If it is based off of the Defender roll in the TT game, it's still a Defender, but dishes out a lot more damage. I didn't check out the class (I should have). Does it have taunts or other high threat skills? If so, Defender. Does it dish out slowing or other debuffs of any sort? D&D is not based on the holy trinity. WoW…
Human or Menzo-Drow Trickster Rogue. I've never really liked the Rogue class until this past year when I finally realized they were not only a worth while addition, they were often a needed addition. That and the Siege video with the female rogue just wrecking house sorta got me motivated. If they bring in Warlocks or…
Ranger, Paladin, Bard, Warlock (Can I get the Dark Sun version? Anyone? Anyone?), Warlord (At the same time). Invoker, Ardent, and Avenger (my three favorite classes).