Greetings all,
I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season, and a Happy New Year! It is time for the first Preview patch of 2021. Contained within are the patch notes for NW.123.20210105a.0.
This build contains more bug fixes, and adjustments to some items and changes across the three tanks. Issues
- Mount Collars do not give Combined Ratings to the character.
- A few Enchantments have incorrect tooltips or does not function correctly.
- Briartwine Enchantment does not deflect damage.
- Dread Enchantment incorrectly states that it grants up to -400% Defense to target and does not increase character damage.
- Shadowclad Enchantment increases do not display on the character sheet.
- Paladin and Fighter Tanks have too much threat generation.
- Certain Gems, Runestones, Insignias cannot be donated to stronghold coffer.
- A few Companions and Companion Powers may still have issues such as:
- Miscellaneous text and formatting errors.
- Rogue’s Shadow Flurry does not attack when it spawns.
- Some characters do not properly have damage when swapping loadouts.
- If you ever deal 0 damage, or notice that your damage is consistently 0, a character respec or log-in/log out will fix your character
- Several zones or critters in the zone may still be difficult for players to complete.
General Updates
- Companion XP items can now be traded at the Antiquities Trader under the Bonding Exchange category.
- Critical Severity should no longer grant benefits while the player is over the cap.
- Critter damage adjustments.
- Miscellaneous text fixes.
Fixes and AdjustmentsCompanions
- Augment Companions once again state what Ratings they receive a bonus to.
- Armor Break Enhancement Power should now grant the character increased damage.
- A new power has been added to the Bone Devil’s Ribcage:
- When you damage or heal your target for more than 10% of your Maximum Hit Points in a single blow, you gain 2.5% Critical Strike and Critical Severity for 15 seconds. (Max stack 5).
- The tooltip incorrectly refers to the bonus as 2.5% Power.
- A new power has been added to the Whisper’s Hood of Quiet:
- When you damage or heal your target for more than 10% of your Maximum Hit Points in a single blow, your Accuracy is increased by 1.5% and Movement Speed is increased by 1% for 10 seconds. (Max stack 5).
- The movement speed portion of this power is bugged, does not properly add to the character.
- Masterwork III Equipment Set Bonus has been adjusted:
- When you use an encounter power, you gain a stack of Alacrity, granting 1% Accuracy and 5% Movement Speed for 5 seconds. Stacks up to 3 times.
- Vorpal Enchantment has been adjusted:
- Your Critical Strike and Critical Severity is increased by up to 4%, and no longer grants an increase to Combat Advantage.
- It should also now deal the correct amount of bonus damage.
- Barbarian’s Primal Instinct Daily now adds 30% Awareness, and 90% Critical Avoidance to the character.
- Fighter’s Dig In now grants 15% Awareness.
- Sharpened Senses Feat now adds an additional 15% Awareness alongside 30% Defense when the character utilizes the Bladed Rampart power.
- Paladin’s Divine Protector Daily now also grants 30% Awareness alongside its protective properties.
- Paladin’s Burning Vengeance Feat now correctly states that it deals up to 800 Magnitude.
- The Awareness boon now displays its bonus on the character sheet.
- Leveling Paladins and Fighters now have increased threat, but this introduced a bug where Paragon tank Paladins and Fighters now have too much threat generation.
- Slowed Reactions is now properly named Slowed Reactions in the Grid View.
Things to Come
Threat stuff for tanks
Vorpal still cheeks.
Bug fixes.
SOME T3 gear is actually PPogo EZ CLAP
Barbarian’s Primal Instinct Daily now adds 30% Awareness, and 90% Critical Avoidance to the character.
Fighter’s Dig In now grants 15% Awareness.
Sharpened Senses Feat now adds an additional 15% Awareness alongside 30% Defense when the character utilizes the Bladed Rampart power.
Paladin’s Divine Protector Daily now also grants 30% Awareness alongside its protective properties.
This is balanced how? The 30% def has to be a 30% damage reduction, not straight def otherwise its worthless on sharpened senses. You took away our awareness being capped by daily but not Primal instinct capping crit avoid? Barbarians also have awareness as their forte so they have higher awareness than the other two tanks while also not needing to invest in crit avoid.
I wonder how many GWF's like me that have the Vorpal, which now of critical severity, something that the class possesses in excess of this attribute in the powers of the class and the Forte, if they are as sad and disappointed as I now
"Paladin and Fighter Tanks have too much threat generation."
You can leave that one there, it's ok
Edit: We know the change to Divine Protector was to give the Paladin the same Awareness protection as the Fighter (thank you) but please consider....
Fighters use Bladed Rampart (daily) & Sharpened Senses (feat): uptime 10 secs, no cooldown
Paladins use Divine Protector (daily) & Shield o/t Gods (feat: uptime 6 secs, 3 minute cooldown
We know Divine Protector was heavily, erm, altered... due to the old Bubble (easy mode) use - since the change it stopped being used at all by most players, especially with the feat combo which would've been useful except for its 3 minute cooldown.
The stated reason for the new change is so it can be used in boss fights to combat the introduction of boss CA - but with a 3 minute cooldown, that is not realistic.
Could you guys please review this factor?
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
Now a Rank 11 gives 8% chance 24k damage and the only difference with the higher ranks is a tiny amount of item level and combined rating. Am I missing something? If not then it feels like anything above Rank 11 isn't worth the upgrade.
Also, crit sev was added to ribcage and vorpal. One issue people have is that it is much too easy to cap critical severity, so these stats may be wasted. Will Superior Flask of Potency and Wild Storm Elixir be reworked so that the critical severity they grant will be more in line with the other stats they grant? This same question goes for watermelon sorbet, foehammers elixir, and other potions that grant a lot of stats (some % stats), that currently seem to not fit within the current system.
Bonedevil's Ribcage bonus "Ruthless Might" only gives +2% crit and +2% crit severity, not 2,5% as stated in patch notes.
But it's the, by now traditional, reward scheme for the favored incrowd. Good to know
Very strange how some players have been buying these all up, even tho they were scheduled to be made useless once the companion changes go live. Things that make you go.....hmmmmm
Vorpal will have the following bonus:
When you heal/atack your target with more than 5% of your maximum hit points you receive 2% Critical Strike and 2% Critical Severity (Stack 5 times) for 10 seconds - so it will have 10% crit strike and 10% crit severity when in combat.
Ribcage - When you strike or heal your target for more than 10% of your maximum hit points you receive 1% Critical Strike and 1% Critical Severity (Stack 5 times)
We are near to mod 20 launch, and for me having 12.5% buffs on an armor is concerning for future items taking in cosideration that we have now everything capped at 90%.
Looking forward for more opinions, ideeas because at this point, at least in my opinion ,things are not in the right place regarding the bonuses.
However, any place other than the forums or an official news post does not public knowledge make. And if this information was not shared publicly, but was shared with a limited group, well that is what makes the "in crowd" is it not?
And it would hardly be the first time a limited group of people was provided with information that allowed them to gain a substantial in-game economic advantage.. hence the "tradition" .
ATM 90% to power means 90% increased damage. 90% accuracy is a mysterious thing all by itself.
Having scale 0-100% and stating that at 100% you damage is doubled/incoming damage is halved would be much more intuitive and easy to manage.