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  • For estragon you need to break the shield by staying within the tiny circle around him. Sad thing is when we reached 10%HP he used Lay on Hands and healed himself back... We were only 2 though when it happened, cleric and fighter :/
  • While I agree those patch notes are disappointing, some people might want to watch the stream again to realise they didnt promise it thursday and insisted heavily on it about the unscaled campaigns, the 10%less HP or higher iL scaled, or double value of enchants and so on. They clearly said it would require testing and…
  • And whats the name of the sword we put in Valdamar's head then?
  • The sword is the one that came to help us with that Green Dragon i forgot its name i believe. Valdamar? As for Sinye questline, many of us finished it and quite frankly im getting nothing special on my wizard. Unless we are considering that 7 mainhands and 0 OH for alabaster set is something special.
  • Guess we have a watcher now ?
  • Yup, thats the saddest part of this story here.
  • I meant were you capped with DR while inside OP sigil. If im not capped DR and inside i get increase DR inside, but if im capped and inside i dont get anymore DR; is it working like that? Because DR is calculated with defense and arpen from enemies according to Janne website. So lets say you're capped at 50% by your own…
  • Not sure how or where you tested it but there's an issue with DR increase and reducing dmg taken. Shield of faith from Pally tooltip: Decrease dmg taken by 5% OP sigil: 20% increased DR. There's quite a big difference between increasing DR that is capped anyway, and decreasing the dmg taken. One wont work if party is…
  • Well its more that they were not dropping, were they? Because me and some guildies were running 3 MExp a day on many toons (nothing else to do) which is like total of hundreds of them daily and we didnt get a single essence prior to LoMM launch. And now i have like 10 of those and i still dont know how to awaken them to…
  • Thing is, we survived AoE by moving carefully and watching Thirst/Ardor. But even that, the sword doesnt fill up the AP... So we went on the roof with a discharged sword. Sword deals insane dmg to a boss that seems to have too little HP to stand it: sword doesnt have time to fill up AP with its attacks...So yeah...And if…
  • Yet they made the decision to add a 30s logout everywhere, i even had it in runic corruption. They decided to nerf the Temple boon from SH. They broke even more things like tenebrous or the workshop or HE rewards not claimable, or dungeons in an attempt to fix. They decided to do that instead of fixing a list of bugs long…
  • So it will make sense that the watcher set will be turned on when next mod(s) launches with new weapons set xD
  • There has been a continuous series of quests we had to do to change drops in UM. When under lvl 80, Runic corruption only drop black pearls/blue HAMSTER When lvl 80 and with 1st quest of Sinye, RC drop resonance and the above When lvl80 and with 2nd quest of Sinye, RC drop Apprentice and the above When lvl80 with LoMM…
  • Since essences are used to restore Halabaster gear from LoMM they only start dropping when u complete the dungeon apparently, one of my toons never ran it and is the only one that never got a single essence, dunno if u completed LoMM
  • Well i have 6 so far that dropped from chest inside, and not from 3 runes personally. And they need to be awakened to be useable. No clue how to awaken them
  • Just that is terrible and terrible design. A new player joining this game - im talking about people that usually play video games or mmorpg - is gonna lvl to 80 because "shiny dungeon released with expansion". And this new player is gonna like it, pretty zones, fast leveling, nice story line, blah blah. Then the gate of…
  • I finished Sinye quest line because i do not have anything better to do when im capped seals of the deep. And nothing happened but the sour satisfaction of having farmed 1200 resonances and wasted 125k ADs for an overall improvement of a couple hundreds of stats (im being generous here). After that completion we did some…
  • Im going to add one more to this bug list: Last night the second sister was ignoring the tank aggro completely, while the tank had no issue with the 1st one. Then second sister decided she wanted me really bad on my soulweaver, so I had to deal with stacks of vitae. I finally ran out of stamina and couldnt shadowslip any…
  • They dont even realise that most of those new players they're so willing to have and change the game for, once they are in here, the only thing they want is running LoMM and be 80. It happens in alliances and guilds every day. Most new players even dont want to run old content. Keeping all the dungeons we have 70 is just…
  • And the Morale tasks from workshop broken tuesday? And the +1 crafted items broken tuesday? I
  • Because some people in this thread are incorrect about their thoughts. The enhanced resonator is given once you complete the quest N°2 in tutorial of Sinye, which is buy one sphere of influence with 5 etchings. Its not given at the quest N°3 which is restore an apprentice piece of gear... No restoration needed. So yes to…
  • While i agree that this change is useless, some people actually dont take the time to read and go crazy for nothing... Im getting rewards but i never restored any single piece of gear. The quest that requires you to get a sphere of influence that gives you the enhanced resonator in the screenshot takes 5 etching of same…
  • Wow you are really bitter for nothing. Didnt glitch anything. Nobody left and we queue together as 5 at the beginning. But i guess that might go beyond common sense. We run this on regular basis now, sometimes we have 0 death run, sometimes we have more death depending on synergy of the group. And with my friends on…
  • Likewise. 10 people of my guild myself included have this issue.
  • http://prntscr.com/no83sv For that paladin player famous on the forum for complaining how much he needs scrolls and pots and stuff to complete LoMM and who is "trying feedback". 2 paladins 1 wizard 1 ranger 1 warlock in RQ
  • Actually we successfully passed arcturia and cocoon phase without having to rez anyone in the cocoon, for like 3 runs. It happens that the person got One Shot insta-death and nothing possible (bug?) and every other time i was shielding with divine touch/critical touch everyone and healing the cocoon with Lay on Hands on…
  • Nope, just like tears in MSP Noctura boss fight, T Rex cant do such things anymore, tried it. Or souls in Tong. I think those mobs or items call them whatever have too much HPs now to be relevant in belonging to the "minions" category.
  • Probably im wrong, but the lag consistent in this game is what is going to push out the remaining players like me trying to give you and this game an other chance over and over. How is that possible that the dungeon we all wait since 2 weeks and more even before is laggy as hell. What a disappointment. Im not sure what you…
  • Gotta suffer from mod16 bugs experience to get it?