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[PS4] Synergy is recruiting Cleric's, Pala's and Guardian Fighter's

Beiträge: 2 Abenteurer
Synergy is recruiting players on the PS4 now! We started as "Early Access" lvl 50+ guild and we are searching for some Tank's / Healer's and Buffer's. We are still at the top PvP leaderboards with close to 100% winrate in Domination, but you dont have to be a PvP player to join the guild, we run Skirmishes and Dungeons aswell !
If we do dungeon- or PvP-content togather, we are most time at the PSN-Voice-Chat, so would be nice if u use a headset with microphone, because speaker will do an echo and this is horrible for other players :P
- It dosn't matter if you are new to the game, or like most of us from PC or Xbox, just have fun with the game and be activ.
- You dont have to donate something for the guild!
- You don't have to be lvl 70 !
- Just have fun playing your class, and yes we invite you alt-characters aswell, but mainly stick with the class you join us.
- We try to help where we can, if it's really necessary! ( if you have problems with quests and you dont know how to complete it , just ask in chat or feel free to join our open PSN-Voice-Party and ask for help.
If you want to join the Voice-Chat and ask questions about the guild, feel free to add me on PSN: SeriousLee-91
If we do dungeon- or PvP-content togather, we are most time at the PSN-Voice-Chat, so would be nice if u use a headset with microphone, because speaker will do an echo and this is horrible for other players :P
- It dosn't matter if you are new to the game, or like most of us from PC or Xbox, just have fun with the game and be activ.
- You dont have to donate something for the guild!
- You don't have to be lvl 70 !
- Just have fun playing your class, and yes we invite you alt-characters aswell, but mainly stick with the class you join us.
- We try to help where we can, if it's really necessary! ( if you have problems with quests and you dont know how to complete it , just ask in chat or feel free to join our open PSN-Voice-Party and ask for help.
If you want to join the Voice-Chat and ask questions about the guild, feel free to add me on PSN: SeriousLee-91
Wrong Forum0
yep , war nicht auf englisch gestellt und hatte auf ps4 forum gedrückt, hat mich aber wieder aufs deutsche pc forum gelinkt seh ich grad...0
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