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Patch Notes 05.05.2015

sheydrale Beiträge: 1,402 Community Moderator
bearbeitet May 2015 in Patch Notes
Hallo XBox-Spieler,

Hier sind die Patch-Notes für die heutige Wartung am 05.05.2015. Vorerst noch auf englisch.


• Added a confirmation window when you leave a team.
• While a PVP match is in progress, the scoreboard is now available by pressing X on the PVP scores in the HUD.
• Added map icons for the control points in PVP domination maps.
• The Astral Diamond Exchange action flow has been updated to be more consistent with other screens in the game.
• In the Astral Diamond Exchange, the price field will now default to the current best price. This is a fair guess for a value that will make your transaction complete quickly.
• In the Astral Diamond Exchange, the listings are now sorted by best price at the top.
• Items now have tooltips in the Tarmalune Trade House “My Consignments” tab.
• The Tarmalune Trade House button in the main menu has been moved from the "Items" category to the "Store" category.
• Improved tooltips for currencies in the store footer.
• The currencies in the footer of a store window are now navigable so you can see their tooltips.
• The item context menus in the Change Item Appearance window will now always disappear when the parent window disappears.
• The drop-down menus in the Team Loot Mode window have been fixed.
• In the crafting window, the position of required asset and ingredient numbers have been moved below the icons so they are more readable.
• The detail text of Zen Market items is now scrollable.
• The interaction of the scoreboard with other pop-up windows has been adjusted for consistency.
• Added the ability to clear a ward slot in the Item Refinement window.
• In the Item Refinement window, a tooltip was added to the ward slot to make it clearer when a ward purchase isn't possible.

Miscellaneous Bug Fixes

• Added Race Rerolls, accessible by pressing A on the Character Select screen. Previous Race Rerolls purchases will be immediately available.
• Fixed Tarmalune Trade House advanced search options and filters. You can now more easily find that Epic quality, Level 25 "Toothpick of Beholder-bothering +4" with 5 Offense Slots and +Critical Strike usable by Trickster Rogues.
• Fixed the navigation of search fields in the Browse tab of the Tarmalune Trade House.
• Fixed moving to a teammate's map instance from their character portrait on the HUD.
• The Astral Diamond Exchange screen has been updated to correctly display all top listings.
• Restored the missing sound when a Zen Market purchase is made.
• Corrected the display of campaign tasks to no longer show “N/0” when the task is infinitely repeatable.
• Fixed a problem with some drop-down menus which were increasing infinitely in width on some resolutions.
• Fixed the position of the "Your Hit Points are low" tutorial tip.
• Guild Information (like Message of the Day) will now save when navigating way from the text entry field.
• Fixed several cases where strings would be truncated unnecessarily.
• Fixed the Logout Timer getting stuck at "0 seconds remaining".
• Updated messaging for delays delivering Zen if Microsoft purchasing services are having issues.
• Fixed the Invocation Power for a small number of players who had it stop working.
• Unidentified items no longer indicate stat differences compared to currently equipped items.


• Fixed a crash when navigating the chat log.
• Fixed a crash related to shadows.
• Fixed additional infrequent crashes.
• Implemented several background performance and stability improvements.
• Fixed some issues with the stability of the game servers.
• Addressed issues with communication between Neverwinter servers and Xbox Live.
Beste Grüße

Community Team

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