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  • Get rid of account wide purchases? You my friend must not have any alts. I purchase things that are account wide more often that single toon purchases. I have 13 toons now and if it was not form all the packs that give each new toon plently of benefit, I would likely be done with more toons. You cannot put the genie back…
  • I think there are some valid points - reduce the cost to upgrade companions and mounts and I would likely upgrade them all across all my toons. I think holding to prices that do not achieve what you want is foolish. If the cost to change appearnce was lower, i would do it all the time for example. I disagree with the op…
  • I seriously doubt they will have an event for coal wards. Again, if they want to get people to buy them off the zen market, drop them to 300 zen or 3 for 1000. If you do not believe me, run a sale on them and watch how many get purchased. as a side, i received p-wards from most my 7 day boxes, which seems to indicate the…
  • Based on what I have read in this thread, they may have increased the 7 day coal ward drop rate. I found 2 this week in my 7 day boxes on my 9 chars i have that i invoke on. They were separate toons on different days, so not a lucky rng rut, but pretty lucky none the less. I hope it returns to the former pre-mod2 rate…
  • Ok so a toon with an embroidered BoH from hero of the north pack and an open slot can get this bag as well? Just want to be sure because I am pretty certain I cannot take the Hero of the north bag and pass it to another toon, but i am pretty certain I can take a greater bag of holding, empty it, and pass it to an alt well…
  • Ok, glad to hear this freebie is available for folks that have already bought zen and such. I plan to do this some time this week but have a few questions: If i have an embroidered Bag from the hero of the north pack, will I be able to use this bag as well? If i already have a greater bag of holding on the toon, will this…
  • I noticed in the new black ice pack, they offer tools. Do the tools required for this use the existing tools or require a new set of tools? i.e. If i have a mithral hammer and other tools are they going to come to play in black ice crafting or was this the total punk for those of us that have gone through the effort to be…
  • so what happens if I do not respec my GWF? I am a sent that has deep gash, but nothing else in the tree. My understand was deep gash (i have not had a chance to look what happened yet) was moved deeper into the tree to prevent my very build, i.e. I have to invest more points in destroyer tree to get deep gash. So if i do…
  • thanks for the link very informative. I am not a min maxer, but after seeing how a few changes and following the diminishing returns on one toon impacted my performance so greatly, I figure i have to do more research.
  • Professions consume too much time imo. As stated, the time required to Invoke and renew professions takes me well over 15 minutes to where I no longer do it consistently more than a single time a day. The interface could be more suited for the long time multi toon player like myself. Having a 'Collect and renew all' button…
  • wow I too would like to say thank you Cryptic! I have to say i thought the free event -Respens- was the best ever, most thoughtful event I have encountered in an MMO. Who has not played table top D&D where the dm did not have enough lead figures for all the gobbos and orcs? For folks upset about the quality of the free…
  • If you want the pants and shirt, you need to have the tools - or you can go purchase them for ad on the AH. i have 9 toons, and I would still recommend just purchasing this gear as you need it rather than investing in the tools . I have bought plenty of Packs and you mostly get people not tools, and often the tools you get…
  • so what if the power is out where the data center is? and the emergency generator has had all the gas stolen or a fire broke out from a lightning strike ... or maybe they run everything on Azure and forgot to pay the bill.... if you really had a ton of experience in data centers and such, you would have realistic…
  • too funny you quoted the one sentence in the entire post that i had to go back and edit...
  • I have this one supervisor at work that will often want you to give a lengthy explanation, in writing, as to why a certain problem has not been corrected yet... and cannot see why we all shake our heads... I am beginning to think we has something in common, i.e. they play Nwo and troll the forums with the same type of…
  • pretty sure that lifedrinker and brairtwine interact, - check out the iron maiden build in barracks. I run briar and lifedrinker on my Iron maiden GF and i am pretty certain it is working as such, however, this could be due to the additional interaction of using KV. after rereading the thread, it is the Kv/sos combo that…
  • I cannot get behind this because prior to this latest bug, people where using slam and MoC to get Val, and I admit this SB bug was much more crippling, but the response was considerably faster from the devs to address it. Hell, before I joined the legit channel, i stopped running Malbog after 3 attempts because every party…
  • So is the double proc of sos going to remain gone? now it makes sense why i am dieing more frequently and taking damage when i thought i was immune.
  • I feel there are 2 things really missing from this game that makes GF as a tank or having a tank necessary. 1) the elite mobs and bosses cannot one shot the majority of classes. 2) GF has no hard taunt mechanic that will grab and hold aggro for a set period of time regardless of dps. The fact that most classes can approach…
  • I have been playing around and recently did a respec where i took the points in PoD to get the 25% heal. I am still learning how to take full advantage of this power, but the fact that you can target a trash mob or something close to death, and it comes off cooldown on death, you can spam this power, getting heals and…
  • I do not think the T1 should be changed or designated as 'training'. I do remember how hard they were and frustrating - look at my post history and you will see me posting about it, but i received the same feedback and adjusted. I think that now that we have 2 epic campaigns, the focus should be to direct the 'new to 60'…
  • from the guy saying people are not reading - this thread is about newer players not maximum achievable in game power and the fact that this game has no True Resurrection functionality, which gives more starting stat points, the tr bank so all your awesome gear is immediately available (when you meet the gear min lvl reqs…
  • Seriously? thats like comparing an apple on the tree to apple pie. A completionist would likely be well beyond someone here with 18K+ GS with all bIS gear, legendary artifacts and lvl 10 enchants... the tomes alone would give a huge advantage I mean DDO content as a single or double tr was waaaay different than a fresh…
  • on a fresh 20 you soloed Epic content? I am really talking about the raids and such... wait, you soloed Hound? ... not saying every one, but the majority of the group content in ddo needs a tactic and you are not going through it without some learning curve. Yes, if you are an uber toon in DDO, multi tr, you can solo…
  • I used to think that these Epic dungeons were too hard and how you could not complete them unless you had much higher gs than was stated, but now that I am on my second set of 'new to 60' toons, I find that it really is about communication and skill moreso than gear score. Then again, I never pug but use the legit channel…
  • I did not see a change mentioned in the patch. can you tell us what changed?
  • I have seen much worse things happen in other games, multiple times. DDo had a bug that allowed an event item to be sold for gold and folks made and banked millions of gold - in a game where gold had meaning. Everyone said the sky is falling/the economy is ruined/the devs do not care/most of what folks are saying here, but…
  • +1 Bingo! much bigger fish to fry.
  • the real kicker about this thread is you say you work in IT, but are upset over 10 dollars...