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  • Little confused, how is getting a bonus to critical hit damage a reason to walk AWAY from a rogue class?
  • Just read this entire thread. Saw the drama. I am going to be so happy when the politics is over. I'm reminded of class elections in high school. Back then my policy was to vote for whatever candidate campaigned the least.
  • So the guy who showed up on the forums specifically to start trouble is now pretending he's the injured party and bemoaning the lack of an ignore feature? That is some REALLY advanced trolling theory there. I'm actually kind of impressed. Masterfully done. Amusing thing to wake up to, at least. Now? Time for coffee.
  • In addition to all of gill's excellent points, I have to also believe that even though the Cryptic team wants their project to be acknowledged as an independant product, they're probably also quite hoping to draw more attention to it through name recognition as well - a tactic I'd say has thus far succeeded. So they get…
  • I'd push the button, because the Ogre Mage is worth more xp than the Gibberlings.
  • Bah. No respect for the classics.
  • You and your sibling are captured and locked in separate cells, unable to communicate. In each cell there is a magical button. If you press your button and your sibling does not, you will die but your sibling is free. If your sibling presses the button and you do not, they will die but you will go free. If neither you nor…
  • The funny part is how long this has dragged on despite the fact that I've stated from the very first post that I KNEW the game wasn't gender-locked, I just had a horrible waking nightmare, and after that vivid a terrible picture being painted in my mind, I wanted somebody to shake my shoulders and confirm what I already…
  • See? Now THIS is the right attitude. But where are the clowns? Quick, send in the clowns. Don't bother, they're here!
  • The simple explanation is: Elves in previous editions had a culture that was cluttered and pulling in multiple directions at once. So they decided to split them into two races. Eladrin are your "arcane elves', and Elves are your "nature elves". To put it in terms of common archetypes from the race in previous editions.…
  • Meh. My response to those sorts of threads isn't to get angry or frustrated. I laugh. That's what clowns are for, after all. If they're being foolish and you aren't laughing at them, that shows a lack of respect for their professional integrity b:laugh
  • I'm a little torn, myself. You're talking about a long-term campaign spanning a series of interconnected adventure modules, and with that kind of set up, I do generally enjoy having a website I can visit as a home base to keep all the module-related information straight. But at the same time, I totally get your concern…
  • I agree. Joke felt rather hollow. *ducks*
  • Like I said, the whole gender-lock thing, while it can be annoying, doesn't really bug me on smaller-scale development projects. If you're a small studio starting out, it's a good way to save some time and resources that can be redirected towards other elements. I just absolutely hate it when, in the process of…
  • I know with my post I wasn't going for hostile, just mildly condescending b:laugh Not sure if that came across clearly *whistles innocently*
  • Although I did finish NWN2 as a Gnome Warlock (Vitriolic Eldritch Chain ftw), I've got to say that overall the race has always felt somewhat redundant to me. One default race of short people with an inherent sense of mischief always seemed to be enough for me, and halflings always seemed to do the job better.
  • *a shabbily dressed old woman lingers underneath the awning of a nearby shop, using the narrow overhang as protection from the elements, huddled underneath her shawl. In her hands, she holds a beaten tin cup and simple wooden spoon. Looking up, meekly, but with forced grin showing cracked and yellow teeth, she bangs the…
  • Won't be around at launch, apparently, but I do hope they eventually get around to halflings, if for no other reason than I like using tiny agile folk in classes normally reserved for big heavy brutes :)
  • Ah, truth, I knew I could count on you to be the first to point out how silly I was being. But damn, those were some scary thoughts running through my head :)
  • On the subject of the Batman de-rail, call me crazy, but Batman Forever was actually always my favorite of the original 4-movie set. Yes, it was campier and more lighthearted than the previous installments, but I didn't think it overdid it to the ridiculous degree of The Sequel Which Shall Not Be Named. I truly enjoyed the…
  • Ask you ANYTHING, eh? Well, that could be fun. What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object? If a tree falls in the forest, and it hits a mime, does anybody care? How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if the woodchuck's name was Norris? Seriously though, I'm not sure what to ask here. I have no interest…
  • Granted, this IGN article http://www.ign.com/articles/2011/10/05/big-changes-to-cryptics-neverwinter is very old, dating back to October of last year, but at the time of that super-early coverage, it was implied that Cryptic's design plan was to offer actual content and game-play for free, while only charging for…