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How to find direct advertisers to increase revenue? Looking for tips

saymon242#6355 saymon242 Публикаций: 7 Новичок
I want to increase my income by starting to work with direct advertisers, but I don't yet understand how to find them. With advertising networks, everything is clear - you run an advertisement and wait for results, but here you have to negotiate and build long-term relationships. The question is, how do you even reach such advertisers? Perhaps someone already has successful experience of working with direct contracts, and you can tell me what to look out for and how such relationships affect profits? I want to find out how much more profitable it really is than classic work through intermediaries.


  • krainsssss#3911 krainsssss Публикаций: 7 Новичок
    I will tell you my opinion on this and try to argue it at once. Working with direct advertisers like TOP Affiliate Network is an opportunity to earn more and choose what to advertise. Advertising networks charge a commission and don't always give you quality advertisers, but here you negotiate and control the process yourself. Yes, it's hard to find partners at first, but once you build relationships, your income grows. Personally, I switched to this format, and it turned out to be much more profitable than before, when I worked through networks. So if you have the opportunity, definitely give it a try.
  • yirek1#7193 yirek1 Публикаций: 8 Новичок
    When I decided to implement this service in my company, I did not expect the results to be so impressive. Firstly, I started spending much less time on a lot of tasks. Secondly, the profit started to grow already in the first few months. I am pleasantly surprised that I haven't found a single flaw so far. The service works perfectly and has significantly improved my business processes.
  • lipper#4255 lipper Публикаций: 8 Новичок
    Working with direct advertisers can indeed be more profitable, but it requires building relationships and negotiating deals. To reach these advertisers, you might need to attend industry events, network with business owners, or even use LinkedIn to identify potential partners. Keep in mind that there are advantages, such as higher margins and more control over campaigns, but it takes time and effort. There are always challenges in navigating these direct contracts, similar to issues like robocalling in the U.S., which create obstacles for businesses. However, the long-term profit potential from direct deals often makes the extra effort worth it.
  • sikefik1#9574 sikefik1 Публикаций: 3 Новичок
    That's funny, I liked that
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