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Uprising : Atouts PvP

Member Messages: 6,421 Équipe communautaire
Modifié (July 2019) dans Discussions générales

Nous vous invitons à utiliser cette discussion pour publier vos commentaires et signalements de bug concernant les modifications relatives aux atouts PvP.

Message de "Noworries" (Lead Systems Designer, Cryptic studios) :

The PvP Campaign has needed a rework for a long time as it doesn't really reflect the current style of PvP in Neverwinter.

While I won't be discussing much about the campaign itself in this thread, I did want to start a conversation on the new boons. The majority are stat gains. But we have designed a choose 1 of 3 as the final boon which could have an impact on gameplay.

The goals of these were to create options that could create new strategic options for players/counters to specific builds, but at the same time could strategically be countered by other players who designed to combat those powers.

At the same time the goal is that a player couldn't easily counter all of the boons and thus creates more strategy in builds. It is a fine line between powers that can be interesting or strategic and ones that unbalance gameplay, and that is the main reason for posting these ahead of time so that thoughts and feedback can be given before these are live.

All boons are only active while flagged for PvP:

Tier 1 Boons - 3 points to spend
  • Increase Power by 3000/5000/6000
  • Increase Max HP by 12000/20000/24000
  • Increase Armor Pen by 3000/5000/6000
  • Increase Defense by 3000/5000/6000
  • Increase Critical Strike by 3000/5000/6000
  • Increase Critical Avoidance by 3000/5000/6000

Tier 2 Boons - 2 points to spend
  • Increase AP Gain by 6/10%
  • Increase Control Resistance by 6/10%
  • Increase Stamina Gain by 3/5%
  • Increase Recharge Speed by 3/5%

Tier 3 Boons - Choose one
  • Role Reversal - Gain 5% increased damage as a Tank or Healer role. Gain 5% reduced incoming damage as a DPS role.
  • Deep Wound - Critically striking an opponent reduces their incoming healing by 15% for 5 seconds.
  • Adrenaline Rush - Deflecting an incoming attack grants you 15% additional movement speed for 5 seconds.

Comme toujours, n'hésitez pas à nous transmettre vos signalements de bugs et vos commentaires, et gardez à l'esprit que tout contenu sur le serveur Preview est encore susceptible d'être modifié !
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