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Retours officiels concernant les files d'attente privées de PvP

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Message de rgutscheradev, développeur chez Cryptic Studios :
« Releasing with Chult, we have the much-requested “Private PvP” queue: a queue where you can invite a full team of 10 (or 20 for Gauntlgrym), divided as you choose, to a PvP match. We hope this will appeal to all ranks of PvP players, from beginners who want to do some experimentation before diving into regular PvP matches, to experts who want to arrange battles with other experts.
We know that PvP right now is in a state where it needs lots of love. Private PvP queues represent an initial down payment on those needs, and also a way to make it easier for everyone to generate feedback.
We hope that Private PvP queues can serve as a “laboratory” for players who care about Neverwinter PvP to try various experiments, and let us know what works, what doesn’t, and what problems they find. Right now, it’s pretty hard to experiment. But with Private PvP queues, it should be a lot easier.
Please feel free to try all sorts of things. Maybe...
Known Issue
Currently, the normal PvP rewards are still attached. That’s a bug. There will NOT be rewards attached to private PvP queues (way too abusable, as you can imagine) when the system goes live.
A few comments about PvP in general... you all have had lots of good ideas for PvP improvements. The big message we’ve received is that PvP is in a state where it needs fixes first before new PvP content (like a new game mode or map). Here are the things we are looking at first (I think pretty much all of these are forum suggestions!):
Keep in mind none of this certain to happen -- game development, things can change, all the usual warnings! But these are the things we want to do first for PvP. Once they are done (or, in some cases, maybe they go horribly wrong and we decide against them, or we decide to deal with the problem in some other better way instead), then we can look at where we are and see if we should be focusing on further fixes, or if it’s time to look at things like new game modes. »
« Releasing with Chult, we have the much-requested “Private PvP” queue: a queue where you can invite a full team of 10 (or 20 for Gauntlgrym), divided as you choose, to a PvP match. We hope this will appeal to all ranks of PvP players, from beginners who want to do some experimentation before diving into regular PvP matches, to experts who want to arrange battles with other experts.
We know that PvP right now is in a state where it needs lots of love. Private PvP queues represent an initial down payment on those needs, and also a way to make it easier for everyone to generate feedback.
We hope that Private PvP queues can serve as a “laboratory” for players who care about Neverwinter PvP to try various experiments, and let us know what works, what doesn’t, and what problems they find. Right now, it’s pretty hard to experiment. But with Private PvP queues, it should be a lot easier.
Please feel free to try all sorts of things. Maybe...
- Test specific player powers and items in a controlled setting
- Everyone take off all their Tenacity gear and just wear regular PvE gear -- is the play experience better? Worse? In what ways?
- Try out a 3v3 match (you can enter a Private PvP queue with less than a full group if you want)
- Experiment with new and unusual team comps
- Make up a new game mode (eg, a deathmatch where everyone has 2 lives). Of course, it will have to be enforced by player agreement, but if it becomes popular, maybe it can become an official mode some day! (Kind of like what happened with ARAM in League of Legends, if you’re familiar with that history.)
- Anything you can think of! For science!
Known Issue
Currently, the normal PvP rewards are still attached. That’s a bug. There will NOT be rewards attached to private PvP queues (way too abusable, as you can imagine) when the system goes live.
A few comments about PvP in general... you all have had lots of good ideas for PvP improvements. The big message we’ve received is that PvP is in a state where it needs fixes first before new PvP content (like a new game mode or map). Here are the things we are looking at first (I think pretty much all of these are forum suggestions!):
- Tenacity Rework: we have a small down payment on this with Chult. See for details, including where we’re currently headed with Tenacity.
- Permanent Solo Queue
- Diminishing CC Returns: this is something we want to do some experiments with, and add to PvP if those experiments go well.
- Fix the Leaderboard bug
- Hopefully do a PvP rewards pass as well (at very least, give some stats to compensate for any Tenacity that disappears)
Keep in mind none of this certain to happen -- game development, things can change, all the usual warnings! But these are the things we want to do first for PvP. Once they are done (or, in some cases, maybe they go horribly wrong and we decide against them, or we decide to deal with the problem in some other better way instead), then we can look at where we are and see if we should be focusing on further fixes, or if it’s time to look at things like new game modes. »
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« Nous avons ajouté à la prochaine extension une nouvelle file d’attente « PvP privé » suite à une suggestion très demandée sur les forums. Une file d’attente où vous pourrez inviter une équipe entière de 10 joueurs (ou 20 pour Gauntlgrym), divisée selon votre choix pour un match PvP. Nous espérons que cela plaira à tous les joueurs PvP, que ce soit les débutants qui veulent faire quelques expérimentations avant de se plonger dans les matchs PvP normaux, ou pour les experts qui souhaitent organiser des batailles avec d’autres experts.
Nous savons que le PvP est en ce moment dans un état où il faut changer certaines choses. Les files d’attente PvP privées représentent un début sur ces besoins, et aussi une façon de faciliter les tests pour que vous nous fassiez part de vos retours.
Nous espérons que les files d’attente privées pourront servir de « laboratoire » pour les joueurs qui s’intéressent au PvP de Neverwinter et souhaitent essayer diverses expériences pour nous informer sur qu’est-ce qui fonctionne, qu’est-ce qui ne fonctionne pas et quels sont les soucis qu’ils trouvent. A l’heure actuelle, il est difficile d’expérimenter en PvP. Mais avec ces files d’attente PvP privées, cela devrait être beaucoup plus facile.
N’hésitez pas à essayer toute sorte de choses. Peut-être…
- Tester des pouvoirs spécifiques dans un réglage contrôlé
- Tout le monde retire la Ténacité et utilise des armures PvE. Le gameplay est-il meilleur ? Pire ? De quelle manière ?
- Essayer un match 3v3 (vous pouvez entrer en file d’attente PvP privée avec moins d’un groupe complet si vous le souhaitez).
- Expérimenter avec des nouvelles et inhabituelles compositions d’équipe
- Créer un nouveau mode de jeu (par exemple un match de la mort où chaque joueur ne posséderait que 2 vies). Bien-sûr, cela devra être approuvé par la communauté, et si la communauté le souhaite, peut-être que ce mode deviendra officiel un jour !
- Dites nous tout ce que vous pensez ! Pour la science !
Veuillez également noter qu’il n’y aura aucune récompense en participant aux files d’attente PvP privées, car comme vous l’imaginez, il y aurait forcément des abus.
Notre objectif final est d'améliorer le PvP avant de pouvoir ajouter du nouveau contenu (comme un nouveau mode de jeu ou une nouvelle carte). »
Traduction réalisée par l'équipe de modération,
Elle peut donc comporter des erreurs.Percemer
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