So, some day last week as I was tanking 5 random pugs as the guild watched for fun to see how long I could last I was thinking about the PvP community on xbox. It feels a bit unsatisfying how it's underdeveloped and scattered. I'm going to try to explain myself, and have the community put in their thoughts, so no one thinks this as an insult, but as a way to get us together in a more developed way.
1. PvP community is ran by trolls.
a. Those who speak the loudest are heard the most, but are usually the stupidest and most destructive for a community or people (Sarah Palin for example, everyone knows her but sheesh...).
1a. I'm looking to connect those good PvPers together, regardless of guild name, and just game together and against each other competitively without nonsense. Bring your egos and spirit, but don't get all #butt hurt.
2a. This has been done a few times and it becomes a pissing contest with no real value. "Yea we smoked you!" "You were running 2 rogues and we were rainbow noobs!" "STFU we can do whatever we want." "You are baddies relying on a crutch since you're so bad!" "My guild's better than yours!" etc etc. In the
group think everyone acts like an ingrate. Let's relax our faces.
2. At large, people are disconnected from those outside their guilds.
a. For whatever reason, rarely is it seen major guild players playing with other major guild players (it could be me though). So, lets fix that. I mean I'm down getting a 5 man GF team with Vaider, I and other GF's who are pvpers and going up against a 5 man rogue group of wicked and skills etc etc. Why the hell not?
I will stop there and if anyone has more points about malfunctions within the PvP community, and their resolutions (not mechanics) let me know and I'll post them so we can get more games going and less maladaptive events prevalent.
The Point
I'm looking to get down a list of people so we can get together to stomp face with and against each other. Also, if you have a crew looking to Premade v Premade put up the names/class/gs and the crews times available so we can get more organized hook ups. Lastly, no tears here or disrespect to other members or guilds. Leave all that for the battlefield.
Anyone hit me up for PvP. Except RapJ
The People
Gamertag // In Game Name// Class/Spec // GS // Favorite Dessert
1. I Eat Civics// Shoukon // GF/Node Troll // 15400 // PvPer's Tears & Canolis
Mon/T/Wed/Th: Early Morning then Late Afternoon
Friday/Sunday: All day
Saturday: Late Afternoon
2. behard1026// Trap King // HR // 15.X ??
Mon-Fri: 7pm Sat/Sun: on and off all day.
3. Cause Critical // Critical // CW// Tanky Healzor // 155xx // Oreos dunked only in the finest Cambodian milk...
M-F 3 AM till 10 AM; Sat and Sun 4 PM till 10 AM. (Converted from JST to EDT)
4. Lol iTokin//Gnomeo//CW//Ss ren//high 12s//fresh nestles chocolate chip cookies straight out of the oven smashed into a pile of doughy goodness.
Usually 1-5pm EST, but flexible.
5. Templock / cannibal utopia / SW / 16xxx / A bottle of red wine
6. Crispyslinky07 // Ant // stunlock TR 13.x//
3pm to 9pm est
7. Nocendusest// Evayne// GF// 13k PVP//
Most evenings (7-10pm EST)
8. iTz B1oodSh3d // Knives// TR/StunLock // 13.6k // Delicious peanut butter brownies
Mon-All day / Tues-Fri: 3pm- 9pm /Sat -3pm - All night /Sun: all day.
9. All That Skill // Skill // PermaFag TR // 18k // Vaiders Homemade Creme Brulle
Mon-Fri 8pm-1pm, Sat-Sun All day usually (PST)
10. SPYG0AT/Alhana Starbreeze/DC DO/14.3K/Nanner puddin
11. tsuisou x sslum // sslumdog // CW CCs// 13.7k almost profound // derrrbs after dinner
12. MenTaL Riot // Myth // DC Do // 15.1k // full grim, 1 piece of profound (I mained a CW.. (Riot, had full profound) , got tired of **** healers, character only 2 weeks old. That's why I don't have full profound) Reeses peanut butter cup cookies.
Every Tuesday, Thursday, Friday nights. All day Sunday. Saturday nights possible.
The Crews
Gamertag// In Game Name// Class// GS// Times Available// W-L Ratio
Pure example I queued for a PUG, alone, testing out melee build on my HR, and proceeded to get T-bagged every time the fine lads over at Rekt killed me, which is cool, gotta stroke that e-peen nomsayin? lol. I went 0-12, and that's not what made me mad, it was the rekt kiddies spamming junk about my clan tag. Now, onto business.
1. behard1026// Trap King // HR // 15.X ??
I'm on most nights after 7 m-f most weekends on and off all day.
Need your favorite dessert. It is imperative to PvP.
M-F 3 AM till 10 AM; Sat and Sun 4 PM till 10 AM. (Converted from JST to EDT)
Gotta love being in Japan ><
Relentless -LVL 60 GWF-
Lol iTokin//Gnomeo//CW//Ss ren//high 12s//fresh nestles chocolate chip cookies straight out of the oven smashed into a pile of doughy goodness.
Usually 1-5pm est, but flexible.
Hope this takes off.
We did it on PC and was a lot of fun.
Instead of constantly facing each other in the same premades. A good list of PvP'rs got together in a teamspeak channel and we picked Captains. Those captains would then pick one person at a time until each time had 5, then we would Q for a premade against each other.
It was fun grouping with people from other guilds in a premade against each other.
There was no, "My guild is better than yours" kinda <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>. As the teams were mixed of multiple different guilds.
I am certainly down for this.
Alysin Chains
GT - Munkness81
Edit: We also had low gear lvl matches. You could use your standard artifacts. But all weapons and gear were Blue PvP vendor bought gear(Battle), with rank 6 enchants. This was a lot of fun. All skill involved as gear score was the same across the board.
Hey Crit I'm happy you guys got a new guild started!
3 of us Denial players ran into a premade of you guys last night and it was a blast, very fun long match.
Love seeing more PvP guilds out there, its no fun when you always fight the same exact people from the same exact guild.
I bet the SWs were like the fat kid in dodge ball, always picked last.
Templock / cannibal utopia / SW / 16xxx / A bottle of red wine
I'm on regualrly, like way too often.
Yeah man, Denial's mah homies. I just needed a guild with peeps that play the same time as me. No disrespect to Iron Lotus either, love you guys too but with ESO, I need stability :P
Relentless -LVL 60 GWF-
3pm to 9pm est
< Goon Squad >
Yea SW have a hard time, and it seems the hard times keep rolling even in mod 6. Bad dodge mechanic, very squishy, any reflect build slaughters you etc. I know a good SW that does really well in PvP if you're interested in connecting with another SW who PvP's.
Sir, hit me up on Xbox. Looking at your times we can game together M-F mornings (I do my dailies 7am-9am EST) and then Sat/Sun we can game when you're on.
XBL: I Eat Civics
That'd be great. I've gotten quite a bit better, but having played against skilled HRs and CWs (that 'other' class doesn't require a skilled player to challenge me) I've come to realize that my chosen class is severely gimped in 1v1 scenarios.
I'm def down to q with you. I don't have many other GF's to q n chat with.
Mon-All day / Tues-Fri: 3pm- 9pm /Sat -3pm - All night /Sun: all day.
All That Skill // Skill // PermaFag TR // 18k // Vaiders Homemade Creme Brulle
Mon-Fri 8pm-1pm, Sat-Sun All day usually (PST)
EDIT: I refuse to be on Shokons team. My backpack is only so big. *kiss*
[Xbox] Skill <Iron Lotus> - Trickster Rogue
*Grabs the kiss* Oh thou kiss twas twice as sweet as thy left thee node which you, my beloved, twas helpless to oust my shield from.
SPYG0AT/Alhana Starbreeze/DC DO/14.3K/Nanner puddin
I am one piece (armor) shy of a full profound PvP set. I will have the last piece in 2 days, just need the seals, got plenty of glory.
I am always on. I am currently on medical leave and have noting to do but play this game.
We appreciate our hard heals in Denial. If your good at following directions and can adapt to change on the fly than get ahold of me in game. I'll set you up with Zzahh our GL and do some runs with us. We can always use more good heals.
GT- Munkness81
Alysin Chains
Hit me up!! Always looking for a good premade. No matter who you represent!
Also got a 14k DC and a 12k TR
Thanks for the offer, but I signed on with eRekt last night and am happy with the decision. I have seen Denial players plenty of times, always a good match!
Sounds good buddy, glad you found a home. Some good players over there.
See you on the Battlegrounds!
Every Tuesday, Thursday, Friday nights. All day Sunday. Saturday nights possible.
I play with 2 other guys. We're looking for an active Pvp guild!