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  • go to the story menu, and on the very left hand side, click where it says the map name (you should be able to spot it, as itll have a yellow triangle over it, if you havent assigned a map marker before) You should then get a properties menu for that map, which will allow you to configure the location markers. Sorry I cant…
  • Known bugs: Quest waypoints don't always update when leaving quest area's and returning to Protectors Enclave. Unsure if this is a quest issue or general foundry prob, but it's been bug reported. In the meantime looking at developing an alternate base map for use in this and/or future missions. Restarting the client seems…
  • just a quick note... errors spotted by thalazar1 corrected, except the one with the office using the wrong door, which seem's to be correct within the foundry editor... will keep an eye on that and prod it with sticks. Obviously can't do anything about waypoints disappearing between my maps and protectors enclave at the…
  • Not a problem :) You've pointed out the black and white setting requiring High gfx settings, which I can account for in future missions, and were positive about what you could see, so all in all I call that useful feedback :) I hope you're able to pick it back up some time, but in the meantime, I appreciate your making the…
  • Yeah, as thalazar1 wrote and I discovered after publishing, apparently there's a bug with dropping back into Protectors Enclave between area's which means users have to log out and back in, in order to have new waypoints show up. I'll bug report this shortly, though I suspect it's probably been done before. Hadn't realised…
  • Thanks for the excellent feedback :) A lot of great points there, and on a big plus point, its largely just cosmetic, which is awesome from my point of view :) I think a lot of it boils down to the same set of tired eyes staring at the same stuff going blind to the mistakes, so I REALLY appreciate you picking out what you…
  • bugs ironed out where possible, and it's all ready to go for reviewing. Average playtime seems to be in the region of 30-35 mins.
  • spotted a couple of bugs with encounters attacking stuff they shouldn't. Corrected that now and published the update to hopefully fix it soon. I'm also finding on playthroughs its not always giving me directions on where to go next.... trying to figure that out now. Neither set of bugs showed up in the foundry.. :( weird..
  • Did you ever get a fix for this? I've started experiencing the same thing :(
  • haven't got a screenie here (im in work) but I've got a kind of "directors cut" commentary and credits suit of armour dotted around my maps. It's nothing obvious or in your face because I don't want to ruin the RP for those that really want to immerse themselves, but its there for people who are interested, or that happen…
  • you could try adding a fog effect around the ship to reduce viewing distance.... the smoke ring effect might be a good one to try as its just the one item and "should" have a wide enough radius to extend around your ship. Alternately, you could try adding a water plane beyond the existing one at a slight angle so that it…
  • seems to be back up for the time being...
  • Access seems back up, unsure if it's going to actually load my Q tho...
  • to be honest, my file corruption comment was a bit of an off the cuff, slightly snide remark and shouldn't be taken as any kind of indication as to what the real problem is. That said, I would laugh if that actually turned out to be the problem lol
  • at a guess, I'd suggest the problem is that several hundred project files keep getting corrupted when the users accessing them are disconnected without warning before they can save or end their sessions properly. *sigh*
  • #49 General On screen announcement system of some form, so that you can give us 2-3 mins notice to save before pulling the server out from under us.
  • fed up with the lack of notification more than anything. If stuff needs fixing, it needs fixing, I can accept that. But would it kill them to throw up some kind of global alert to let editors know they've got 2 mins to hit save before they loose work? I know, I know, I shouldn't rant... but when you're creating additional…
  • appears to have been taken offline with no notice, yup :(
  • managed to get in, started working, 5 mins later and Disconnected from server, followed by "Foundry Editing Not Allowed" Gotta be kidding me right there :(
  • usually when my system bugs out like that, restarting the client clears up the lock (i spent most of last night doing that as I locked up every 30mins or so when attempting to add room details) Failing that, I'm really not sure sorry :(
  • Looks like there's maintenance running in about 40 mins, so I'd hazard a guess it'll be resolved after that's done.
  • no probs here sorry, Just make sure you add the encounter first, and then when you attempt to add the kill enemies option, make sure you specify which group/groups you require killing.
  • That sound's viable Mee2002 will look into that :) I've seen a vid now where someone was able to get a prompt up on screen which said "press F to move to next map"... I'm guessing this is one where they've set up a transition to a new map without actually setting a target trigger? Unlikely to use it, as it's not quite what…
  • Could I suggest also #48 Dialogs Force Map Transition on exit - Allow players to trigger a map transition at the end of a run of dialogue.
  • I was just thinking the exact same thing. It'd also help out when you're looking for assistance scripting a specific sequence of events, or setting up a trigger or something. There are some players that have come up with some incredibly inventive means of getting around the limitations of the toolset, it'd be fantastic to…
  • I know the feeling, spending a lot of my foundry time trying to fit combat sequences into a story which really doesn't require them just to appease the ugg-bash-thumper's that just want to be fed wave after wave of squishables for some xp.
  • Have to agree with Casten, a bait & switch approach works, lure the player away from the point that you swap out the npc's, or implementing a physical blind of some kind so that they are unable to see the npc when it swaps out is probably your best option. An encounter works especially well, as it can be used as the swap…
  • Hi, I'm DrNoesis, @DrNoesis ingame, 35yr old geek, and IT monkey. Used to work in the MMO industry in the days before WoW, and before that ran a medium sized NwN persistent world in my spare time. Not hugely familiar with the Forgotten Realms milieux beyond the Baldurs Gate/Neverwinter franchises as I grew up on a diet of…
  • not a bad idea, but in that case I'd suggest that anything you put into your cache for that particular quest is included as a rare drop in addition to the standard contents. Not sure how you'd fill it though, would you have to take the quest offline or edit it to add loot for example.... Also, wouldn't it be exploitable?…