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The Heart of Fire Preview Patch Notes: NW.105.20181121b.10

terramakterramak Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 995 Cryptic Developer

Crafting and Crafted Items
  • Farskin Jacket has been renamed to Farhide Jerkin. The high-quality version, Farhide Jerkin +1, has not changed name.
  • Level 32 profession tools can no longer be purchased from the Profession Supplies merchant.
Masterwork Quests
  • The Artisan now only offers Masterwork quests if the character has reached level 70 in the appropriate profession.

Release Notes

Content and Environment
  • Castle Ravenloft (solo instance): It should no longer be possible to accidentally spawn two Sunswords, or to end up with zero in the instance.
  • Several minor typos have been addressed.
  • Several minor VO and text mismatches have been addressed.

Combat and Powers
  • Wiggins the Undead Intern now provides the correct number of bonus acorns even if the weekly limit has increased beyond 100.
Mounts and Insignias
  • The Winter Event mount, Twilight Yeti, has had its insignia slots changed to 1x Crescent and 2x Enlightened. It now has access to the insignia bonus, "Barbarian's Revelry."

Items and Economy
  • Certain Companion gear reward packs no longer incorrectly claim that the player has received a Legendary quality reward when they've received one at Rare quality.
  • Charcoal is now worth 1 Guild Mark / Profession Resources credit per 5 Charcoal donated, reduced from 16 Guild Marks per 1 Charcoal donated.
  • The Neverwinter Legendary Hero Pack no longer says in its description text to "double click to open the box." That's already shown on the tooltip.
  • The Reward Claims Agent now properly offers, for those who earned the appropriate promotions, the Beholder Personal Tank Pack and the PAX Champion title.
  • The Reward Claims Agent now properly offers Winter Charge Reward Promo claims for those who purchased enough ZEN.
Zen Market
  • The Knight of the Feywild Pack reclaim (from the Reward Claims Agent) now includes a 12-slot bag.
  • The Dragonborn Legend Pack reclaim (from the Reward Claims Agent) now includes a mount and companion.

User Interface
Character Creation
  • Appearance: When customizing a character's appearance, the "Return to Basic" button no longer flashes.
  • Appearance: When pressing the "Return to Basic" button after having made changes, a prompt now displays a warning that those changes will be lost.
  • "Replay Video" on the login screen now pops up a selector for videos to replay (currently Valindra's attack on Neverwinter and the Ravenloft introduction).
  • Race Selection: Locked races now sort to the bottom of the list. When the account unlocks them, they move to their usual order in the list and show an "unlock" icon.
  • Race Selection: There is no longer a "Learn More" button for locked races in Character Creation.
  • Queue reinforcement no longer incorrectly has a chance to refill a "tank, healer, 3 DPS" queue with too many DPS and not enough tanks or healers.

Art, Animation, Audio, and Effects
  • The Siegebreaker's Charger mount no longer incorrectly has the Jubilee Parade Horse animation.
Character Art
  • Some clipping issues have been made for the Leira fashion set.
Visual Effects
  • The Yeti mount no longer causes its rider's eyes to glow.

  • Various localization fixes have been made for French, German, Italian, and Russian locales.


  • wemerywemery Member Posts: 190 Arc User
    edited January 2019
    will the defenders pack have a 12-slot bag defenders bag of holding added later?
    Post edited by wemery on
  • hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,468 Arc User
    edited January 2019
    Castle Ravenloft (solo instance)

    "Solo instance"? Forgive me if I'm being dense, but what does this mean?

    Now that the Winter Festival is over, I have a few observations:

    - The NPC dialogue about "having Gronkandbonk beat" makes no sense unless you revive Monsters on Ice in its original form, at least some of the time. It would be cool if the demons decided to sit the event out from time to time. Event they might need the occasional coffee break.

    - I wasn't keen on the fishing change and sat it out except for the first day to try it out. It felt too tedious.

    - The speed boosts on the Twilight Run didn't seem to work at all unless you were on foot.

    - The falling stars were a neat easter egg. Please continue adding things like this!

    - The wintry stags in Nostura's realm could be a neat addition to next year's rewards. You'll have to fix it so it doesn't howl when grazing on the grass, though.

    - I've now got enough redcap powries for an entire tribe of Amazon redcaps -- enough to mount my own war against the Iliyanbruen elves (or perhaps even against Malabog). You might want to introduce a different redcap companion so all those gals can have a chance at boyfriends, though. The Moonshae druid might be a bit too old for them.

    - Now I really won't be able to see the NPC I'm trying to interact with when someone with a yeti mount jumps in front of me. Just saying.

    - I will never get over how pretty Twilight Tor is. I think the only improvement I might make would be to make the Monsters on Ice area a little less bland by comparison. It needs something...I have no idea what, but definitely something to bring it more in line with the almost magical atmosphere of the rest of the map (not "magical" in terms of spells but in terms of being awe-inspiring). Snowmen? Lanterns? Goblin-themed snowmen? (goblins on ice, remember? That's where the Winterkill emblems come from, you know...) Maybe play a bit of Overlord II in your spare time for some inspiration (just the beginning parts where you are in Nordberg).
    Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X
    Blood Magic (RELEASED) - NW-DUU2P7HCO
    Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
    Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
    The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
    My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
  • adinosiiadinosii Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,294 Arc User
    edited January 2019
    terramak said:

    The Yeti mount no longer causes its rider's eyes to glow.

    Eow! ;)

    Hoping for improvements...
  • pitshadepitshade Member Posts: 5,665 Arc User
    CR solo instance us when you take the sunsword and rescue the woman from Strahd and the Sisters and the really long cutscenes.
    "We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
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