A non-cash shopper experience
reaperarm1 wrote: »
A decent F2P-Player can achieve a lot if the opportunity is there. Alot of forum posters like to throw the word "farm" around alot. Well it does'nt matter what you farm if the market is stagnant. If there's nobody buying it does'nt matter how much you farm you're not making money. That's the situation i'm experiencing currently. Enormous lack of buyers. I stroll through west archo daily scouting shops and I see mostly the same stuff in the same shops, day after day....Week after week. I've stated it earlier and i'll state it again. My tt/oht/pstone shops sell squat. You can farm till your blue in the face but if nobody is buying it does you no good when you need coins.
You keep saying "item prices haven't dropped" "farming is dead" "stuff doesnt sell" and I keep offering rebuttals but you aren't addressing those. I don't know if that is a problem just on your server, but I guess if everyone thinks farming is dead and a myth... More beneficial for those that test the water themselves
You have'nt offered any solutions to getting things to sell...Unless i'm not seeing one of your posts. I have tried every market, and I can farm very well. What exactly should I do if nothing i'm selling sells?You could say try more markets but i'm scratching my head on what's left to try...
I'm thinking it could be a server problem. I log onto Heavens tear to fool around and talk to a friend once in awhile and their economy seems to be active. Harshlands on the other hand...There's a whole lot of people wanting to sell things but it does'nt seem very many are buying.
I have found my solution though, rebirthing more alts to do fsp on. I'm in the process of leveling up even more alts back to 100 to fsp on them. It's the only thing I can think of and i'm not even sure i'll be able to fsp that many toons a day. Not for the lack of time but for the lack of squads on my server.0 -
cynderangel wrote: »You know when they announced the 9 million reward i was happy, because for me it was a way out, sure the price of things would raised but it was still coins that i could save for future use. Now i see that PWI and some players are concerned with the state of the economy and i agree that things seem cheaper now than before but Im asking this question and pointing to the F2P players like myself. Do you have the coins to purchase those cheaper items now? I asked that because i dont. Now it could be that im playing the game wrong or that im lazy or it could be that the decisions made my pwi have finally brought this game to a state where only cash shoppers can survive.
Lets take a look at our farmers/merchants, the current state of the economy have forced most of them to sell their items cheap to the point where they arent making much profit, i mean G15 weapons are like 18m-25m and G16 which should be alternative end gear can be bought for 40m and tbh no one wants to sell that cheap but we need the coins. NW aint making much profit unless you're one of those scoring like 400+ tokens and lets face it with the Subs removal from bhs and the price raise the TT market is dead most times, Thank God for the few times we get 2x. COF is also an option but one mistake can make all the money you put in to make it to an advance room go down the drain. Right now i would describe PWI farming/merching system as one big Casino.
A lot of people said that the amount of coins in the game was the problem but that isnt true, the real issue were some of the players (greed) and the fact that pwi introduced a mechanism that allowed these greedy players to kill mobs while being asleep and of course they thought they were smart with the auto-pot stone but lets be honest even my g16 bm could kill a couple mobs without the auto-pot and i wouldnt have to worry about dying. Players who abuse the system and PWI who so foolishly tried to solve the problem the wrong way is killing this game for F2P players like myself. I guess i was dumb, you see i didnt bot or did crazy fcc to lvl a bunch of alts to fsp with. I played the game how i think it was meant to be played, sure CSer would have the edge but thats natural and understandable. The thing is even though i didnt exploit these things i was able to make 70m for my g15, 85m for my lunar robe and enough coins to finish my g16 just by doing FWS, NW, BHs and the little mobs i killed while i did BQ and Morai. What im saying is that though things were expensive back then atleast i had some coins coming in to get stuff done.
From a business POV the CSers are important because thats where the money is coming from, but i think every player in their own way can fill up PWI pockets. Im sure there must have been one instance where an F2P brought a CSer to this game, because thats from what ive learnt thats the best way to advertise any business, Tell a Friend, but thats not happening. Right now F2P players are getting fed up of how impossible this game is and Csers are getting bored of what this game is offering. No new events, new opponents ntn, on my server its either Rah vs Vindi sometimes Leg, every other faction is either no shows or roll over. Dont think all those low levels are new people, they are OP players who got bored and decided to kill time with a different class.
Tbh i think pwi needs to bring back coins and kill botting, they also need to find way to ensure there is a constant demand for small things like TT mats, rap and uncannys. I mean you put in so much work to make twilight temple, nirvana, lunar and FCC but ask yourself this are they really being used that often anymore other than few bh days. The only thinh Keeping FWS alive is badges, G16 and R999.
Oh yeah if anyone reads this and know anyway a F2P player like myself can make coins beside farming which is somewhat obsolete let me know. Oh yeah dont kill the Csers if i didnt live in Jamaica and lived in US and had an extra $20 guess where it would go.
Oh yeah dont tell and low geared or low level player to farm thats just dumb it takes money to make money. Everyone needs a start or as a businessman would say Capital
Have a good look on the links provided in my Signature and see what a decent F2P-Player can achieve.
That aside...no one is forcing the Farmers to sell their stuff at lower prices. This is just rediculous. If it is harder nowadays as a non-CSer then it is solely because of the sheer stupidity of some "farmers". They just wanna have quick money...heck they dont care if they lose so much money on it. Mostly those are players that already are quite fast at farming due to good gears and stuff and just make their living out of selling alot instead of having the stuff priced right. THOSE PEOPLE and THOSE PEOPLE ALONE are responsible for the situation we are currently in.
Some are selling Illusion Stones for under 6m now. UNDER FREAKING 6m!!!! Why is that stupid? Well looking back at the time when Gold was still at like 400k each those Golds sold for 18m straight. There have been way less coins on the server and you could get like 45 golds out of 1 ffing Gold mat. So nowadays you barely get 2 Golds out of 1 Gold mat. Sure stuff is easier to farm as nearly anyone has the gears to do so BUT look at that massive devalueation rate. With that massive amount of Coins and ease to get coins by just selling a few golds as a CSer it should be more than easy to still buy those mats at 18m. Heck some people still do as I refuse to sell them any lower and still get them sold. WHY? Because 18m are nothing. NOTHING AT ALL.
So the essence here is: Don't blame it on the game itself. It has always been the community which has fcked up economy things for everyone.
Yeah! Especially when the community sells stuff for the NPC price instead of bringing prices down and thinks it's fair! I mean... teach us your ways, oh wise one.
NP, I don't give a -good golly gee wilikers- what others do. I put my prices at the top of the price level mostly I am even the most expensive one. I get my stuff sold. Again. Look at my sig and check it out. Obvious, huh? I just dont care. My shop is on 24/7, ppl know that I always got the stuff they need and hence they buy it from me because its always avaible. Sometimes I sell stuff a bit slower but I got time. I would rather NPC all my Gold Mats/Stuff then selling it for the current prices. Like hell I'd do!Post edited by sylenthunder on0 -
for all the nonbelievers :
step 1 : Create psychic
step 2 : start to ????
step 3 : ?????
step 4 : now that you got your r999 start havin fun in the game
so easy .. cant really understand all the hate here
step 1 : Create psychic
step 2 : start to read posts on the forums on how to farm or merchant
step 3 : listen to those posts and employ their advice instead of writing them off as too much work or horse ****
step 3.5 : enjoy the road to r999 because that will be half of the game, especially if you are f2p
step 4 : now that you got your r999 start havin fun in the game
eirghan sage seeker ♥ current gear ♥ youtube ♥ title quest guide
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!0 -
for all the nonbelievers :
step 1 : Create psychic
step 2 : start to ????
step 3 : ?????
step 4 : now that you got your r999 start havin fun in the game
so easy .. cant really understand all the hate herefor all the nonbelievers :
step 1 : Create psychic
step 2 : start to ????
step 3 : ?????
step 4 : now that you got your r999 start havin fun in the game
so easy .. cant really understand all the hate here
ty for the nice tip sir
my own non-cash-shopping experience.0 -
for all the nonbelievers :
step 1 : Create psychic
step 2 : start to ????
step 3 : ?????
step 4 : now that you got your r999 start havin fun in the game
so easy .. cant really understand all the hate here
step 1 : Create psychic
step 2 : start to read posts on the forums on how to farm or merchant
step 3 : listen to those posts and employ their advice instead of writing them off as too much work or horse ****
step 3.5 : enjoy the road to r999 because that will be half of the game, especially if you are f2p
step 4 : now that you got your r999 start havin fun in the game
Still waiting on a reply. I'm all ears if you have any helpful tips. I still don't see any of your rebuttals you were talking about in regards to my posts.0 -
reaperarm1 wrote: »for all the nonbelievers :
step 1 : Create psychic
step 2 : start to ????
step 3 : ?????
step 4 : now that you got your r999 start havin fun in the game
so easy .. cant really understand all the hate here
step 1 : Create psychic
step 2 : start to read posts on the forums on how to farm or merchant
step 3 : listen to those posts and employ their advice instead of writing them off as too much work or horse ****
step 3.5 : enjoy the road to r999 because that will be half of the game, especially if you are f2p
step 4 : now that you got your r999 start havin fun in the game
Still waiting on a reply. I'm all ears if you have any helpful tips. I still don't see any of your rebuttals you were talking about in regards to my posts.
Ophthalmologists are good places to start.
eirghan sage seeker ♥ current gear ♥ youtube ♥ title quest guide
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!0 -
reaperarm1 wrote: »for all the nonbelievers :
step 1 : Create psychic
step 2 : start to ????
step 3 : ?????
step 4 : now that you got your r999 start havin fun in the game
so easy .. cant really understand all the hate here
step 1 : Create psychic
step 2 : start to read posts on the forums on how to farm or merchant
step 3 : listen to those posts and employ their advice instead of writing them off as too much work or horse ****
step 3.5 : enjoy the road to r999 because that will be half of the game, especially if you are f2p
step 4 : now that you got your r999 start havin fun in the game
Still waiting on a reply. I'm all ears if you have any helpful tips. I still don't see any of your rebuttals you were talking about in regards to my posts.
Ophthalmologists are good places to start.
I'm going to assume you live in some alternate reality where things are selling like hot cakes, I reread all of your posts and you do give a few tips but i've tried those things and guess what. People aint buying and if people ain't buying i'm not making money. Here's a tip of how bad it is here. I spammed wc every day for a whole week selling g16 crafting service. I made one sale that entire week, a whole week spamming to make 10m....I probably used more up in teles than I made.0 -
reaperarm1 wrote: »reaperarm1 wrote: »
A decent F2P-Player can achieve a lot if the opportunity is there. Alot of forum posters like to throw the word "farm" around alot. Well it does'nt matter what you farm if the market is stagnant. If there's nobody buying it does'nt matter how much you farm you're not making money. That's the situation i'm experiencing currently. Enormous lack of buyers. I stroll through west archo daily scouting shops and I see mostly the same stuff in the same shops, day after day....Week after week. I've stated it earlier and i'll state it again. My tt/oht/pstone shops sell squat. You can farm till your blue in the face but if nobody is buying it does you no good when you need coins.
You keep saying "item prices haven't dropped" "farming is dead" "stuff doesnt sell" and I keep offering rebuttals but you aren't addressing those. I don't know if that is a problem just on your server, but I guess if everyone thinks farming is dead and a myth... More beneficial for those that test the water themselves
You have'nt offered any solutions to getting things to sell...Unless i'm not seeing one of your posts. I have tried every market, and I can farm very well. What exactly should I do if nothing i'm selling sells? ....
If nothing you are selling is selling then try selling something else. Look at what others are doing and do it better and cheaper.
The worst barriers people must overcome are those they place on themselves.0 -
cynderangel wrote: »You know when they announced the 9 million reward i was happy, because for me it was a way out, sure the price of things would raised but it was still coins that i could save for future use. Now i see that PWI and some players are concerned with the state of the economy and i agree that things seem cheaper now than before but Im asking this question and pointing to the F2P players like myself. Do you have the coins to purchase those cheaper items now? I asked that because i dont. Now it could be that im playing the game wrong or that im lazy or it could be that the decisions made my pwi have finally brought this game to a state where only cash shoppers can survive.
Lets take a look at our farmers/merchants, the current state of the economy have forced most of them to sell their items cheap to the point where they arent making much profit, i mean G15 weapons are like 18m-25m and G16 which should be alternative end gear can be bought for 40m and tbh no one wants to sell that cheap but we need the coins. NW aint making much profit unless you're one of those scoring like 400+ tokens and lets face it with the Subs removal from bhs and the price raise the TT market is dead most times, Thank God for the few times we get 2x. COF is also an option but one mistake can make all the money you put in to make it to an advance room go down the drain. Right now i would describe PWI farming/merching system as one big Casino.
A lot of people said that the amount of coins in the game was the problem but that isnt true, the real issue were some of the players (greed) and the fact that pwi introduced a mechanism that allowed these greedy players to kill mobs while being asleep and of course they thought they were smart with the auto-pot stone but lets be honest even my g16 bm could kill a couple mobs without the auto-pot and i wouldnt have to worry about dying. Players who abuse the system and PWI who so foolishly tried to solve the problem the wrong way is killing this game for F2P players like myself. I guess i was dumb, you see i didnt bot or did crazy fcc to lvl a bunch of alts to fsp with. I played the game how i think it was meant to be played, sure CSer would have the edge but thats natural and understandable. The thing is even though i didnt exploit these things i was able to make 70m for my g15, 85m for my lunar robe and enough coins to finish my g16 just by doing FWS, NW, BHs and the little mobs i killed while i did BQ and Morai. What im saying is that though things were expensive back then atleast i had some coins coming in to get stuff done.
From a business POV the CSers are important because thats where the money is coming from, but i think every player in their own way can fill up PWI pockets. Im sure there must have been one instance where an F2P brought a CSer to this game, because thats from what ive learnt thats the best way to advertise any business, Tell a Friend, but thats not happening. Right now F2P players are getting fed up of how impossible this game is and Csers are getting bored of what this game is offering. No new events, new opponents ntn, on my server its either Rah vs Vindi sometimes Leg, every other faction is either no shows or roll over. Dont think all those low levels are new people, they are OP players who got bored and decided to kill time with a different class.
Tbh i think pwi needs to bring back coins and kill botting, they also need to find way to ensure there is a constant demand for small things like TT mats, rap and uncannys. I mean you put in so much work to make twilight temple, nirvana, lunar and FCC but ask yourself this are they really being used that often anymore other than few bh days. The only thinh Keeping FWS alive is badges, G16 and R999.
Oh yeah if anyone reads this and know anyway a F2P player like myself can make coins beside farming which is somewhat obsolete let me know. Oh yeah dont kill the Csers if i didnt live in Jamaica and lived in US and had an extra $20 guess where it would go.
Oh yeah dont tell and low geared or low level player to farm thats just dumb it takes money to make money. Everyone needs a start or as a businessman would say Capital
Have a good look on the links provided in my Signature and see what a decent F2P-Player can achieve.
That aside...no one is forcing the Farmers to sell their stuff at lower prices. This is just rediculous. If it is harder nowadays as a non-CSer then it is solely because of the sheer stupidity of some "farmers". They just wanna have quick money...heck they dont care if they lose so much money on it. Mostly those are players that already are quite fast at farming due to good gears and stuff and just make their living out of selling alot instead of having the stuff priced right. THOSE PEOPLE and THOSE PEOPLE ALONE are responsible for the situation we are currently in.
Some are selling Illusion Stones for under 6m now. UNDER FREAKING 6m!!!! Why is that stupid? Well looking back at the time when Gold was still at like 400k each those Golds sold for 18m straight. There have been way less coins on the server and you could get like 45 golds out of 1 ffing Gold mat. So nowadays you barely get 2 Golds out of 1 Gold mat. Sure stuff is easier to farm as nearly anyone has the gears to do so BUT look at that massive devalueation rate. With that massive amount of Coins and ease to get coins by just selling a few golds as a CSer it should be more than easy to still buy those mats at 18m. Heck some people still do as I refuse to sell them any lower and still get them sold. WHY? Because 18m are nothing. NOTHING AT ALL.
So the essence here is: Don't blame it on the game itself. It has always been the community which has fcked up economy things for everyone.
Yeah! Especially when the community sells stuff for the NPC price instead of bringing prices down and thinks it's fair! I mean... teach us your ways, oh wise one.
NP, I don't give a fawk what others do. I put my prices at the top of the price level mostly I am even the most expensive one. I get my stuff sold. Again. Look at my sig and check it out. Obvious, huh? I just dont care. My shop is on 24/7, ppl know that I always got the stuff they need and hence they buy it from me because its always avaible. Sometimes I sell stuff a bit slower but I got time. I would rather NPC all my Gold Mats/Stuff then selling it for the current prices. Like hell I'd do!
I can't check your sig cause my phone is silly and doesn't like me to see sigs, but I'll take your word for it that it'll make me super omgoodness impressed. c: And that's great! Everyone needs to get taken advantage of by people with bad attitudes sometimes whether it's in the real world or a game. I'm glad you're able to profit from itreaperarm1 wrote: »for all the nonbelievers :
step 1 : Create psychic
step 2 : start to ????
step 3 : ?????
step 4 : now that you got your r999 start havin fun in the game
so easy .. cant really understand all the hate here
step 1 : Create psychic
step 2 : start to read posts on the forums on how to farm or merchant
step 3 : listen to those posts and employ their advice instead of writing them off as too much work or horse ****
step 3.5 : enjoy the road to r999 because that will be half of the game, especially if you are f2p
step 4 : now that you got your r999 start havin fun in the game
Still waiting on a reply. I'm all ears if you have any helpful tips. I still don't see any of your rebuttals you were talking about in regards to my posts.
Seems like you've just reached the point I'm at. There just aren't any fun ways to make the outrageous amounts of money that I would need to progress in the game. I'd rather get a root canal than do some of the stuff other people do to make money. The things I do like doing aren't super profitable. I'm pretty content where I am at the moment, but it won't take much for pwi to lose me as a cash shopper.
If I'm in the minority, that's good. But if there is a significant portion of the playerbase that feels this way, it's up to pwi to put their brains to work to figure out if there is anything they can do to make players interested in progressing, or even just sticking around. Or they can just shut off the game. Either way.Post edited by sylenthunder on102/101/102 cleric0 -
Seems like you've just reached the point I'm at. There just aren't any fun ways to make the outrageous amounts of money that I would need to progress in the game. I'd rather get a root canal than do some of the stuff other people do to make money. The things I do like doing aren't super profitable. I'm pretty content where I am at the moment, but it won't take much for pwi to lose me as a cash shopper.
If I'm in the minority, that's good. But if there is a significant portion of the playerbase that feels this way, it's up to pwi to put their brains to work to figure out if there is anything they can do to make players interested in progressing, or even just sticking around. Or they can just shut off the game. Either way.[/quote]
Im at this point too, but ill wait and see if the tips given to me will make any difference
0 -
reaperarm1 wrote: »I'm thinking it could be a server problem. I log onto Heavens tear to fool around and talk to a friend once in awhile and their economy seems to be active. Harshlands on the other hand...There's a whole lot of people wanting to sell things but it does'nt seem very many are buying.
I have found my solution though, rebirthing more alts to do fsp on. I'm in the process of leveling up even more alts back to 100 to fsp on them. It's the only thing I can think of and i'm not even sure i'll be able to fsp that many toons a day. Not for the lack of time but for the lack of squads on my server.
I don't really have issue selling anything I farm on HL. Well, stuff I expect to sell fast anyway. I also deal in some other things that don't sell fast at all, but are good money when they do.
As for fsp alts, the trick is making your own squads and having at least one alt per run that can tank toad. Just don't be Elensar.0 -
cynderangel wrote: »reaperarm1 wrote: »What does it matter if gold is 5 mil or 3 mil?
Maybe a bit off topic, but the game has a built in gold price cap of 4 mil. Unless I'm mistaken.
It does but that can be raised, and has been raised in the past up from 1m I believe.
If I read the OP correctly, I agree with them.
0 -
do we actually play the game or we just make money?0 -
This content has been removed.
I can say one reason a lot of G16 gear doesn't sell is people overcharging for it when it has absolutely **** stats.
F2P players are more often than not, at a disadvantage compared to CSers. We just charge Zen, and sell gold when its at cap if we need coins which anymore is rare. Then you also have CSers/pack openers trying to sell things like mounts for 200+ million, or as I saw in WC earlier today, 350 million for a mount that looks like an oversized steroid injected ugly shih tzu. Who in their right mind would pay that much? lol
Be Strong! Be Fierce! Be Vicious!
Vicious Marshal - Tideswell0 -
reaperarm1 wrote: »A decent F2P-Player can achieve a lot if the opportunity is there. Alot of forum posters like to throw the word "farm" around alot. Well it does'nt matter what you farm if the market is stagnant. If there's nobody buying it does'nt matter how much you farm you're not making money. That's the situation i'm experiencing currently. Enormous lack of buyers
I have tried every market, and I can farm very well. What exactly should I do if nothing i'm selling sells? You could say try more markets but i'm scratching my head on what's left to try...
I don't know what it's like on other servers but on harshlands my TT shop is lucky to sell a few mats a week. I gave up on selling g16 crafting service cause it just does'nt sell anymore. My pstone shop barely makes any coin either anymore. I honestly would not still be playing if it were'nt for the fact I have an army of alts to do bh and fsp on, it's the only thing keeping me supplied with coins.
Alright, So I didn’t want to respond on my phone because it would take too damn long, plus i think i missed a post or two of yours on the tiny screen. Now I'm at a computer so here is my perspective:
1) Perfect stones: Being supplied by Christmas event (lower level chi stones dropped by snowmen, many people have stacks in a bank), 2x card boss farming, and most importantly and recently, the smoke over arch event which gives a stack of 1000 perfect stones for a common prize. This has flooded the market and with lots of opportunities for players to get these for free not many are buying. I haven’t needed to buy chi stones in over a year myself on Sanctuary. I just have stacks from various rewards and farming. Not saying this is a bad thing to sell, just that it won’t be your primary money maker, PROBABLY ever, but most definitely until PWI stops running the smoke event and we get a dry spell from 2x.
2) TT shop/mats: This was touched on, but yes, this is a little bit of a dry area as well. Still, it does make money if you are ok with leaving the shop up. The best things to farm on Sanctuary server are actually the lower level mats because the people buying are high levels for alts and they are too damned lazy to do the 1-1, 1-2, 1-3 to get mats.. HOWEVER keep in mind that a lot of free gear is being dumped into the masses. Quest gear, Quicksand maze, and recently the pill baby book of time. This may get less of a problem in time, but until then I would not focus on this market.
3) Badge service: Just no. I don’t know why people sell like this. Everyone I know refuses to do this because it involves giving your gear to someone they don’t know which puts you at risk for getting scammed. Plus, at least on sanctuary server, you would make at best something like 300k/badge. That means for a weapon you’d get 18m. Why sell your hard earned manu (10 warsong runs) for 18m when you could put an hour extra of TT farming in (which you likely already did for your shop) and manu the whole weapon and sell it for 5 times as much?
If you are farming FSP that seems to be the primary money maker on our server at least. Cash shoppers keep PWE in money and they also bring fresh coins to the farmers and merchants as well. Focus on things they want. Right now they want cards and c packs. So this is a good strategy. Some of them also want gear for their FSP alts. Work on that too.
As for being a cash shopper merchant wannabe, well, I try to help where I can. If anyone here doesn’t want my pathetic advice they are free to ignore it
eirghan sage seeker ♥ current gear ♥ youtube ♥ title quest guide
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!0 -
ppl tend to forget, that pwi aint a game from snowstorm or some other branch, that got a really really wide and diverse player range (and thus the game has to be more casual friendly).
in pwi .. the WAY to endgame gear, kind of resembles half the game already ... after that - not too much left to do, besides getting even better refines .. thus the curve gets really steep.
another thing to consider : half the population that actualy got to endgame gears (which I do consider r999 to be) didnt get there in a day or two aswell.
if pvp on equal footings is something you ppl (aka the ones complainbing about prices and whatnot) seek out in a game .. dont play pwi - plain and simple0 -
just create a psychic0 -
Get a squad together, or three people each on an alt, and do Lunar Trophy Mode and make defense charms. Not only for your own use but they sell good too. The instance has not been revamped meaning you can use aps gear. ( read the guide on these forums for details)0
for all the nonbelievers :
step 1 : Create psychic
step 2 : start to ????
step 3 : ?????
step 4 : now that you got your r999 start havin fun in the game
so easy .. cant really understand all the hate herefor all the nonbelievers :
step 1 : Create psychic
step 2 : start to ????
step 3 : ?????
step 4 : now that you got your r999 start havin fun in the game
so easy .. cant really understand all the hate here
ty for the nice tip sir
899 magic is just pathetic ... AND U KNOW IT0 -
reaperarm1 wrote: »
As for being a cash shopper merchant wannabe, well, I try to help where I can. If anyone here doesn’t want my pathetic advice they are free to ignore it
*Goes into Realm of Reflection and farts* system message:realm of reflection is now temporary closed due to a gas leak. *Oh look the server is twice as busy now*
*comment not directed at you eirghan*
To all those people who farm/merchant but can not sell your stuff. Seriously think of changing servers if you want to keep on playing this game. Changing servers will only set you back by 1~6 months of hard work. No point in sticking around on a server that is filled with sellers and no buyers. I don't expect that to change any time soon.
btw hypereccentrik, due to people not logged in for 21 days reward. This option is not so great unless you are an active consumer of those charms. I have about 2k def charms and about 16k attack charms.0 -
lmfao i stop reading this **** when i got to " i agree that things seem cheaper now than before" **** isn't cheaper now maybe for the rich and credit card babies or the old botters that got rich before pwi took almost everything away that lets you make coins
0 -
lmfao i stop reading this **** when i got to " i agree that things seem cheaper now than before" **** isn't cheaper now maybe for the rich and credit card babies or the old botters that got rich before pwi took almost everything away that lets you make coins
I gave at least three concrete and verifiable examples on a server. Please, lets see your evidence.
eirghan sage seeker ♥ current gear ♥ youtube ♥ title quest guide
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!0 -
I think the biggest problem currently in pwi is the fact that all of the true endgame items are basically un-farmable. Before r9 gear if a cash shopper were to buy their gear, they'd in general be buying mats which were farmed by other players. Now all people can really farm is lower tiered gear, and it is simply difficult to get a high enough demand for that to seem reasonable to farm.
In my mind the biggest thing for pwi to do to attract and retain new players is to start to reinstate an instance which farms mats for endgame gear (and not have that tied to a daily limit). But as long as the true endgame gear is primarily or only available through the cash shop, this game is always going to be very unforgiving to non-cash shoppers who are not long time old players.0 -
You know i see people here who understand what im going through, people who try to offer help (thank you eirghan) and i see ****.holes, but let me make one thing clear at the time i was farming my G16 i add just came back to game and gold was at 4m and everything was expensive and i was ignorant to a lot of stuff. By doing fsp with one toon, bh which for some reason gave me coins more often than now, Nation Wars and regular grinding from quest i was making enough coins, I never bot and i never ran cube, lunar or TT as a means to make coins. The problem now is that im not making coins from doing fsp on one toon or bh or nw or regular grinding. Even if i was to give up on r999 and focus on becoming the best G16 BM on server there isnt an income to fund this goal. Now someone has offered to help me out with tips and i wont turn them down. I know i wont be able to set up shop fpr 24/7 nor will i be able to dual client all the time, because of my computer and electricity bills, but i will take any idea that will help to increase my coins. If i can atleast get better ornaments i would be happy. Post edited by ovenusarmanio on0
reaperarm1 wrote: »A decent F2P-Player can achieve a lot if the opportunity is there. Alot of forum posters like to throw the word "farm" around alot. Well it does'nt matter what you farm if the market is stagnant. If there's nobody buying it does'nt matter how much you farm you're not making money. That's the situation i'm experiencing currently. Enormous lack of buyers
I have tried every market, and I can farm very well. What exactly should I do if nothing i'm selling sells? You could say try more markets but i'm scratching my head on what's left to try...
I don't know what it's like on other servers but on harshlands my TT shop is lucky to sell a few mats a week. I gave up on selling g16 crafting service cause it just does'nt sell anymore. My pstone shop barely makes any coin either anymore. I honestly would not still be playing if it were'nt for the fact I have an army of alts to do bh and fsp on, it's the only thing keeping me supplied with coins.
Alright, So I didn’t want to respond on my phone because it would take too damn long, plus i think i missed a post or two of yours on the tiny screen. Now I'm at a computer so here is my perspective:
1) Perfect stones: Being supplied by Christmas event (lower level chi stones dropped by snowmen, many people have stacks in a bank), 2x card boss farming, and most importantly and recently, the smoke over arch event which gives a stack of 1000 perfect stones for a common prize. This has flooded the market and with lots of opportunities for players to get these for free not many are buying. I haven’t needed to buy chi stones in over a year myself on Sanctuary. I just have stacks from various rewards and farming. Not saying this is a bad thing to sell, just that it won’t be your primary money maker, PROBABLY ever, but most definitely until PWI stops running the smoke event and we get a dry spell from 2x.
2) TT shop/mats: This was touched on, but yes, this is a little bit of a dry area as well. Still, it does make money if you are ok with leaving the shop up. The best things to farm on Sanctuary server are actually the lower level mats because the people buying are high levels for alts and they are too damned lazy to do the 1-1, 1-2, 1-3 to get mats.. HOWEVER keep in mind that a lot of free gear is being dumped into the masses. Quest gear, Quicksand maze, and recently the pill baby book of time. This may get less of a problem in time, but until then I would not focus on this market.
3) Badge service: Just no. I don’t know why people sell like this. Everyone I know refuses to do this because it involves giving your gear to someone they don’t know which puts you at risk for getting scammed. Plus, at least on sanctuary server, you would make at best something like 300k/badge. That means for a weapon you’d get 18m. Why sell your hard earned manu (10 warsong runs) for 18m when you could put an hour extra of TT farming in (which you likely already did for your shop) and manu the whole weapon and sell it for 5 times as much?
If you are farming FSP that seems to be the primary money maker on our server at least. Cash shoppers keep PWE in money and they also bring fresh coins to the farmers and merchants as well. Focus on things they want. Right now they want cards and c packs. So this is a good strategy. Some of them also want gear for their FSP alts. Work on that too.
As for being a cash shopper merchant wannabe, well, I try to help where I can. If anyone here doesn’t want my pathetic advice they are free to ignore it
Thanks for the feed back and it was'nt me that called you those names. I'm not the type to resort to name calling out of frustration. I enjoy a good debate but I never stoop to calling names or insulting people. If someone does that they've already lost whatever they were debating. Thanks again eirghan. = )
To the people that are name calling and in general being useless, please just leave this thread it's not for you.0 -
reaperarm1 wrote: »reaperarm1 wrote: »A decent F2P-Player can achieve a lot if the opportunity is there. Alot of forum posters like to throw the word "farm" around alot. Well it does'nt matter what you farm if the market is stagnant. If there's nobody buying it does'nt matter how much you farm you're not making money. That's the situation i'm experiencing currently. Enormous lack of buyers
I have tried every market, and I can farm very well. What exactly should I do if nothing i'm selling sells? You could say try more markets but i'm scratching my head on what's left to try...
I don't know what it's like on other servers but on harshlands my TT shop is lucky to sell a few mats a week. I gave up on selling g16 crafting service cause it just does'nt sell anymore. My pstone shop barely makes any coin either anymore. I honestly would not still be playing if it were'nt for the fact I have an army of alts to do bh and fsp on, it's the only thing keeping me supplied with coins.
Alright, So I didn’t want to respond on my phone because it would take too damn long, plus i think i missed a post or two of yours on the tiny screen. Now I'm at a computer so here is my perspective:
1) Perfect stones: Being supplied by Christmas event (lower level chi stones dropped by snowmen, many people have stacks in a bank), 2x card boss farming, and most importantly and recently, the smoke over arch event which gives a stack of 1000 perfect stones for a common prize. This has flooded the market and with lots of opportunities for players to get these for free not many are buying. I haven’t needed to buy chi stones in over a year myself on Sanctuary. I just have stacks from various rewards and farming. Not saying this is a bad thing to sell, just that it won’t be your primary money maker, PROBABLY ever, but most definitely until PWI stops running the smoke event and we get a dry spell from 2x.
2) TT shop/mats: This was touched on, but yes, this is a little bit of a dry area as well. Still, it does make money if you are ok with leaving the shop up. The best things to farm on Sanctuary server are actually the lower level mats because the people buying are high levels for alts and they are too damned lazy to do the 1-1, 1-2, 1-3 to get mats.. HOWEVER keep in mind that a lot of free gear is being dumped into the masses. Quest gear, Quicksand maze, and recently the pill baby book of time. This may get less of a problem in time, but until then I would not focus on this market.
3) Badge service: Just no. I don’t know why people sell like this. Everyone I know refuses to do this because it involves giving your gear to someone they don’t know which puts you at risk for getting scammed. Plus, at least on sanctuary server, you would make at best something like 300k/badge. That means for a weapon you’d get 18m. Why sell your hard earned manu (10 warsong runs) for 18m when you could put an hour extra of TT farming in (which you likely already did for your shop) and manu the whole weapon and sell it for 5 times as much?
If you are farming FSP that seems to be the primary money maker on our server at least. Cash shoppers keep PWE in money and they also bring fresh coins to the farmers and merchants as well. Focus on things they want. Right now they want cards and c packs. So this is a good strategy. Some of them also want gear for their FSP alts. Work on that too.
As for being a cash shopper merchant wannabe, well, I try to help where I can. If anyone here doesn’t want my pathetic advice they are free to ignore it
Thanks for the feed back and it was'nt me that called you those names. I'm not the type to resort to name calling out of frustration. I enjoy a good debate but I never stoop to calling names or insulting people. If someone does that they've already lost whatever they were debating. Thanks again eirghan. = )
To the people that are name calling and in general being useless, please just leave this thread it's not for you.
Lol its all good im pretty familiar with the person who thinks that so knew it wasnt you. Never can tell who will believe it tho.anyway I do hope you find a better success in the market whether through those tips or another way. If you still cant find better luck come to sanctuary! Our g16 market is pretty steady and most people are pretty friendly and our cash shoppers spend lots. Plus the dods are 85m right now. Yummm.
eirghan sage seeker ♥ current gear ♥ youtube ♥ title quest guide
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!0 -
Got 502'ed while writing this, and haven't had much time to finish it. Posting it as is, likely will add more later on.
I've done some past posts detailing strategies, think it might be under cleric forum. Can go over some of it here.
Nation picking: It's not as precise as it might sound, but it does mean I frequently end up in the top 2 nations almost every time I play (one character in 1st, the other in 2nd). Since you're Sanc server, you should notice the same thing I did; there is almost always a nation that is usually last place, and has the most alts. (fire for us). It happened too often to be coincidence, and I noticed that nation that had fewest people in at the beginning, frequently ended up winning.
What it is, is that many OP squads/people do not hit enter right away when it's available. That's because everyone who is generic basically does that. And the game will fill people in at a set way, and only fill in the smaller nations later on. So waiting a minute or two may seem like you're losing contri, but it actually helps ensure you'll be in a better nation. I usually send one in after a minute or so, and look at the map count to get an idea of when to send in my other one.
Cost benefits: This is basically realizing class/cost limitations, and what you are willing to spend (whether on gear, refines, or utility). For me, I don't use charms or food at all. When my characters die, I might use some free potions picked up during auto-culti; but that's it. I don't even use free event gold for charms. I used to do event charms and food, but it had absolutely no appreciable effect on earnings due to power difference. Finding someone of similar gear and skill is so rare, there's no point prepping for it. Usually skill with class let's me beat similar or slightly better geared players on a consistent enough basis; whereas if I deal little damage I just leave that player stunned/slept and head elsewhere.
This makes it so you only have repair costs to worry about, but by necessity it pretty much excludes melee from consideration. It's also a big reason I stopped using my BM in NW, when my cleric and SB do so much better for much cheaper.
Map Picking: This will differ based on your class, what apoth/genie you will use, and cost benefits as outlined above. The general rule of thumb is do Crystal first, then CTF, then bridge if you have nothing else. This is due to the amount of contri possible in a map, vs. the time required to earn it. Crystal map has the highest potential possible, whereas CTF can give the same amount while taking longer to do so. And bridge is the worst prize of the bunch.
Time to complete is important for everyone with lower refines/gear, because the longer it lasts the more people will pop in and swipe contri just by existing. Not only that, but because of the dumb way they assign rankings, a better refined player can take 1st place existing in the map 1 second and doing nothing; even if you did all the work to win it.
Also, some classes are better suited for some maps than others. Characters with speed skills (BM, demon veno, barb, seeker, sin) have an easier time on the CtF maps than run of the mill casters do, since they can get through it faster. Also being willing to use a Charger Orb helps, but also costs money. It usually isn't worth the trade-off though.
Battle Picking: Dove-tails a bit with Map-Picking, but this is more in helping you determine whether it's worth staying around or not. If it's a map with a lot on your side, and few on the other, it's not generally worth staying around other than a staging ground. If it's few of you against someone OP for that map type (they can outrun you in CtF, or are just R9 and impossible to kill), you can generally leave. But if you have non-dumb team mates on a crystal map, it's actually possible to win by luring the R9 away from crystals so they cap, or just avoid the R9 while capping. It pisses them off, and let's you win with better earnings from beating them.
Main thing is to do a reward assessment for yourself first, attack opportunities if a win is possible second, and your nation third. If it will take too long, and you're not going to get enough contri to make it worth it for whatever readon; leave. As long as you have opportunity elsewhere, there's no reason to stay; unless there is a possibility for greater rewards continuing on (times like having the enemy line close behind you to limit joiners, or0 -
reaperarm1 wrote: »reaperarm1 wrote: »A decent F2P-Player can achieve a lot if the opportunity is there. Alot of forum posters like to throw the word "farm" around alot. Well it does'nt matter what you farm if the market is stagnant. If there's nobody buying it does'nt matter how much you farm you're not making money. That's the situation i'm experiencing currently. Enormous lack of buyers
I have tried every market, and I can farm very well. What exactly should I do if nothing i'm selling sells? You could say try more markets but i'm scratching my head on what's left to try...
I don't know what it's like on other servers but on harshlands my TT shop is lucky to sell a few mats a week. I gave up on selling g16 crafting service cause it just does'nt sell anymore. My pstone shop barely makes any coin either anymore. I honestly would not still be playing if it were'nt for the fact I have an army of alts to do bh and fsp on, it's the only thing keeping me supplied with coins.
Alright, So I didn’t want to respond on my phone because it would take too damn long, plus i think i missed a post or two of yours on the tiny screen. Now I'm at a computer so here is my perspective:
1) Perfect stones: Being supplied by Christmas event (lower level chi stones dropped by snowmen, many people have stacks in a bank), 2x card boss farming, and most importantly and recently, the smoke over arch event which gives a stack of 1000 perfect stones for a common prize. This has flooded the market and with lots of opportunities for players to get these for free not many are buying. I haven’t needed to buy chi stones in over a year myself on Sanctuary. I just have stacks from various rewards and farming. Not saying this is a bad thing to sell, just that it won’t be your primary money maker, PROBABLY ever, but most definitely until PWI stops running the smoke event and we get a dry spell from 2x.
2) TT shop/mats: This was touched on, but yes, this is a little bit of a dry area as well. Still, it does make money if you are ok with leaving the shop up. The best things to farm on Sanctuary server are actually the lower level mats because the people buying are high levels for alts and they are too damned lazy to do the 1-1, 1-2, 1-3 to get mats.. HOWEVER keep in mind that a lot of free gear is being dumped into the masses. Quest gear, Quicksand maze, and recently the pill baby book of time. This may get less of a problem in time, but until then I would not focus on this market.
3) Badge service: Just no. I don’t know why people sell like this. Everyone I know refuses to do this because it involves giving your gear to someone they don’t know which puts you at risk for getting scammed. Plus, at least on sanctuary server, you would make at best something like 300k/badge. That means for a weapon you’d get 18m. Why sell your hard earned manu (10 warsong runs) for 18m when you could put an hour extra of TT farming in (which you likely already did for your shop) and manu the whole weapon and sell it for 5 times as much?
If you are farming FSP that seems to be the primary money maker on our server at least. Cash shoppers keep PWE in money and they also bring fresh coins to the farmers and merchants as well. Focus on things they want. Right now they want cards and c packs. So this is a good strategy. Some of them also want gear for their FSP alts. Work on that too.
As for being a cash shopper merchant wannabe, well, I try to help where I can. If anyone here doesn’t want my pathetic advice they are free to ignore it
Thanks for the feed back and it was'nt me that called you those names. I'm not the type to resort to name calling out of frustration. I enjoy a good debate but I never stoop to calling names or insulting people. If someone does that they've already lost whatever they were debating. Thanks again eirghan. = )
To the people that are name calling and in general being useless, please just leave this thread it's not for you.
Lol its all good im pretty familiar with the person who thinks that so knew it wasnt you. Never can tell who will believe it tho.anyway I do hope you find a better success in the market whether through those tips or another way. If you still cant find better luck come to sanctuary! Our g16 market is pretty steady and most people are pretty friendly and our cash shoppers spend lots. Plus the dods are 85m right now. Yummm.
I've been wanting to get off this server for some time actually. It's just too inactive with too small of a population for my liking. Unfortunately I have to much time invested in my main and alts here. I started on harshlands in july of 2009.
WTB server transfer stone. X D0
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