Wir haben nun auch einen deutschsprachigen Discord-Server für Neverwinter, schaut vorbei:

Speicher der Elemente/Beschützers

edeu008 Beiträge: 66 Abenteurer
bearbeitet April 2015 in (PC) Allgemeine Diskussion
Hallo Leute,

kann es sein, dass es einen Bug gibt bei den Speichern?
Manchmal bekomme ich den manchmal nicht. Oder habe ich da was übersehen?
Laut dem Handbuch für Spielleiter aus dem Wunderbarem Basar, hat man alle 18h die Möglichkeit eines zu bekommen. Voraussetzung ist, dass man die Ini schafft.

Post edited by edeu008 on


  • argrosch
    argrosch Beiträge: 826 Abenteurer
    bearbeitet April 2015
    Die Speicher sollen am 23. gefixt werden.

    To follow up on my original post, I wanted to get you all information on this issue before the weekend began. We identified the nature of the issue, as many of you have likely already noticed, unfortunately only one player per party is being granted their cache properly.

    A fix has already been made on the development shard that will resolve this issue, and is currently being tested. We are doing everything we can to make sure that with next Thursday's release this issue will be resolved and all five players in a dungeon party will receive their daily bonus cache, be it the Cache of the Elements or the Cache of the Protector.

    Both the Alliance and Elven equipment sets were not intended to be earned with seals earned from bosses alone. We apologize for the inconvenience, and thank you all for your patience while this issue is resolved.
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    Nicht alles, was nach einer Eissorte benannt ist, muss gut sein.

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