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Soft Caps for Guardian Fighters

billyriz12billyriz12 Member Posts: 159 Arc User
edited June 2015 in The Guard Barracks
What are the soft caps for Guardian Fighter
Post edited by billyriz12 on


  • majnumbthumbs1majnumbthumbs1 Member Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Please someone explain a soft cap, am I slotting enchants I am receiving no stats for? I would like to know this too, are there and what are the soft caps.
  • zizoomzizoom Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    billyriz12 wrote: »
    I asked on another site and got this reply

    Power has no cap.
    Crit is like 3000
    Arp is 2500 or 42% resistant ignored.

    Recovery is around 3200
    Defense is 5 k...
    there are certain armor that will take you over the cap but is necessary running knights valor.
    Deflection is 2700 to 3000.

    He is asking for soft Caps, you are true in your numbers but some are hardcaps (Arp) .

    For a Guardian fighter proceed as follow :

    - Arp to 2200 for 17 dext (should give you -24% mitigation - enough for T2 bosses)
    - Def to 5000
    - Deflect to 2200
    - Power as much as you can (Grand Regent set helps a lot and gives a bonus that increases your GS)
    - Regcovery 3000
    - Regen 1000
    - Life steal 1000

    Critical is not intended to help us a lot so try to increase power or ArP with your enchants.
    You need a lot of HP when you get your defensive stats high enough so go for it with your enchants

    Hope it helps :)
  • zizoomzizoom Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Also, recovery is a great stat but you may not need to go that high if you follow the tactician path, think about it !
  • djionicsxb1djionicsxb1 Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Id like to know where your getting these soft cap numbers from? I have a completely different set of soft cap numbers for GF. So are people using old mod stats or what. Tbh I think it could be different for xbox one.

    Here are the stats I have used as you then start getting diminished returns. (from pc version)

    Recovery - 3800 (25.06%)
    Defense - 3600(34.31%)
    ArPen - 3600(28.52%*)
    Critical - 8500(47.51%)
    Life steal - 2100(12.73%)
    Movement - 3200(20.64%)
    Regen - 2100(12.82%)
    Deflect- -3200(20.27%)

    The % are what they do on there own before you add your own build stats that will show up further down on your stats. That is why I have tried to aim for them in order of preference. But if someone wants to give there details etc etc it would be helpful.

    Yes I know you only need to hit 2400 ArPen to do dungeons but there isnt any cap for PvP. Power isnt capped for any class. I am on the other hand a hybrid GF so I have hit the 3600 defence easy through armour/augmented without enchants and actually have 3700ish which gives me a 45.7% defence. When I weigh that up against someone who had 6k+ defence for only an approx of 55% defence I think it seems to be pretty close to the soft cap. I am now working on me ArPen and Power.
  • strictlyevilstrictlyevil Member Posts: 338 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Id like to know where your getting these soft cap numbers from? I have a completely different set of soft cap numbers for GF. So are people using old mod stats or what. Tbh I think it could be different for xbox one.

    Here are the stats I have used as you then start getting diminished returns. (from pc version)

    Recovery - 3800 (25.06%)
    Defense - 3600(34.31%)
    ArPen - 3600(28.52%*)
    Critical - 8500(47.51%)
    Life steal - 2100(12.73%)
    Movement - 3200(20.64%)
    Regen - 2100(12.82%)
    Deflect- -3200(20.27%)

    The % are what they do on there own before you add your own build stats that will show up further down on your stats. That is why I have tried to aim for them in order of preference. But if someone wants to give there details etc etc it would be helpful.

    The PC version is on Mod 6 which has much higher stat curves due to the increase in level from 60 to 70 so we are off by quite a bit here on Xbox.


    Check the link above. It will give you all the info you need about your stats and how they work with other stats. Some of this info might have been updated for Mod 6 but the general idea is still the same. Using graphs and calculations pulled from mod 5 and applying it to these standards will still net you the answers you seek.
    Ancient 18.8k CW | Ancient Heals 18k DC | Ancient Tank 22.2k GF | GT: XGC Army
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  • djionicsxb1djionicsxb1 Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    The stats I got where before mod 6 and we dont have mod 6 yet
  • djionicsxb1djionicsxb1 Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    As I said before show us your research or links to where your data is coming from and the mod etc etc. This will give a better guide on what is closest to what the xbox one is running at this time. As stated we dont have lvl 70 yet so any stats for that is out of the window until then.
  • boatmanfall3nboatmanfall3n Member Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited June 2015
  • strictlyevilstrictlyevil Member Posts: 338 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Diminishing returns for mod 5 affect everyone the same no matter who you are after excluding any buffs/debuffs or special feats. Simply studying up on a stats guide such as the one I posted which is widely accepted as the go to source for both Xbox and PC is all you'll need to figure out how you want to progress your character based on your needs. If you're just going for soft and hard caps you're going to need to learn how the stats work first.
    Ancient 18.8k CW | Ancient Heals 18k DC | Ancient Tank 22.2k GF | GT: XGC Army
    Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
  • djionicsxb1djionicsxb1 Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Yes I have that graph too but your stats dont weigh up what your saying as you can clearly see that 5k defence is well into diminishing returns as apposed to the 3600 that I have suggested and this is where the great debate is. You arent saying where you are getting the info that 5k this etc etc is what people should aim for.
  • strictlyevilstrictlyevil Member Posts: 338 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    For the same reason that I should slot much higher than the soft cap on Critical Strike on my CW if I have a P. Vorpal.

    The fact that you have started to hit diminishing returns doesn't change the fact that adding to the stat isn't still worth it over your other options. Defense doesn't have as harsh of diminishing returns as other stats by a decent margin. It is also worth more to a GF to slot defense past it's diminishing returns than something like deflect or recovery as they'll get more use out of it with their build than slotting past something like deflect or regen. One being because they have much more HP to make use of defense as well as because of the fact that of their options defense makes the most sense given it's use as a tank and it's lower diminishing returns than the alternatives.

    Those graphs are just meant as a general guide. "Soft Caps" and "Hard Caps" are nothing more than references and depending on the build, class and gear almost all classes have a stat or two in which it is more beneficial to build over the soft cap in favor of a lesser used stat even though the returns aren't as nice.
    Ancient 18.8k CW | Ancient Heals 18k DC | Ancient Tank 22.2k GF | GT: XGC Army
    Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
  • djionicsxb1djionicsxb1 Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    I here what your saying but it is actually better to hit a soft cap for defence then move onto something like deflect until you hit that soft cap. The reason is deflect works differently from defence and and is last in the calculation of damage done to you and it does matter. As a GF we get the max 80% defence with shield up so we will ALWAYS get hit upto a max of 20% with the shield but that is taken before deflect which can mean you can go past the hard cap upto another 10% (ie 90% defence 80 from damage resist and 10% from the deflect).

    So there is a fine line between going above and beyond the soft cap and wasting the points. Where I would say soft cap defence first soft cap deflect next and then if your still not happy go back to more defence.

    Anyone can do a build that means you go above the diminishing returns to become or to make themselves more suit a role that they wish to do within a certain team/play style. It does come down to your style of play. I prefer a hybrid GF that can still do things solo with ease (not time consuming due to no real damage output) that I have seen some GF builds because all they have stacked is 5k+ defence (infact even saw a 7k+ defence GF). You also have to take into account that guides are out dated and such, example a lot of old post talk about timeless armour being the best with stalwart (even though its tier1) as 2nd best. Where now people would argue that grand regent set of 4 is best now due to the 20% power depending on defence. I built a timeless hero set for the crit bonus instead so I dont even try to get or do I need to even think about having to get crit via enchants etc etc (even though the artifacts/rings/companions etc etc I have atm still give me 1.1k crit).
  • djionicsxb1djionicsxb1 Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    billyriz12 wrote: »
    This is what im running atm, help where you can it will be appreciated immensely
    Power 4214
    Crit 464
    AP 352
    Rec 2081
    Defense 5208
    deflect 2815
    regen 1352
    Life S 334

    Ok there your stats but more info would be greatful ie what you running armourwise rough lvl of your enchants (ie mainly lvl 6's) and what they are. Also what path have you taken and what is your aim in the game to be able to do. Ie Tank and buff bot or hybrid/everyday play/pvp'er. What companion are you running.
  • zizoomzizoom Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Defense can be stacked if youhave benefits from synergies around your build and your equipment.

    With a Grand Regent Set, with the feat that augments your defense efficacity by 15% and some feats that rely on your defense stat to scale, it can be very usefull.

    But don't worry, you can easily reach all of the soft caps and go beyond with a ioun stone, LVL 7 enchants and some artefacts.

    ATM I'm running Tactician with Grand Regent Set and a Ioun Stone and get :

    Power : 3800
    ArPen : 2150
    Critic : 900
    Recovery : 1500
    Defense : 5200
    Reflection : 2200
    Regen : 1000
    Life Steal : 1000

    And you can do all the content normaly. You won't rock the DPS but you'll be very resistant, keep aggro (ArPen helps there), and be able to self heal a lot !
  • daddygamesalotdaddygamesalot Member Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited June 2015

    I have all rank 7 enchants and some 8s.........my GS is locked at 14.2k and cant seem to increase it. can u post a pic of your gear and companions, etc
  • zizoomzizoom Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Gear :

    Grand Regent set full
    Enchants LVL 7 everywhere

    Rings + Amulet (full tuern Set (+ 300 bonus GS))
    Epic Gemmed shirt and Pants

    Artefact sword (audacity blue)
    Artefact belt (constitution blue)

    Artefact : Catalog (last lvl before purple) Water (purple), looking for lantern but too expensive :(

    Companions (not very usefull there but some more GS)
    Blue Wizard (free one)
    Green Priest
    Green Archer from the last event
    ioun stone
    Drake seal one (3% chance for poison)

    Don't forget the Tyrany of Dragons boons (+800 GS)

    Of course the ioun stone is the one I'm playing with to reach those caps with different rune stones here and there and some ring / necklace / icon to change when I drop better ones.

    That's all I'm thinking of, but if you want add me in game and inspect me if you need some ideas ! zizoom@zizoomone
  • atlas77777atlas77777 Member Posts: 143 Arc User
    Guys, I am seeing the same misinformation being shared between tanks everywhere. DO NOT STACK DEFENSE. It is extremely poor stat allocation. After roughly 4k def (basically t2 gear), radiants in your def slots.

    Once you hit 48-50% damage reduction, the best way to increase your EHP is HP. Period. End of sentence.

    I played a tank in wow for a long time. This isn't wow, and we are very different tanks than in most mmos.
    -Rex, the Mad King of [Legendary Outlaws]

    "I saw you out there. I don't know what came over me, but I couldn't let you die. I found something inside of myself, something incredibly heroic. I mean, not to brag, but objectively..." -Peter Quill

    Rex IV Tact GF | tRex SS Rene CW | GT: G3TxxS0M3
  • atlas77777atlas77777 Member Posts: 143 Arc User
    For the same reason that I should slot much higher than the soft cap on Critical Strike on my CW if I have a P. Vorpal.

    The fact that you have started to hit diminishing returns doesn't change the fact that adding to the stat isn't still worth it over your other options. Defense doesn't have as harsh of diminishing returns as other stats by a decent margin. It is also worth more to a GF to slot defense past it's diminishing returns than something like deflect or recovery as they'll get more use out of it with their build than slotting past something like deflect or regen. One being because they have much more HP to make use of defense as well as because of the fact that of their options defense makes the most sense given it's use as a tank and it's lower diminishing returns than the alternatives.

    Those graphs are just meant as a general guide. "Soft Caps" and "Hard Caps" are nothing more than references and depending on the build, class and gear almost all classes have a stat or two in which it is more beneficial to build over the soft cap in favor of a lesser used stat even though the returns aren't as nice.

    1. Try an EHP calculator- HP wins out every time.
    2. I dig your new sig
    -Rex, the Mad King of [Legendary Outlaws]

    "I saw you out there. I don't know what came over me, but I couldn't let you die. I found something inside of myself, something incredibly heroic. I mean, not to brag, but objectively..." -Peter Quill

    Rex IV Tact GF | tRex SS Rene CW | GT: G3TxxS0M3
  • atlas77777atlas77777 Member Posts: 143 Arc User
    zizoom wrote: »
    Defense can be stacked if youhave benefits from synergies around your build and your equipment.

    With a Grand Regent Set, with the feat that augments your defense efficacity by 15% and some feats that rely on your defense stat to scale, it can be very usefull.

    But don't worry, you can easily reach all of the soft caps and go beyond with a ioun stone, LVL 7 enchants and some artefacts.

    ATM I'm running Tactician with Grand Regent Set and a Ioun Stone and get :

    Power : 3800
    ArPen : 2150
    Critic : 900
    Recovery : 1500
    Defense : 5200
    Reflection : 2200
    Regen : 1000
    Life Steal : 1000

    And you can do all the content normaly. You won't rock the DPS but you'll be very resistant, keep aggro (ArPen helps there), and be able to self heal a lot !

    Your defense is way too high. Don't socket defense gems unless they're draconic. Trade out defense for HP.

    Consider 1000 defense vs. 4000 HP. The HP give your better EHP after 3800 defense. Period.
    -Rex, the Mad King of [Legendary Outlaws]

    "I saw you out there. I don't know what came over me, but I couldn't let you die. I found something inside of myself, something incredibly heroic. I mean, not to brag, but objectively..." -Peter Quill

    Rex IV Tact GF | tRex SS Rene CW | GT: G3TxxS0M3
  • atlas77777atlas77777 Member Posts: 143 Arc User
    billyriz12 wrote: »
    forgot about this post oops
    My build is as follows

    Grand Regent Full set, Gemmed Shirt and Non Gemmed Pants, Shore Set
    Dark Rank 7 in Utility
    Mix of Dark and Radiant Rank 7's in Offense slots mainly Radiants
    Silver r7's in Defense slots
    Blue Stone as active
    Other companions are Green Shield Madien, Purple Blacksmith, Battlefield Medic, and Galeb Duhr

    Defense- 5100
    Deflect- 2300
    Life Steal-900
    Movement- 700

    I went Tactican and i run Enforced Threat X, Into the Fray B and Knights Valor Y, Fighters Recovery and Villians Menance as dailys

    Read the above comment please about HP/EHP.

    Also keep in mind, guys, that your debuffs such as mark and plaguefire take arpen into account. Max arpen means max debuffs so your dps can smash stuff faster. Read Kaelec's guide for more in depth analysis.

    Don't disregard crit strike. If you're playing with high end dps players, you're going to need lots of arpen and crit to keep up. That's why I still believe Timeless Hero's is the best gear choice. Your power is worthless without crit and arpen.
    -Rex, the Mad King of [Legendary Outlaws]

    "I saw you out there. I don't know what came over me, but I couldn't let you die. I found something inside of myself, something incredibly heroic. I mean, not to brag, but objectively..." -Peter Quill

    Rex IV Tact GF | tRex SS Rene CW | GT: G3TxxS0M3
  • zachwhozachwho Member Posts: 100 Arc User
    I'm with ya on the armor pen, and believe it should be staked until you get to 24%, but I don't think stacking crit is a good idea. You can't get enough of it and armor pen, while also keeping your defensive stats, to makea difference.

    Get the armor pen, then go power.
  • xxbgffxxxxbgffxx Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    The thing is WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO DO? If you are trying to be a swiss army knife then mixing it all up is good but if you are trying to be "Tanky" then be tanky . Just my thoughts my GF has over 7000 defense and is almost 60percent raw defense. Yes this may sound extreme and no I do not kill things quickly,But I can tank down any dragon in the middle of a crowd make him turn circles if I like and stand full on in his breath shield down if I like and I do not see many others being truly tanky. No Gf will pull agro from a high end control wizard, cleric,or scourge warlock just the way it is. There are full on DPS builds out there and they are great as well. But this game wants you to do a specific JOB. So be a Tank. This means we stand there while others run away This means you put on knights valor and the cleric does not do his job cause you make his life easy and when you need him he will not be there/ This means everybody get to feel tough and Tanky when they are not. The life of a tank in this game is painful. I have spent 2 solid hours kiting adds in a circle and come away while my hands Red and numb because no one could clean them up. Jobs Jobs Jobs,,,, Control wizard Help us mister wizard kill those pesky adds, Go ahead you sneaky Rogues kill that single target you too Warlocks, Clerics Keep that cirle on the ground where we can stand in it ,Rangers please help out mister wizard and kill those adds. Great weapons fighter ...well now so you wanna be Tanky ? Get outta here kid ya just ain't got the stuff go help the rogue and warlock, please leave the Tanking to us The true "TANK TANKS" and sorry guys but if you are trying to be a Swiss army knife ...A One Man Band Then good luck but when you are really needed and the adds won't stop and people are on the floor ,Everyone screamin "Get em off me" Well you will be laying there with em thinking if only I could do my Job and be >>>>A TANKY TANK<<<< Well anyway thats how I see it and you will see me around in Neverwinter gettin tankier by the day/// Hi5 from BGFF
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