been out for weeks, but I couldn't find the information posted anywhere on forum, and most people weren't much willing to share the info. thanks for the input and patience of testing squads : )
  • cynderangel
    cynderangel Posts: 193 Arc User
    I was curious too. Good to know :)
    102/101/102 cleric
  • catgirldesu
    catgirldesu Posts: 993 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    Personally I think farming UCH, especially the fire side, with a 5-man squad is the best option. You do 10 runs instead of 20, and you have some company. Plus, you get more Nuema? I didn't really check the difference between level 6 and 7, though.
    You can always just farm UCH until you get close to maxing your Tiers and then farm FB79 or use Soldier's pay for the rest to avoid spares. Maybe they'll update Soldier's pay to include level 7s later. That would be nice.
  • mosz
    mosz Posts: 247 Arc User
    Ok so today tested more, did the fire side, does seem faster, was also 5 man squad, was great