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Aperçu de l'évènement Récits d'antan : Repaire du dragon furieux
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Le nouvel évènement « Récits d'antan : Repaire du dragon furieux » est désormais disponible sur le serveur Preview !
Vous pourrez le tester du 4 au 11 février 2019 à 16h00 CET. N'hésitez pas à nous faire part de vos commentaires !
Notes de version NW.105.20181121b.18 :
Le nouvel évènement « Récits d'antan : Repaire du dragon furieux » est désormais disponible sur le serveur Preview !
Vous pourrez le tester du 4 au 11 février 2019 à 16h00 CET. N'hésitez pas à nous faire part de vos commentaires !
Notes de version NW.105.20181121b.18 :
Terramak a écrit:Known Issues
In this build, Omin Dran doesn't appear in cutscenes, and his eyeballs are missing. Gross. We're fixing it ASAP, and will not push a build live with this issue.
Special - Preview Only
Tales of Old: Lair of the Mad Dragon is currently available on NeverwinterPreview! It will run from 2019-02-04 to 2019-02-11 at 7:00 a.m. PST, so please feel free to give us feedback!
Release Notes
Content and Environment
Acquisitions Incorporated
- Retrieval Operation: Some hitches in the terrain have been smoothed out.
- Fiery Pit: The Sword of Justice: When fighting General Fury, the arena barrier is now visible.
- Stronghold: My Only Enemy is Time: Some tweaks have been made to this quest notifies the player of progress.
Items and Economy
- New Year's Boar: This mount can now properly be added to the stable if a player already has basic boar mount.
- Tokens of Heroes now show up in the Wealth tab of the inventory.
- The Leira fashion set now has appropriate icons.
Animation, Audio, Character Art, and Effects
- After a visit to the dentist, the Yeti mount no longer loses a tooth when roaring.
Character Art
- Glacial Scepter now properly sits at, not above, the Devoted Cleric's hip.
- The colors on the Ghost's Longcoat have been smoothed to reduce the clashing of colors when using dye.
Visual Effects
- Savage Pact Blade of the Many Arrows: Visual effects now show up on the full weapon instead of just the hilt.
- Summoning the Legendary Swarm Mount no longer causes the screen to go completely black for a moment in certain locations.
- Various fixes have been made for the French, German, Italian, and Russian locales.
Community Manager
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Community Manager
Neverwinter : Facebook - Twitter - YouTube - Guides officiels - Support Client - Conditions d'utilisation - Discord / Percemer : Facebook - Twitter - YouTube
Est ce qu'il a été massacré comme ses vieux copains CN, coeur gélé, grottes de karundax, tour des capes, magepeste etc ?
Sinon aucun intérêt d'aller voir, on en mangera suffisamment sur le live.3
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