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What is the Arc Client?
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  • Are you referring to nVidia's Project Shield handheld device?
  • 1. Lets assume PvE and PvP are done extremely well, from your perspective. How do you see yourself spending the bulk of your time in Neverwinter? 100% PvE 2. Compared to the hype surrounding the Foundry's user generated content over this past summer and fall, detailed information pertaining to character creation has been…
  • https://my.perfectworld.com/nw/redeemkey "Neverwinter [Status]: Accepted" Will be below the box if the key worked. :)
  • Foundry, Foundry, Foundry as I've got a campaign to get started on. I assume I'll have beta time to learn the mechanics (combat and others) as I got my TL2 key. That knowledge will allow me to start right in. I heard we'd get access to the Foundry before the games release and that content would most likely carry over so I…
  • Tera had a similar system for its healing but it also had a lock-on system. You'd press the hotkey to activate lock-on mode, then aim your crosshair at whoever you wanted to heal (sometimes multiple members of the part), it would lock onto them, then hit the key again to heal. This was trickier than it sounds because if…
  • That was an amazing two hours. Thank you for linking those. Soooo funny!
  • lol You can tell we, the community, is running out of topics to discuss now that we've hit loading screens as a topic. However, on topic, I must vouch for the scantily clad women of the region vote. That sounds appealing. :P
  • I think you can do the item thing as you have NPC's give players items and check for those later, similarly, finding the item on the ground and checking. I believe Andy mentioned this in a Foundry video. If choices are not directly supported, you may be able to use the item giving system above to track them since quest…
  • I've been with Grievance for almost 2 years now. Started with Rift and have enjoyed every minute and game with them. The 18+ rule applies to solo people. Such as a single 15 year old cannot apply. But if their parents are part of Grievance, they are more than welcome to join and be apart of the community. We have rules in…
  • Exactly what I said earlier. This system allows people who want to rush through and snag some bonus xp to do so but will not effect anyone else because of the trash rewards for doing so. Its really their choice on how they want to spend their time. I only take issues with a system that influences everyone negatively, such…
  • Then you run into the problem mentioned before of people making 2 minute dungeons to run through just for the bonus xp. Already happens in STO from what I hear. I guess that doesn't hurt anyone else if they want to do that as long as the rewards for that system aren't going to make it easy to farm things for use on the AH.
  • Probably not. I'm sure it'll be under an NDA at first, but eventually we'll be able to.
  • Just bought it but PayPal set it up as an eCheck for some reason and it say it may take 5 days to clear..... what the heck PayPal!? :( Better clear before TL2 is released... Want my key...
  • Wish I could change the title of the entire thread but can't find that I can. Anywho, I've almost finished the first draft of the dialogue for the first mission/module/quest/whatever its called. This site is amazing for laying it out just like the Foundry will! :D
  • Does anyone else feel like they won the lottery when crypticmapolis posts? Cause I do! It's raining truth up in here!
  • Hmm, seeing as I already for TL 1, I may get through PWE anyway. Steam is convenient but the opportunity to get into NWO early may be too much to pass up. Here is to hoping its still going!
  • After my previous question in this thread, nope, would have had no idea. lol
  • Surprised I didn't get called out on Harry Potter. lol Jokes! My real answer would be Jace Beleren!
  • AHHHH! Is the thing still going on? So going to pre-order if I can still get that deal. Planned on getting on Steam but if I can get into NWO beta getting from here still, I'll do that!
  • Yeah, that's probably not the most "need-to-know" info for new people. They can find it via Dev Tracker if they want to. If it does get brought up a bunch with new posts though, maybe?
  • Well, guess that answers that. We were right. /endthread :D Glad to hear measures are being taken into account, we can all rest easy guys, Cryptic's got it! :)
  • Harry Potter.
  • Let this post die so we can stop exposing people to this horrid trailer. lol
  • I think you may be right about being set by Cryptic. In their Forbes interview, the guy mentions an approval process. "Players can select these campaigns like any other quest after they?ve been approved, and local NPC?s will serve them up alongside standard content." Forbes article. If Cryptic has to approve every mission,…
  • I've heard mention in some vids (namely the E3 Pokket interview) about "Guardian Fighters" having to manage aggro. You guys think this will work like a typical MMO mechanic? Didn't see anything about it in the FAQ's.
  • I think the "new" part comes in the form of the Foundry. Can't say a lot of games let players make their own entire missions save for another Cryptic game and non-MMO's.
  • *tries so hard to find a period in that... sentence, but cannot* I highly doubt anything you listed will be in-game at launch... except the running part. Read the FAQ here on the forums here for some information as we know it. Those would be cool things to see, but don't seem plausible at launch and may not fit the setting…
  • How did you fix the quote bug in that screen? Did you change the editor?
  • You just say that cause you want to be one. :P