I am happy they are releasing new content faster than in the past. Would love a new class, but fitting it into the existing party structure is a huge process, so I would rather wait and have them get it right then release a buggy class. A new race should be pretty easy by comparison.....
Login is HARD DOWN. You *might* want to start escalating to the on call supervisor at your colo and have them get their *** down there to see what happened....
I did it by IP address. Gateway is down as well. The DNS response could be due to a misconfigured or missing server file, data corruption or simple lack of server resources. I love the game for the community (met a lot of great people here and became friends IRL) so I hope they get it together.
I've gotten a whopping 270 k for a 3rd skimirsh. Then the quest for 3 appears only some of the time from Rhix. Same for the dungeon quest. So much for VIP bonus. So are the people that paid for VIP going to get some kind of refund or extra AD that we paid for?
Excellent suggestion. I would go one step further. Currently most professions are completely worthless. Items worth crafting are going to be cost prohibitive, simply because no one will be able to afford to buy the items if they were posted to actually make a profit on them. Weaponsmithing and Artificing are useless.…
Tech does die. All the time. If your car ran as well as your pc or router, you will almost never need a mechanic. I just hope they extend the celestial coins as well. Hate to lose a week. Coal wards are really hard to come by without spending too much $$$
Stuff happens and that's nice that the event is being extended a day....but I'm going to miss logging in for celestial coins and lose them all. Bad enough coal wards almost never drop any more, so how about fixing that for everyone?
Any idea when they will have the server back up? Will I lose all of my **** coins for the week on my toons as well? Bad enough you almost never get a **** coal ward any more without getting screwed due to an outage.