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Fixing these kind of lags should be one of the top priorities.

quspivquspiv Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,087 Arc User
edited June 2015 in General Discussion (PC)

Before someone will claim that it's my internet.

- I wasn't the only one lagging, my whole party got the same big lags and we are from different regions.
- This lag doesnt affect all instances, mostly specific ones at various time.

Instances which seems to be affected the most are:

- The Shores of Tuern Epic (Kessell lag very rarely compared to this one)
- Malabog's Castle
- Vallindra's Tower
- Epic Lair of Lastmauth

I have done several eToS and eCC and never experience similar lags there, though i must just have been lucky. My daily instances from Sharandar, Dread Ring, WoD or IWD dont have lags.

These lags happens every day. The only temporary solution is to either wait 30-60min for the lags to go away or start new instance and pray it wont have the same lags. Neither of these solutions guarante that you wont get new lags again + it forces you to kill the annoying trash mobs all over again.

No matter how great conent you plan to add to this game it wont help if it's lagging like this.
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  • rebellionstuffrebellionstuff Member Posts: 237 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2015
    quspiv wrote: »

    Before someone will claim that it's my internet.

    - I wasn't the only one lagging, my whole party got the same big lags and we are from different regions.
    - This lag doesnt affect all instances, mostly specific ones at various time.

    Instances which seems to be affected the most are:

    - The Shores of Tuern Epic (Kessell lag very rarely compared to this one)
    - Malabog's Castle
    - Vallindra's Tower
    - Epic Lair of Lastmauth

    I have done several eToS and eCC and never experience similar lags there, though i must just have been lucky. My daily instances from Sharandar, Dread Ring, WoD or IWD dont have lags.

    These lags happens every day. The only temporary solution is to either wait 30-60min for the lags to go away or start new instance and pray it wont have the same lags. Neither of these solutions guarante that you wont get new lags again + it forces you to kill the annoying trash mobs all over again.

    No matter how great conent you plan to add to this game it wont help if it's lagging like this.

    i started having it today also i didnt play yesterday or the day before but 3 days ago i had no problems and today i cant play we lost to the final lol boss 6 times because of it we had to kick the people we were carrying to get better geared players just to finish it and we didnt want to.
  • yokki1yokki1 Member Posts: 451 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    quspiv wrote: »

    Before someone will claim that it's my internet.

    - I wasn't the only one lagging, my whole party got the same big lags and we are from different regions.
    - This lag doesnt affect all instances, mostly specific ones at various time.

    Instances which seems to be affected the most are:

    - The Shores of Tuern Epic (Kessell lag very rarely compared to this one)
    - Malabog's Castle
    - Vallindra's Tower
    - Epic Lair of Lastmauth

    I have done several eToS and eCC and never experience similar lags there, though i must just have been lucky. My daily instances from Sharandar, Dread Ring, WoD or IWD dont have lags.

    These lags happens every day. The only temporary solution is to either wait 30-60min for the lags to go away or start new instance and pray it wont have the same lags. Neither of these solutions guarante that you wont get new lags again + it forces you to kill the annoying trash mobs all over again.

    No matter how great conent you plan to add to this game it wont help if it's lagging like this.

    people with pc and how the magic internet works know that it is not your internet. lots of people complain about lagging with different setups and different isps and yet some people like to respond with "get better internet connection". it is clearly nw's servers.
  • eldartheldarth Member Posts: 4,494 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    yokki1 wrote: »
    people with pc and how the magic internet works know that it is not your internet. lots of people complain about lagging with different setups and different isps and yet some people like to respond with "get better internet connection". it is clearly nw's servers.

    Um, without a traceroute showing the actual response time of NW's server it's absolutely not "clearly nw's servers."

    For example if you can normally drive to a shopping mall in 10 minutes and then during the day you are stopped by a traffic policeman and forced to wait for a parade to walk by you cannot say it's the malls fault for not having enough parking.

    You do realize there ARE internet service providers in-between your ISP and Cryptics that could (and probably are) "throttling" your connection?

    Follow procedures for traceroute here: diagnosing lag & rubberbanding

    ...and you can test for throttling with some tools here: MLab

    And believe me, I am a person "with pc and how the magic internet works" and know it may not be YOUR internet provider -- but it sure might be some ISP in-between.
  • neirgaraneirgara Member Posts: 334 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Let's assume, it is a problem, that can be solved by Cryptic.

    1. They already solved some problems with lag with the last patch.

    2. With todays patch notes they anounced some more lag-solving.

    3. I don't know much about coding myself, but from those, that do, I have heard, that these kind of problems in MMOs can be hard to track and solve.

    4. As there are still many many other players who have no problem with lag (for example because they don't play in areas where they could have some), Cryptic will have to address some other issues at the same time.

    You see, there is no sure indication that lags have not the highest priority, only that it is not their only one.
  • rlee1979rlee1979 Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    The problem that I can see is that there needs to be a tightening up of their network coding for packet transmits. We lag because the servers are getting the information or we aren't getting the information from the servers. While I understand that there lag on the server and there will be a certain level of lag on the server, there needs to be a look at the coding and get it tightened up so people can play in tolerable lag. The biggest problems of this lag are in the higher end content typically most often even though low level areas will get it too.

    Before there is a "have you tried this or I've noticed it's that" situation. My system is well beyond specs and I have had my cable internet serviced looked at twice to make sure that there were not other factors in the way. I have been playing this game off and on for years now and this has been the worst. I have been trying to run Valindra's Tower multiple times and while the lag settles in some places. It's completely a problem when trying to fight Valindra and she stomps you because the whole party is in limbo. Yes, it is happening to everyone that was in my party. So it's not the local side causing issues, it is the server side.

    Yes, I have checked my firewall and at some point turned it off BUT my whole party was experiencing the same lag at the same time as me. So is it because it is possibly be me? I doubt it. The only thing I'm upset about is that with all the investment into the game, I hope that there would be a situation where the lag wouldn't be as bad and allow the people to really play and enjoy the servers. With the people that do possibly invest into the game, is there a possible way that you can tighten up the coding so people can all play will little to no lag? It's a simple question that I know has a complicated answer but if the game remains unplayable or struggling in the servers, there will eventually be people that will turn away from the game in hopes play one that has less lag and responds as it should.

    I have played CoH and other games and don't let Neverwinter become like that. The lack of caring and attempt at care shouldn't be tossed aside. Take pride in the work your do instead of addressing it like a cash cow just doing the minimum to keep people around. I can understand that you all are working hard but just a little effort more with the coding and I'm sure you'll get it all straighten out.
  • sangrinesangrine Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 575 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    In game launcher --> Options
    Gameplay proxy = US

    I connect from East Europe.
    US proxy = best for me
    no proxy = sometimes good and sometimes bad
    EU proxy = always bad (the few times that I tried it)
  • bioshrikebioshrike Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,729 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    One thing they could at least try is to suppress power effects in the problem zones, to see if that makes a difference - only have them render in a very minimalistic way. If this implementation alleviates all or some of the issues, then clean it up and go with that...
    <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::>
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  • eldartheldarth Member Posts: 4,494 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Cryptic is not a mall, its service is all based on internet connection.
    Therefore, server's performance, reliability and connection quality are part of their serviCE.

    Since its an international online game, the server should response well on major ISPs.

    Telstra, a leading ISP is Australia, also has the lag problem when playing Neverwinter. While other games like LOL(NA), Diablo3 na, wow na dont have such problem.

    It is cryptic's responsibility to maintain a well tested connection, my ping result indicated cryptic 's server has 3~5 times latency compare to other online games.

    Aaaand your tracert shows that it is Cryptic's server that has the latency and NOT one of the many providers along the way?

    I know from MY machine there are SEVENTEEN network hops to get to Cryptic. Are you saying that Cryptic should be in the business of provinding major internet traffic backbone between itself and all customers? ...like the city mall should pave and maintain traffic flow between itself and your house? So Cryptic should purchase Telestra in order to connect directly to your IP address?

    Ping latency does not show where the latency occurs. Only that the particular path is congested or perhaps even "throttled" by one of those "major" internet carriers trying to extort extra fees from companies.
  • query523query523 Member Posts: 1,515 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    I know I play a lotof online games. I know that this is the only one where I regularilly experience situations like we saw in this video.
  • suicidalgodotsuicidalgodot Member Posts: 2,465 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    bioshrike wrote: »
    One thing they could at least try is to suppress power effects in the problem zones, to see if that makes a difference - only have them render in a very minimalistic way. If this implementation alleviates all or some of the issues, then clean it up and go with that...

    The render quality mostly has nothing to do with rubberbanding and slidesh-o-rama as seen in that vid...

    ...all that typically would be communicated would be the 5D coordinates (XYZ, facing, adn time in animation or effect duration...) of each object in your medium proximity - rendering is all on your machine. This can cause similar problems, too, if your hardware isn't really up to the challenge. Especially with those fragile lacey things some DCs put up and the resulting visibility-or-not-issues. But that would then be compensatable by lowering your graphics settings. Yet another story is running on a machine with too little memory - then getting stuff from the HD can cause freezes.

    The biggest fusterclucks IMHO arise when multiple AoE buff/debuff effects are active at once (and cross-buff each other, sometimes...) and people constantly move - in and out of these zones... ...and one of the players sits on a crappy ISP line (or has that too-small size-problem causing local freezes...), so his position is only intermittently communicated. Then the server gets all fuzzy while trying to see igf the buff from DC Arnie Angelos, which is higher, is affecting you, or only the slightly lower one from DC Bertha Believer. And also if those are currently buffed by another char's effect... ...endless cascades and loops can result. Now one player has a slow ISP response time -> re-send requests etc. get fired out, and additionally jam that poor sod's ISP line bottleneck => go directly to Spiral of Doom... That's the Tiamat or Zerg problem.

    A different story is that rubberbanding when running around the corner in Protector's Enclave or CK: There the texture data of all those players that suddenly come into view have to be acquired from the server, and probably also compiled before, and maybe the server then even verifies if player shingshangshong37353 has maybe changed the outfit of his character Luusi Goldspammer from Torn Vest to Battered Tunic... ...so then you suddenly get a burst of texture data. But in a fight in an enclosed space like in that vid...

    ...that the issue probably is not.
  • rlee1979rlee1979 Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    magenubbie wrote: »
    Then there's this: Explain to me how the only place I lag, rubberband or experience anything even remotely "laggy" is in Tiamat's (Most likely due to the number of players and effects playing in a short area) and IWD (we all know why that lags like a goblin's <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> deck). I connect to the same server. And with a reasonable certainty, I live quite a bit further from the server than the average American. Still, no problems here.

    I don't lag at all in Tiamat's, even with the size and amount of players that are there. Even in Icewind Dale, no lag on my end at all with all the people that are in those areas. Given I might rubberband a little but I don't lag out to the degree that only 2/10 strikes from my GWF only registers. At least there is registering in the other zones.
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