This is the official art asset request thread! If you find yourself building a quest and start thinking "Wow if only I had ____ and ____ my environment would be complete!" or "Gee I really wish I had more variations of ____", this is where you can submit a request!
Requests can also include assets you've seen in game that are not in the Foundry, and can be anything art related like props, maps, sounds, music, animations, costume pieces, etc.
Our art team will keep an eye on this thread and use it to gauge what needs the Foundry authors have art-wise.
Edit: starting a thread specifically for room tiles
- Organic coverings of the walls like a sheet of slimy surface
- More dripping water from roof (not drops but sort of stream)
- More types of vegetation involving vines, mushrooms etc for the walls.
- Objects
- More cages
- Whips in weapons
- Moving walls which move in one direction and then stop (for moving walls traps, need not kill, only for scare)
- A sleeping dragon(It need not awaken)
- More choices of pants(or no pants) in costume
- Ability to choose skin tones
- Rats (not wererats)
- Sounds
- More variations on silent sounds
- sound FX which makes it sound like someone is shifting in the shadows as ambience for underdark. Mostly it will be quite, then suddenly a whisper to unnerve you and after some time some footsteps and sound of blade being unsheathed and sheathed.
- Interior windows with light rays. It's possible to fake this through a lot of fiddling with the ceiling rays, but it doesn't look quite right. Most interiors look pretty fake without windows, so this would make a huge difference to most authors, I believe.
- Carpets that look stylish and not ruined. There's a red carpet in the Foundry right now, but it's torn and ripped apart.
- Writing tools, such as feather pens and inkwells.
- A larger variety of tables, including desks. Some of the tables in the Foundry are prepopulated with food and other items, but it would be nice to have these available as empty tables as well.
- Light effects of various intensities. Right now every point light source is very bright. Sometimes you want bright, shining light. Other times you want soft, subtle light to reinforce a mood.
- More doors that can be used through the simple door menus. Right now most doorways have only two choices, and I suspect these will grow old very fast for players and authors alike.
Edit: For the record, these are all things I was looking for during the creation of my most recent quest, so I'm not just making up cool stuff while writing this post. Every single thing mentioned above would have been used in this quest.
apocrs1980Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, SilverstarsPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2013
Thanks Mapolis, I can kick this off by saying it would be excellent if I had a few more building pieces for the Crypt style theme.
here are things that would really spice up the environment,
* variations of the partition wall that mimic the indoor version of the crypt room (basically with designs and decorations)
* variations of the Crypt Arch some that are elongated in a rectangular fashion that would cover 2 of the crypt floor tiles 40x40 so a 40x80 with only the 4 pillars would be excellent, also the 40x40 version with only 2 pillars so that it can be tiered upwards as part of a ceiling aesthetic.
* Crypt Ceiling tile sets much like the floor tile set 40x40
* variations of sarcophagi -
1.Click-able ones that move or slide to one side (similar to the portcullis)
2.Large versions that are vertical standing 40x80 with and without lids and backs (so that it can be used as a secret doorway once the lid is opened.)
* variation of the Cobweb (cobweb funnel) like a trapdoor spider would use. - as an added note thank you all for the different variations of spiders!! I love it!!!
* corpses encased in webbing both ground versions and handing at different lengths similar to the noose skeleton.
*more variations of statues, currently only have 1 crypt style statue.
*hanging plants potted both live and dead, (I have not seen a game put in dead plants in a pot think it would be a nice touch)
*smaller more manageable variations of the vines.
That's all I can think of for now.
If only I was on the art team I would bust my hump to help you guys! Thanks for all the hard work the game and the Foundry are turning out great!
The Cragsteep Crypt - BETA Ravenloft Look for@Apocrs1980 or visit the main page here or Ravenloft here
Copied this from a previous post in another thread..
I could use a few things.. big giant floors to cover the grass on exterior maps with things like snow, dirt, desert, etc.
Icy rooms for interior custom maps.
A big giant dragon.. no reason yet, but i feel like we need a big giant dragon or three. Tiny dragon statues. also, tiny live dragons that breath fire, and fit by doors so that they can ask riddles.(the pet version i remember is a bit on the cartoony side for this purpose)
parchment, paper, quill and a pen, local newspaper? basically more stuff that can be used for notes, and information to impart during quests..
swinging secret bookcase door with many ways to trigger it opening by itself.... or one that slides sideways. OR just make both at the same time..
and what gillrmn said. creepy noises rock, but we need some jovial music, also i think. For those epic endings, where you want the fanfare...
an animated lever, that makes doors open in an animated way, as if the character had interacted with the door. Or, the option to have a lever connected to the door, much like a trap, but the user activates one end, causing a door, portcullis, etc. to open.
Horses without saddles.
Full sized wagons (you have a full sized burning wagon but none that is not burning???)
Variations of the rest area fire (small camp fire, fireplaces etc)
There is a rumor floating around that I am working on a new foundry quest. It was started by me.
My biggest request is to standardize core object types with height/length/depth.
Example being having a floor object that's 41x41x11 and finding another floor object you wish to replace that's 53x53x8.
I would like if I had a few floor options that were one set of dimensions. That way you could swap out the floor object with another floor object and all you'll be changing is the texture. As it is now, you have to make some adjustments to objects that need to be swapped out.
more chairs and table options.
more rug options.
more painting/art options.
more curtain options. maybe some that aren't as big?
Tapestry options? Although a rug will work too, just more detail rugs then if that's the case.
Perhaps more religious symbol specific stuff for the pantheons also? Or a symbol you can put on other objects to brand them?
glumm66Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, SilverstarsPosts: 3Arc User
edited April 2013
I would like to request some Elven architecture (buildings and building pieces). Also some more high-end (noble or royalty type) furnishings.
For nps skins I'd like to request giant Rats, Hobgoblins, bugbears and owlbears.
zaphtasticMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, SilverstarsPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2013
The only items I've been missing so far were treasure objects (piles of gold, gems, random jewelry, etc) and statuettes of various gods / races. The latter are probably too specific to be generally useful, though.
the ability to upload our own mesh and texture maps for approval to be used by anyone...for a fee - winks - or just the ability to do it for our own content. Lets really expand user creativity and take a load of the devs.
You can create an upload of say open colada or max/maya files with maps and all, have a peer review say. 10+ positives, then pass it for use, if something is flagged failed, then have staffers review it.. pass or fail it. many 3d games do it, hell if imvu/sl/and others can do it so can cryptic.
This will take a HUGE load of cryptic modelers/asset designers.
Failing that here is a list I would like to see.
Ability to SCALE assets in 3D mode. (this cant be hard)
INTERACTIVE Furniture (something we can sit on).. lots, the current selection is so limited every bar, room, kitchen, bedroom looks exactly the same.
Better caves/caverns, would really love an "outside" cave/cavern that is huge and lots of cave like spires, spikes, pillars, and other random assets that will make creating DROW environments.
Indoor windows that match the exterior of current buildings so that we make rooms that appear to match the building we entered. logical?
Lanterns, lamps, and other assorted light sources..
Effects: Explosions that appear then disappear without the need of triggers other than appear when. Fire, white and colored light, like blue and purple for spellplague effects.
WAY MORE OPTIONS TO USE AS A RESPAWN LOCATION: the current camp fire does not work for most indoor, and allot of outdoor maps. It's silly to have a fire burning in middle of a house (yes I know you can put in a fireplace) but.. I'd at very least like to see blue/purple flames.. currently I have to wrap the campfire in blue flames.. 6 to be exact in order to cover the orange flames.
planes with spider web textures, in varying sizes like water. can be used as was in some drow cities as supports to build on, paths to walk on.. and perhaps a place to build nice spider web traps
I can go on.. but I will leave it at that. would really like to see some more drow love. something we can incorporate the underdark into our stories ... even if they are just leaving the underdark for the overwold.
IGN: DrDoom CLS: Heretic SVR: Atlantis IND ID:1000165G030200060007250S15fb1f
Allow Us to Add Assets Like Customized Buildings to the Foundry for Everyone to Use
Yah I know long title, but I want to be able to save assets like The Source Stone Tavern with all the furnishings( and possibly the NPCs) to the list of "Foundry Assets" so others can use them in their quests. Items could be labeled under things like Human Interior, Caves, Dungeons, etc. After adding them to the list anyone could use it. If Cryptic had to they could make you have to get it approved by a staff member before it is actually added to the list.
Although Im willing to make The Source Stone Tavern over and over and over again, it be nice if I didnt have to and it was just saved into the Asset list in the foundry.
Same with NPCs Id like to be able to share them with others so that they can be in lots of quests cameoing and stuff.
Tapestries and Awnings. I like that we have paintings which fill in well on walls but tapestries are always nice for noble homes. Awnings look nice on poorer homes. The bolt-ons are nice for village buildings but don't work so well on other buildings when trying to achieve this effect.
Dice! D&D is about polyhedral dice! Small, medium and large!
Also, a 5 card splay, and a deck of cards please!
Seconded.. best suggestion so far, imo.. we need dice!!! HOW DID WE ALL MISS THAT TILL NOW???
And it would be really fun to be able to drop in a die, and have it roll for a result, and have different numbers trigger different events, like summoning a group of monsters if you roll a three, but maybe a plate of food with a 4.... sure you can do it with dialogue, but a set of dice would be AWESOME! You could have a room with six doors, and a big die to roll in the middle, and it would trigger a corresponding door to open, a mob to appear and go on patrol to the middle...
More Drow and Underdark-themed building assets, please?
Drow theme will be super-duper popular with Guilds and groups, and I'd like to create some completely Underdark-themed quests. The assets there now (building pieces, etc) are stunning and excellent, but it would be awesome to have more.
And again I'm referring to building parts like walls, doors, paths, alters (I think there's only one in there now?) - that kind of stuff.
Holiday Decor Pumpkin/Presents-Since I'm on the naughty list I want to make a xmas quest where santa gives me gifts this year. Stuff that could be used in a holiday quest that still doesn't break DnD. Beers-Small, medium, and large More steins, barrels, vats, anything related to beers!!!!!! Gold/treasure-Someone said this but I want to second this, cuz me like gold! Sea Devils-I know this is an encounter but I want them!(can't make port llast without em) Cups/mugs/forks- Saw a spoon but no forks. Do they have forks in DnD? Animal skin rugs-Bears, wolves, deers Rats- Not huge ones, small ones maybe a FX where couple run around in a area. Snake dance- Hey dancing is an art, and snake dance goes good with a women doing the seductive dance. 69 mustang-bwahahaha
Skin Color / Tattoo Color / Facial Hair (color & style) settings
One of the things that really hampers my creating NPCs is the fact that it isn't possible to adjust their skin color, tattoo colors, or facial hair styles / colors independently of whatever is premade for them. I'm not sure why such essential customizations are missing, but it would be great to have access to such essential elements of customization.
More Human Building Blocks
We have a lot of building blocks for dwarven / drow architecture, but there's a suprising lack of pieces that can be used to recreate the rooms available in the custom interior decorator. I'd like to see more plain stone walls, arches, etc. as well as floors and windows so that I can replicate custom interior rooms in an exterior map.
If I recall correctly, there used to be skyboxes for areas such as Blacklake District. I'd like to see these reintroduced, but I'd also like to see more "out there" skyboxes such as the Shadowfell vortex, which could be used to help build extraplanar areas.
Spellplague Caverns Assets
Really feeling the removal of the Spellplague Caverns, but that could be eased if some of the assets were reintroduced as placeable objects, such as the spellplague "water" and those large stones with the runes on them from the final room.
Smaller Invisible Walls
I could have sworn there used to be a 20 (height) x 5 (width) invisible wall asset, which helped me tighten up spaces better than I can with the current 20x20. I'd love to see this reintroduced (or added), in addition to more sizes and possibly even curved versions for better control and budget management.
I second the motion for facial hair and skin color changes for NPCs. Also more outfit pieces. Right now we get the default look they come with or adventurer armor. It would be nice to mix and match the casual wear outfit parts.
I desperately need a 5 (or 6) x 20 x 20 invisible wall. Right now we have one 6 x 6 x 6 and a 20 x 20 x 20. The reason my specific request is important is because this size would be ideal to place around a door, allowing us to use the same interaction regardless of which side the player approaches from. Right now it can be hard (or even impossible) set up doors that can be opened from both sides through dialog, which is my favorite way to handle doors. If the same object (the invisible wall) could be used for both sides like this, they could be connected to the same dialog tree, allowing them to deal with this situation easily.
Edit: I actually didn't test this before talking. It appears that the regular, thin invisible wall might be able to handle this situation, though it makes me uncertain if the door will "peek through it". Ignore my request for now.
Edit 2: No, the thin wall does not solve the problem after all. I was able to open a door it was on top of. Consider this request reopened.
Weapons, besides those characters can use, such as crossbows, spears, halberds, pikes, etc. (would tie in nicely with being able to view the weapon a mob/npc will use in previewing them)
More armor and clothing pieces for customizing NPCs and Encounters.
If it's in the monster manuals, it needs to make its way here.
More variety of Bushes and plants
Different Textures. So many models could be given new looks just by allowing the choice of texture. For example, tents. The current tent models could be reused in many different ways if we could change the texture.
I need more building blocks or temples and shrine constrcution. Some marble or white-stone constructions with huge pillars and domes. Something like gazebo but bigger and higher.
Some more vines with flowers too. And a few sparkles (fireflies do it, but we need more variations).
Also, some earthmotes where I can stand and play. Currently only earthmote I was able to use was flying Island. I would like to see 500x500 earthmotes without any feature on it so it can be populated with objects over the sea.
- More dripping water from roof (not drops but sort of stream)
- More types of vegetation involving vines, mushrooms etc for the walls.
- Whips in weapons
- Moving walls which move in one direction and then stop (for moving walls traps, need not kill, only for scare)
- More choices of pants(or no pants) in costume
- Ability to choose skin tones
- Rats (not wererats)
- sound FX which makes it sound like someone is shifting in the shadows as ambience for underdark. Mostly it will be quite, then suddenly a whisper to unnerve you and after some time some footsteps and sound of blade being unsheathed and sheathed.
- Rust monsters
- Carpets that look stylish and not ruined. There's a red carpet in the Foundry right now, but it's torn and ripped apart.
- Writing tools, such as feather pens and inkwells.
- A larger variety of tables, including desks. Some of the tables in the Foundry are prepopulated with food and other items, but it would be nice to have these available as empty tables as well.
- Light effects of various intensities. Right now every point light source is very bright. Sometimes you want bright, shining light. Other times you want soft, subtle light to reinforce a mood.
- More doors that can be used through the simple door menus. Right now most doorways have only two choices, and I suspect these will grow old very fast for players and authors alike.
Edit: For the record, these are all things I was looking for during the creation of my most recent quest, so I'm not just making up cool stuff while writing this post. Every single thing mentioned above would have been used in this quest.
here are things that would really spice up the environment,
* variations of the partition wall that mimic the indoor version of the crypt room (basically with designs and decorations)
* variations of the Crypt Arch some that are elongated in a rectangular fashion that would cover 2 of the crypt floor tiles 40x40 so a 40x80 with only the 4 pillars would be excellent, also the 40x40 version with only 2 pillars so that it can be tiered upwards as part of a ceiling aesthetic.
* Crypt Ceiling tile sets much like the floor tile set 40x40
* variations of sarcophagi -
1.Click-able ones that move or slide to one side (similar to the portcullis)
2.Large versions that are vertical standing 40x80 with and without lids and backs (so that it can be used as a secret doorway once the lid is opened.)
* variation of the Cobweb (cobweb funnel) like a trapdoor spider would use. - as an added note thank you all for the different variations of spiders!! I love it!!!
* corpses encased in webbing both ground versions and handing at different lengths similar to the noose skeleton.
*more variations of statues, currently only have 1 crypt style statue.
*hanging plants potted both live and dead, (I have not seen a game put in dead plants in a pot think it would be a nice touch)
*smaller more manageable variations of the vines.
That's all I can think of for now.
If only I was on the art team I would bust my hump to help you guys! Thanks for all the hard work the game and the Foundry are turning out great!
Look for@Apocrs1980 or visit the main page here or Ravenloft here
I could use a few things.. big giant floors to cover the grass on exterior maps with things like snow, dirt, desert, etc.
Icy rooms for interior custom maps.
A big giant dragon.. no reason yet, but i feel like we need a big giant dragon or three. Tiny dragon statues. also, tiny live dragons that breath fire, and fit by doors so that they can ask riddles.(the pet version i remember is a bit on the cartoony side for this purpose)
parchment, paper, quill and a pen, local newspaper? basically more stuff that can be used for notes, and information to impart during quests..
swinging secret bookcase door with many ways to trigger it opening by itself.... or one that slides sideways. OR just make both at the same time..
and what gillrmn said. creepy noises rock, but we need some jovial music, also i think. For those epic endings, where you want the fanfare...
an animated lever, that makes doors open in an animated way, as if the character had interacted with the door. Or, the option to have a lever connected to the door, much like a trap, but the user activates one end, causing a door, portcullis, etc. to open.
Spellchecker.. lol
Himmelville - Are you easily frightened?
Click Here
On one side of the mountain, there were bones...
Full sized wagons (you have a full sized burning wagon but none that is not burning???)
Variations of the rest area fire (small camp fire, fireplaces etc)
Example being having a floor object that's 41x41x11 and finding another floor object you wish to replace that's 53x53x8.
I would like if I had a few floor options that were one set of dimensions. That way you could swap out the floor object with another floor object and all you'll be changing is the texture. As it is now, you have to make some adjustments to objects that need to be swapped out.
more chairs and table options.
more rug options.
more painting/art options.
more curtain options. maybe some that aren't as big?
Tapestry options? Although a rug will work too, just more detail rugs then if that's the case.
Perhaps more religious symbol specific stuff for the pantheons also? Or a symbol you can put on other objects to brand them?
For nps skins I'd like to request giant Rats, Hobgoblins, bugbears and owlbears.
Getting good content to players in the Foundry - challenges and solutions
Handle: @zaphtastic
Alchemy tables and stuff(so that it can look like someone was making potions and junk)
some more decor to fit a Illithid colony
Anyone still searching for guilds you can check out HCG Hardcore Christian Gamers.
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You can create an upload of say open colada or max/maya files with maps and all, have a peer review say. 10+ positives, then pass it for use, if something is flagged failed, then have staffers review it.. pass or fail it. many 3d games do it, hell if imvu/sl/and others can do it so can cryptic.
This will take a HUGE load of cryptic modelers/asset designers.
Failing that here is a list I would like to see.
Ability to SCALE assets in 3D mode. (this cant be hard)
INTERACTIVE Furniture (something we can sit on).. lots, the current selection is so limited every bar, room, kitchen, bedroom looks exactly the same.
Better caves/caverns, would really love an "outside" cave/cavern that is huge and lots of cave like spires, spikes, pillars, and other random assets that will make creating DROW environments.
Indoor windows that match the exterior of current buildings so that we make rooms that appear to match the building we entered. logical?
Lanterns, lamps, and other assorted light sources..
Effects: Explosions that appear then disappear without the need of triggers other than appear when. Fire, white and colored light, like blue and purple for spellplague effects.
WAY MORE OPTIONS TO USE AS A RESPAWN LOCATION: the current camp fire does not work for most indoor, and allot of outdoor maps. It's silly to have a fire burning in middle of a house (yes I know you can put in a fireplace) but.. I'd at very least like to see blue/purple flames.. currently I have to wrap the campfire in blue flames.. 6 to be exact in order to cover the orange flames.
planes with spider web textures, in varying sizes like water. can be used as was in some drow cities as supports to build on, paths to walk on.. and perhaps a place to build nice spider web traps
I can go on.. but I will leave it at that. would really like to see some more drow love. something we can incorporate the underdark into our stories ... even if they are just leaving the underdark for the overwold.
IGN: DrDoom
CLS: Heretic
SVR: Atlantis
IND ID:1000165G030200060007250S15fb1f
Yah I know long title, but I want to be able to save assets like The Source Stone Tavern with all the furnishings( and possibly the NPCs) to the list of "Foundry Assets" so others can use them in their quests. Items could be labeled under things like Human Interior, Caves, Dungeons, etc. After adding them to the list anyone could use it. If Cryptic had to they could make you have to get it approved by a staff member before it is actually added to the list.
Although Im willing to make The Source Stone Tavern over and over and over again, it be nice if I didnt have to and it was just saved into the Asset list in the foundry.
Same with NPCs Id like to be able to share them with others so that they can be in lots of quests cameoing and stuff.
Anyone still searching for guilds you can check out HCG Hardcore Christian Gamers.
NW FAQ | HCG NW Host Site
Also, a 5 card splay, and a deck of cards please!
Seconded.. best suggestion so far, imo.. we need dice!!! HOW DID WE ALL MISS THAT TILL NOW???
And it would be really fun to be able to drop in a die, and have it roll for a result, and have different numbers trigger different events, like summoning a group of monsters if you roll a three, but maybe a plate of food with a 4....
Himmelville - Are you easily frightened?
Click Here
On one side of the mountain, there were bones...
I was actually check if that was in the game yet or not
Anyone still searching for guilds you can check out HCG Hardcore Christian Gamers.
NW FAQ | HCG NW Host Site
Ummm... /me squeaks...
More Drow and Underdark-themed building assets, please?
Drow theme will be super-duper popular with Guilds and groups, and I'd like to create some completely Underdark-themed quests. The assets there now (building pieces, etc) are stunning and excellent, but it would be awesome to have more.
And again I'm referring to building parts like walls, doors, paths, alters (I think there's only one in there now?) - that kind of stuff.
-Mimics, Oozes, Etc.. (Actual enemies, not skins)
I like cats :cool:.
UGC Campaign: The Coldblooded Scrolls
lakes and places for waterfalls to land.
Beers-Small, medium, and large More steins, barrels, vats, anything related to beers!!!!!!
Gold/treasure-Someone said this but I want to second this, cuz me like gold!
Sea Devils-I know this is an encounter but I want them!(can't make port llast without em)
Cups/mugs/forks- Saw a spoon but no forks. Do they have forks in DnD?
Animal skin rugs-Bears, wolves, deers
Rats- Not huge ones, small ones maybe a FX where couple run around in a area.
Snake dance- Hey dancing is an art, and snake dance goes good with a women doing the seductive dance.
69 mustang-bwahahaha
Skin Color / Tattoo Color / Facial Hair (color & style) settings
More Human Building Blocks
Spellplague Caverns Assets
Smaller Invisible Walls
Gelatinous Cubes
Website ★ Recruitment
Look for@Apocrs1980 or visit the main page here or Ravenloft here
Anyone still searching for guilds you can check out HCG Hardcore Christian Gamers.
NW FAQ | HCG NW Host Site
Also an unlit variation of candles.
Edit: I actually didn't test this before talking. It appears that the regular, thin invisible wall might be able to handle this situation, though it makes me uncertain if the door will "peek through it". Ignore my request for now.
Edit 2: No, the thin wall does not solve the problem after all. I was able to open a door it was on top of. Consider this request reopened.
More armor and clothing pieces for customizing NPCs and Encounters.
If it's in the monster manuals, it needs to make its way here.
More variety of Bushes and plants
Different Textures. So many models could be given new looks just by allowing the choice of texture. For example, tents. The current tent models could be reused in many different ways if we could change the texture.
Color, same as above but with colors.
Some more vines with flowers too. And a few sparkles (fireflies do it, but we need more variations).
Also, some earthmotes where I can stand and play. Currently only earthmote I was able to use was flying Island. I would like to see 500x500 earthmotes without any feature on it so it can be populated with objects over the sea.
Also, I need some oak trees.