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  • Hi ty but I didnt get any vanity pet from CTA on this toon...I started CTA on this toon and got bugged right away
  • Today again...I dont get any reward from chest on my barb..why? [Quest Notify] "Claim your Reward" complete! [Quest Notify] "Call to Arms: Battle for the Bridge!" complete! [Quest Notify] Resolved the quest "Call to Arms: Battle for the Bridge!". But I get no reward! PS. tested it with my Tr right now and np...I claim…
  • Skirmishes now require 1 tank, 1 healer, and 3 damage dealers, rather than any group they can bring together. Dev note: This is to make sure that groups created for queues such as Manycoins Bank Vault and Merchant Prince's Folly have the appropriate survivability and damage to succeed in these skirmishes. Private groups…
  • @"tom#6998" : Du bist da viel zu bescheiden! No lets say ToMM is easy mode right now. We also need a normal, hard and insane version as well! Insane should be as hard as no one is able to finish it before mod 30 launch...we all want to do nothing else but ToMM for the next 5 years...fun, fun fun...sport for us all!
  • It would be awesome if everyone could adjust the difficulty he wanna play the dungeon...oh wait thats called single player game...
  • I edited my former post and regret it already... It has always been that the new endgame was hard but never was the cap that huge... 2 groups finished it thats maybe around 50 ppl. Lets say there are still 50000 ppl in the game which means thats 0.1% of the playerbase are able to do it right now (only that matters nothing…
  • 2 groups could do it already, awesome , gratz!
  • @devs we need that IL from hp boons for TOMM so pls fix this! t
  • ...yes it was never pay 2 win...but no company offers a game for free if there is no clever mechanic implemented to earn more money than they would offer it the normal way: u have to buy it and with or without a monthly fee. If u wanted to have just a good time...chatting, doing stuff with friends a.s.o. u never needed to…
  • I tried it twice today...first time all sisters attacked me (I grabbed to book)...1. sister maybe cause I did most dmg till the book...I also stunned her with left mouse....rest of party could nothing other do than watching...as I died 1. sister attacked me outside at the entrance...2. try...I did no dmg till I grabbed the…
  • @devs...CR...all sisters attack the one with the book no chance to lure 1. sister to the rest of the party...I got even attacked outside at campfire at the entrance
  • yea but a part of a set is just a part....and RNG says u may have bad luck and get never any part or 500 offhands and no main or both in one run...and this is nothing but bs....I tried LoMM today not enough dps due the awefull long cooldown of my encounters I get 1 mimic killed and the next I dont..so what to do? Mod 20…
  • I got my third offhand today but no mainhand...RNG sucks so much!
  • Moderator removed mild flaming. The flayer chamber is a big hall and the portal wasnt somewhere in the middle it was directly in the hallway...
  • ...thats good for u but in my case it was directly in the doorway to the Upper Court State Rooms...I couldnt pass it from the side cause there is a solid wall and couldnt walk through it...only step into it and end up in PE ( I hope I explained it right this time) I did alot of CN runs already...not very often I died in…
  • ...yes thats correct it blocked the way forward were u have to go through the Upper Court State Rooms
  • Ty for response...a better explanation of what happend I posted below...
  • So pls reread my post again...cause I think u only read what u want to read....or my english is just as bad as I think and what I want to say is not well written...if so sorry about that! Saber could and has been 1-shotted in several mods before...(doesnt mean that he isnt a good GWF...but a not so awesome human being) How…
  • If u draw the line down to 10k Tr (and claim that they could be already properly spec and played and they own u with their 10k gear in a 1vs1 match)...then yes all is lost - pls remove Tr from game! And too many of them already...but we talking about lvl 70 pvp, right? I need to meet one cause my 10k tr is hitting like a…
  • -1 no tolkien should be buffed...One Ring to rule them all...stuff like that would be never good for pvp! Joke aside...yes remove piercing but compensate... I bet Tr would look great with a shield and temp hp!
  • I did MBH 2 mins ago...it said gold reward but we got nothing...made a picture if u need proof
  • I also have that no shards issue running BHE´s very often...I do that near every day with 4 toons...today with 3 = 1 toon got it and 2 not..
  • Really awefull at the moment is Fane and Cradle again...huge lag spikes and alot of rubberbanding
  • Yes Tr is in a nice spot right now...well build he is far away from being a class cannon and even if he goes the "tanky" scoundrel he still dishes out decent dmg...but I think if devs fix the "piercing with everything" he would be more balanced than any other mod since open beta.