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Changements à venir concernant le sorcier

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Jared "Noworries" Sears (Lead Systems Designer, Cryptic studios)

« When preview is updated with the queue and damage buff adjustments, there will also be adjustments to the Warlock class.


  • Dark Prayers now summons a soul puppet when an enemy cursed by you dies.
  • Soul Investiture is now a 10% damage increase for the Soul Puppet per stack.
  • Risky Investment now grants a 4% bonus to damage for each stack of Soul Investiture.
  • Killing Flames and Dreadtheft have been moved into the Hellbringer paragon encounter selection.
  • Arms of Hadar and Blades of Vanquished Armies moved into the Warlock general encounters.
  • Hellfire Expertise no longer increases Fire and Necrotic Damage.
  • Soul Sparks now increase Hellbringer damage by 0.2% per spark.

  • Arms of Hadar magnitude increased to 50
  • Vampiric Embrace magnitude increased to 240
  • Blades of Vanquished Armies magnitude increased to 20 per blade
  • Hadars Grasp magnitude increased to 200
  • Fiery Bolt magnitude increased to 175
  • Killing Flame magnitude increased to 480
  • Hellfire Ring magnitude increased to 100, DoT increased to 200
  • Soul Scorch magnitude increased to 9 per spark used and the Dot is increased to 1.5 magnitude per spark
  • Accursed Souls magnitude increased to 900
  • Brood of Hadar tooltip changed to display damage done to the primary target and the magnitude was increased. 600 magnitude main target, 150 magnitude per brood attack.
  • Tyrannical Curse magnitude increased to 900
  • Gates of Hell magnitude increased to 750
  • Flames of Phlegethos magnitude increased to 1000


  • Lifebind reduced to taking 10% of damage dealt to allies. Switched from an increase in Defense to an increase in Damage Reduction
  • Feat Transfusion Tactics changed to Mending Mastery and increases outgoing healing by 5%
  • Prince of Hell is now 5000 Armor Penetration
  • Dark Revelry now increases teammates Awareness and Critical Avoidance by 5000
  • Soul Sparks should no longer deplete when in a downed state

  • Wraith's Shadow Healing Magnitude increased to 100 »

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