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  • You guys are for getting one major thing. Majority of the Devs don't run dungeons thats why the IL is a joke. They don't know that players that just meet the requirements can't run the content. IL is just a place holder to give players a false sense. There really isn't another MMORPG on console like NW so the devs feel…
  • Thats why the drop rates are so low. Even in the new MOD 13 the drop rates are still low. Galactic Underwear has run T9 about 100x and only one drop. Even though the devs say slightly increase. That was a lie, they want us to grind for stones because the game is dying, players are leaving because of lack of content. Low…
  • Eventually UES will be in the Zen Market.
  • Eventually UES will be in the Zen Market.
  • Not complaining, hell yeah I am. They devs should have just added a PVP switch. Nerfing powers is not always the answer. This just weakens PVE for TR even more, There will never be a balance between PVP and PVE one side will always lose out and it always seem to be PVE that loses over PVP.
  • Right!!!!
  • I know about the certification process on XB1 and PS4. Fixing a glitch isn't easy I know that, if you as a company are concerned about the health of your game its fixed as soon as you get a solution. You don't wait 5 to 6 months to release the fix with a new update. Cryptic does not respect our time as players we put into…
  • According to the devs this is "efficiency" not "inconvenience." This is the most efficient way to earn AD instead of running ETOS or Shores. They didn't like that the players only ran that skirmish and dungeon for AD. So they decided to put a stop to it. Anything you like doing in this game the devs are most likely to stop…
  • Nah no fight at all. I was trying to say that the Devs created the 2 DC meta, and now they are trying to eliminate it with just nerf powers a they normally do. Its not easy for most new players that want to run TONG to hit that 85% armor pen. without spending money because they want to play TONG. Basically they created the…
  • I think this is the approach they are taking with NW. That's why the 2 DC meta was hit as hard as it was. They want 3 DPS, 1 Tank, and 1 DC to run dungeons. I understand the change and understand why it was done. A lot of DPS class get left out or kicked out of groups. I main a TR and I have been kicked out of T9 groups…
  • I have nothing to say. Proven wrong..
  • No doubt in Mod 12b there are alot of strong TRs I have run with a few of them. I love playing as a TR I have a good build I have no problem running dungeons. I make my money on boss thats how I catch up on DPS. Nerfing Shadowy Opportunity and Shadow Born is going to hurt our class.
  • Shadowy Opportunity by 50%, Smoke Bomb does reduced damage to compensate for an extra tick REALLY!!! we couldn't get the extra tick?
  • LOL!!! you should stand up comedy. I know how to play as TR, I don't have any problems playing a TR at. They nerfed shadowy opportunity by 50% on the SABO path. The rework is a joke.
  • ok thanks
  • Our concerns will get us no where. If you watch devs streams or listen to pod cast they always say they are listen to us but they are not. Here is the reason they are not listening to us. Listening is a skill that must be learned. Hearing is involuntary therefore the devs (hear us) but are "not" listening to us. I hear my…
  • This is one of the ideas that is being brought up and China has already implemented if a game has loot boxes that players buy the publisher has to show the odds of receiving each reward. But Overwatch found a work around and offers free loot boxes when you buy micro transactions. This way they don't have to show the drop…
  • The permission allow me to deposit I am rank 2 in the Goonies on XB1. Sundance777 what system do you play on? Trying to find other TRs on XB1 is hard.
  • Destrowod I understand exactly what you are talking about because EA and Bungie which was one of my favorite Publishers/Devs for Halo are trying to rip off players. Cryptic is definitely not in that category as those two 2017 has been awful for them. Currently Chris Lee a representative from Hawaii is trying to bring into…
  • Dam!!! ok thanx
    in CTA??? Comment by dagambit December 2017
  • Well between Bungie and EA this loot box thing is blowing up. Bungie is throttling down EXP to force people to buy loot boxes. Whats going on with game developers and publishers this year. As far as gambling in video games goes, the argument being used is we are not guaranteed a purchase of our choice therefore its…
  • Yes thats what happened
  • When I was fighting the T-Rex it seem as if I hit him 20x not sure it went so fast. It was a nonstop barrage of text it happened again today.
  • > @johnnyreklaw#1518 said: >They are not forcing it on you. You are not required to random queue before you can play each day. Yes, some RAD is on the line, but you can do 1-2 more dungeons for salvage and create the same RAD. Are you serious with that statement? the fact that the devs are putting bonus RAD behind random…
  • I see it as an issue as well with shards. It just seems that they are doing things to make the player database shrink instead of making it grow. We had solo queues so there was no reason for level 70 high geared players to be in low level dungeons anymore. I think the change was unneccessary but I don't have the data on…
  • I see the Chult Weapons are only popular because they are cheap. Still working on my relic set but about to give up farming MSVA is a pain in the HAMSTER. Moderator edited out profanity filter evasion.
  • Disregard post. Found what dragon's blood is used for in Tailoring. Why do some tool tips say where it's made and other's what professions it's used in?
  • Thanks for the information, I was trying to see if I could get the control effect to last longer. When rerolling my race the max wis I could get for a TR was 10 for a human. I see this is going to be alot of work and testing to get at least a decent build. I appreciate the help.
  • Thank you for explaining how SoD works. I actually didn't know that SoD have had and activation and finished text. I went into the Chult Jungle and it worked just as you explained.