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Modul 6: GWF Änderungen

Beiträge: 184 Abenteurer
bearbeitet January 2015 in Die Baracken
Zur Info, was für den GWF ansteht/anstehen könnte:
rrshendev schrieb: »
Greetings Adventurers!

In conjunction with the forthcoming raise to the level cap, each class will see additions and adjustments. This content will gradually be made available on our preview shard. As it becomes available we would very much like to collect your feedback!

This thread will be focused on the Great Weapon Fighter. Initially only new class features and feats will be made available, however this thread will be updated alongside the preview shard in the future.

Class Features
The following class features will become available at 60 points.

Warrior's Courage - Gain 5/10/15% Damage Resistance when below 50% HP. Gain 3/6/9% Deflect chance when below 25% HP.

Wrathful Determination - You gain up to 5/7.5/9% melee damage as your Determination fills up. This bonus is doubled when your Determination is full. Rank: +2.5% damage.

The following feats will become available after investing 10 paragon points into the corresponding tree. Feats previously available at 10 points have been moved to 15, those available at 15 have been moved to 20, and so on.

  • Warrior's Rush - Your Mighty Leap now cools down 5/10/15/20/25% faster and silences foes for 1 second on impact.
  • Flanking Maneuvers - When you critically strike a foe from behind you knock them prone for 1.2/1.4/1.6/1.8/2 seconds.

  • Unfettered Strikes - Successful Melee attacks increase your movement speed by 1/2/3/4/5% for 4 seconds. This effect stacks 4 times.
  • Mighty Blade - Your AoE damage is increased by 5/10/15/20/25%.

  • Living Wall - Allies within 30' of you take 1/2/3/4/5% less damage. If they stand directly behind you this bonus is doubled.
  • Countless Scars - Each time you are struck you gain 1% damage resistance for 6 seconds. This effect can stack 3/6/9/12/15 times.


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