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  • I'm going to roll Dwarf because nothing strikes fear in your enemy like a mean beard.
  • Awesome - thanks for taking the time to do that! Now I'm even more disappointed at how restricted ability score generation has been implimented. I know it's early beta and things may change but I want the freedom to assign scores where I want. For example, why are clerics forced to make Wisdom the highest score if it only…
  • At this point I can understand that it might be difficult to know the magnitude of each point invested especially without tooltips but I can't imagine everyone is playing the beta with no idea what each ability score does. I just would like to know what in-game effect each ability modifies. For example, does Wisdom…
  • Hey - thanks that's exactly what I am looking for. Can you give us a run down of what bonus you get from each ability. For example, you said DEX gives +Crit %. What does Strength, Int, ect give? Also, what is the difference in % for each Ability point added (for example what would be the difference between 16 Dex and 20…
  • How did they implemet ability scores in this game? In 4e your primary ability score has a big effect on your powers but from the character creation videos I have seen this week "rolling" your scores really only toggles between two arrays with minimal difference in your primary ability. Also, mousing over each ability only…
  • I just watched a first impression video of this weekend's beta over on youtube and I'm suddenly thinking I will be playing a Cleric now. I played a healer for a very long time in EQ2 and got tired of just being the guy in the back healing everyone. From what I saw in the video (at least at the very early levels), it looks…