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Epic Dungeon Problems

blfireblfire Member Posts: 1 Arc User
edited June 2015 in PvE Discussion
Okay I have like 8800 GS. I just hit level 60 I get it my GS is low. Why am I getting booted for every Dungeon? I am not Needing all of the runes, I am actually not needing anything because I never get the chance to need something because I get booted. Weather I fight 10 mobs or I clear the entire dungeon to the last boss I have only cleared 2 epic dungeons because I am getting booted. Like seriously how does this exist? Am I doing something wrong? I am getting really discouraged and starting to not want to continue to play.
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    nonameduunonameduu Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    There is a lot of greed in the game right now but it will subside. Don't lose heart. Use a mic and game chat and you will eventually find friends to run with so you don't get kicked all the time. Upgrades await.
    p.s Work on your campaign so you can get access to the good stuff.
    Scourge Warlock
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    wanderingkyngwanderingkyng Member Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    blfire wrote: »
    Okay I have like 8800 GS. I just hit level 60 I get it my GS is low. Why am I getting booted for every Dungeon? I am not Needing all of the runes, I am actually not needing anything because I never get the chance to need something because I get booted. Weather I fight 10 mobs or I clear the entire dungeon to the last boss I have only cleared 2 epic dungeons because I am getting booted. Like seriously how does this exist? Am I doing something wrong? I am getting really discouraged and starting to not want to continue to play.
    Just stick with it. You may not be playing the most desirable class but 1/3 groups won't care and will run with you anyway. Keep queuing! While you're waiting in queue - make some in-game friends or join a guild so you have folks to run t1/t2 with.
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    waffennachtwaffennacht Member Posts: 149 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2015
    Agreed, id say i get kicked just as much, but then i find agroup that wont kick. Sadly we couldn't beat the boss so i left instead of kickin someone else.
    Ill jump on that grenade instead of kickin someone else
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    devilslettucedevilslettuce Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    This is happening to me way too much! Most of the time I do the whole dungeon then get kicked right before the boss! Sometimes new people will join then I get kicked so I can only think it's them. Putting me off the game a lot as its wasting 20-40 mins play time and I've got nothing out of it..
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    respectpaysrespectpays Member Posts: 344 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    keep queing for ur teir 1 dg's til u get ur set once u have ur set teir 2 dgs be much easyer
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    ericterminatorericterminator Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    the problem is greedy people they want to steal you gear drop to sell for AD It happend to me lots of time on pc and xbox one. I got kick before even step foot inside the dungeons and get kick wen kill last boss. No chance on need or greed or loot chest cryptic need to fix this promlem or ban the gready peole who kick. It will be fix but the question is wen. just dont loose hope.
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    darkestxshadowdarkestxshadow Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    blfire wrote: »
    Okay I have like 8800 GS. I just hit level 60 I get it my GS is low. Why am I getting booted for every Dungeon? I am not Needing all of the runes, I am actually not needing anything because I never get the chance to need something because I get booted. Weather I fight 10 mobs or I clear the entire dungeon to the last boss I have only cleared 2 epic dungeons because I am getting booted. Like seriously how does this exist? Am I doing something wrong? I am getting really discouraged and starting to not want to continue to play.

    Welcome to to what i like to call gear score hell. your getting kicked for one of two reasons:

    1 - your gs is less than 10k
    2 - they are kicking you so they get better loot rolls.

    the 3rd reason would be that the xbox comunity sucks as its full of COD kids acting like well....kids.

    expect it to get worse now that most schools are out for the summer.
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    hickslive001hickslive001 Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Yeah i agree with you dude about the kids but also the older ones are the same way like a little child and then you have spaming problams oh this game sure to die because of this.
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    boscawenboscawen Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Hey OP,

    Look me up on XBL, AznNxt, I'll run with you and help you get up that GS. The kicking is absurd and I feel your pain. I don't mind running T1's to help people. Making 1k AD off loot is better than nothing or getting booted in T2's, I say. Hope to hear from you soon, If not, good luck.
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    atlas77777atlas77777 Member Posts: 143 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    I suggest you join a guild. Lots of guilds will take fresh 60s. Find players in your GS range and run dungeons with at least 3 of you. Finding a group to run with regularly is the best way to get ahead in this game (other than pay to win).

    We can't change the gaming culture if bad kids want to boot and loot. We can, however, make our own culture.
    -Rex, the Mad King of [Legendary Outlaws]

    "I saw you out there. I don't know what came over me, but I couldn't let you die. I found something inside of myself, something incredibly heroic. I mean, not to brag, but objectively..." -Peter Quill

    Rex IV Tact GF | tRex SS Rene CW | GT: G3TxxS0M3
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    t3rdf3rg3s3nt3rdf3rg3s3n Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    I'll run with you, too. My GS is just shy of 10k, and I *always* vote NO when a VtK comes up. Two things bug me, looting during combat, and trawlers (mob draggers), but I can live with the latter.

    GT: Nuke Regulator
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    birdsarcomabirdsarcoma Member Posts: 40
    GT: Bird Sarcoma

    Hit me up and I'll run with you.
    "If you only have a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail."
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    xxxsfalxxxxxxsfalxxx Member Posts: 133 Arc User
    Most people playing this game play for fun, and many enjoy having various groups of various types and gs so it's not the same thing every time. Not everyone though.

    One issue is the few who are not that, but are greedy (not helped by their abysmal easily abused kick system) or mean or petty or too young & inexperienced. Or are just horrible anti-social non-team poor-sport players that should go away and never come back because they mostly just ruin it for everyone else trying get their D&D on. Not that everyone has to be casual player, but some still take things far too seriously. The otherwise okay ones, not the the sub-human filth boot-n-looters who might even just kick you for fun right before you open the final chest after everything else is over sort. As if taking more than 45 minutes and getting less than x K AD out of it is some inefficient terrible waste of their time.

    Which partly leads to another problem, in that the suggested gearscores seem mostly just plain wrong. Well, unless the group is made of 5 people who are a correct mix of supporting classes, each specced correctly and each playing well individually both tactically and strategically. Otherwise, add say 20% to 200% of that suggested GS to the entire dungeon/skirmish.

    So all in all, there are those like me who don't care what your GS is and won't ever kick you unless maybe you are trying to get kicked by what you're doing. Opening the mimic chest in CN when I'm at 10% health and have burned my daily and artifact and encounters are down for example. :) What it does not include though are looting during combat, dying, it's the fifth time trying the boss, being my class, not being able to get past the lava field in Lostmouth. getting lost, needing to stop to fire off professions, being unsure of where to go next, making a mistake, because something purple drops. So you overestimate and a tentacle kills you while you're trying to solo the brain in dread vault. That's fine, I'll kill it myself. Why kick you? (Although eventually sometimes we might expect somebody who clearly knows they are too squishy to survive will leave, and I am not above giving a yes if we're never going to finish a dungeon and you've got a 3K gs) Sadly though, there are a number of players who will look at a gs and see 8k and vtk like that, or will just not like your name or your gauntlet dye. Ad when you find them hopefully it's before you get too far. And hopefully, they'll get rid of the ability for the waste of air looters to kick anyone like soon soon soon, because they all really need to be gone gone gone.

    As far as your GS in general, whatever it is, farm stuff at lower levels (dungeons and otherwise) for blue or purple with slots, do professions, open chests and kits. Find or buy for AD purple gear (in sets of two for best effect on your head/chest/arms/feet, and get one of the +25 for each in the AH) and put in enchants that support your main attributes (crit for gf isn't that helpful, hp and deflect are more so unless you've hit the points of diminishing returns) For enchants, less than 4 is kinda worthless, 4 is okay, 5 is good, 6 is better, 7 is likely far too expensive to bother with if you're looking for gs numbers alone and only have a set amount of funds . (but if you've got a few extra hundred k look into it lol) Do the campaign for gear. (Most of the stuff to buy from that guy is too much though). Feed stuff into your artifact weapon and artifact. Make sure all your companiions are max level for what they are and fitted fairly well (although mostly you want the green ones that give +110 gear score.) If you can make or if not buy the 50 or above shirt and pants with slots in them. Play PvP and save up to get the bloodcrystal artifact (and/or full set of middle profane gear if you want to play A LOT of PvP). And try and do things that get you max AD for the action, especially if you don't have time to do them all. Daily X during X time, with a focus also on if the Lord Protector has a daily for it too. For example, the PvP daily winand four daily matches with the LP daily PvP comes out to a lot of AD, plus the glory but takes about 45 to 115 minutes.
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    crimsunncrimsunn Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    Try to play with friends or join a guild and ask their help.
    Unfortunately there are a lot of GREEDY players out there. But luckily the majority of players are friendly and also good players.
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    draven165draven165 Member Posts: 255 Arc User
    Im kinda curious as to what Dungeons you are trying to run. If you are trying to run T2's with the bare minimum GS this is probably the reason. You really should run T1's and get your set before starting T2's. Now this is purely my opinion but in essence this is what T1's are for. So many people try to skip past T1 and have others carry them through T2's and it is very aggravating. Personally I think the T2 GS minimum is way too low and should require a full set of T1 gear before you can Queue. Again just my opinion. Other than that Yes Xbox One PUG's are littered with greedy twits that lack any respect for others. I quit running Dungeons for just that reason and wont try again until a REAL fix for the VTK system is in place.

    Oh and FYI you can buy a full set of T1 off AH for around 25k AD. I just bought the full sets on all my alts. ( I have one of every class and it was easier than dealing with groups LOL)
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    strictlyevilstrictlyevil Member Posts: 338 Arc User
    I prefer to skip straight to the t2's. Keep in mind I've been playing the game for quite a while and would recommend a new player to do the t1's. If you know your class well enough already, it's much easier to just purchase the t1.5 drops that drop from various t2 dungeons. You won't get a set bonus but the stats will be better than t1 gear. Usually only costs about 40k-60k to purchase all 6 pieces.
    Ancient 18.8k CW | Ancient Heals 18k DC | Ancient Tank 22.2k GF | GT: XGC Army
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    buschmaster54buschmaster54 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    atlas77777 wrote: »
    I suggest you join a guild. Lots of guilds will take fresh 60s. Find players in your GS range and run dungeons with at least 3 of you. Finding a group to run with regularly is the best way to get ahead in this game (other than pay to win).

    We can't change the gaming culture if bad kids want to boot and loot. We can, however, make our own culture.
    It is a generation thing, people being brought up without decent morals. All they know is playing games. They need to get out and learn some people skills. A tour overseas will teach them team work and drop all the greed. Greed over little sprinkles of stuff in a game is stupid to say the least.
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